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2-yrs-old sleeps badly Page 3 of 15

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

We should allow things to stabilise.I am not judging the suitability or otherwise of Sulphur in this case.

But,the child having suffered with so much dosing,I think we should give a respite.

Lycopodium,that long acting medicine,which works upto 60 days,daily...I just don't know what to say..

I am willing to be taken to task,for intervening this way,but,there is a limit to "instinct based prescriptions".

I want to warn all patients and prescribers that unnecessary repetetion and frequent change of medicines,will do more harm than allopathy,and it is a fallacy to think that homeopathic medicines are safe even when they are abused.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Hello Murthy,

I gave Lycopodium during 11 days, but not daily. Maybe 8 times.

Now I've given Sulphur 200x twice. Last night he slept well until 2 am. I think the sleep was deeper than normally. His stool is harder than before (normally it is quite loose or mixed with hard and very loose).

The christmas is coming. There is automatically coming a break to our conversation. Maybe it is good to let things stabilize during this time. I'll be awakening you all again next week, ok?

I really hope my boy will find the right remedy. I am getting so tired of getting up 10 times a night.

About the 4-years-old: How long do I continue arsenicum album?

Maria&boys 2 decades ago

You stop even Ars.alb.Any medicine given should be allowed time to work.They won't work like magic.

Come back after Christmas.
We will review the cases afresh.

A Merry and Happy Christmas.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago

This info may help you.

Sleep problems

Generally speaking, newborn babies spend most of their time sleeping or dozing, waking only for feeds, nappy changes, and cuddles. By end of first year, most babies are awake for 8 hours out of 24, although they may spend 2-3 hours sleeping during the day; by the time they are seven to ten months old most babies, and their parents, sleep through the night without waking. Ideally, a baby should be allowed to sleep whenever he or she is tired, wherever that happens to be; a certain amount of background noise is no bad thing.

Most night-time sleep problems in babies under six months old are caused by hunger, so first resort should be the breast or the bottle. If this does not have a sedative effect, problem may be wind or a dirty nappy; winding baby or changing nappy usually does the trick. Discomfort of Colic or Nappy rash, or running a temperature, can also cause night-time grizzling. In the long run, taking baby back to bed with you, or giving too many cuddles in middle of night, may create more problems than it solves.

Occasionally babies wake in middle of night because they have kicked all their bedclothes off and feel cold; a sleeping bag or sleeping suit usually solves the problem.

Once need for night-feeding stops, around age of seven to ten months, baby should sleep through the night; if he or she starts crying, don't immediately rush in to give reassurance; he or she will probably go back to sleep within a few minutes. If attention is always given on demand, baby may start to exploit the situation! That said, changes in routine can be very upsetting to babies, and at such times they genuinely need extra cuddling and reassurance.

Specific remedies to be given every 30 minutes starting 1 hour before baby's bedtime and every 30 minutes if baby wakes; 10 doses is maximum
(I would say maximum 3 doses.)

* If baby has had a shock or a fright Aconite 30c

* Baby irritable and impossible to please, only stops crying when picked up and carried around Chamomilla 30c

* Baby too excited or overwrought to sleep Coffea 30c

* Baby who wakes crying around 4 am and refuses to be pacified Nux 30c

Self-help Make sure baby's room is warm, but not too warm (around 20°C [68°F is about right), and relatively quiet.

Baby should be woken up and given a late-night feed when parents go to bed. If baby wakes up hungry in middle of night, feed him or her immediately - if you are bottle-feeding, have everything ready you are likely to need. Give a proper feed, not water, as water will only temporarily allay hunger. If you find it difficult to get back to sleep, drink some chamomile tea - keep a thermos of it next to the bed. If you and your partner can take turns night-feeding, so much the better.

If sleepless nights are really getting you down, and baby is over 12 weeks old and going about 5 hours between feeds during the day, it may be worth leaving baby to cry for about 20 minutes before you take action; hunger crying is likely to continue, but habit crying will probably stop.

If baby sleeps through the night but wakes very early, best thing to do is change nappy and give him or her some toys to play with, while you go back to sleep for an hour or two. You could also try adjusting baby's internal 'clock' by making bedtime 15 minutes later each night until he or she wakes at a civilized hour.

Babies are very conservative and like to have a routine, so try to keep things in the same sequence and at roughly the same times each day. Avoid over-excitement in hour or so before baby's bedtime. Have toys and mobiles nearby.

This information is from www.Drlockie.com.

I am not suggesting any medicine now.I stick to atleat a week's gap.

These are some of the medicines most likely useful.We should have authentic information,supported by Materia medica,before we prescribe.

That is what I always look for.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Hi Murthy,

Excellent information....
magicure 2 decades ago
Hi Murthy,
Your information is very good. But I am not one of those helpless mothers... As well I am not those mothers who let the child cry 20 minutes if he is hurt and miserable. (tantrums are different).

The 2-year-old slept full nights his first 2months. Then this all started. We have tried to have so called sleeping-school twice (when he was around 1 year old). The father trained him just like we trained the first-born when he was a baby.
He was able to cut the awakenings to once a night.
All became worse last August: me moved abroad. Ever since he has been getting up dozen of time a night.
He sleeps good once in ten days.

I have really tried to think what is the reason. My conclusions are:
- the pacifier is so, so important. Also during the day; every time he hits himself or he is hurt. (he gets emotionally hurt easily). That pacifier has something to do with having something in the mouth. He often wants to have something in a mouth (a chewing gum etc)
- when he sleeps full night, then he sleeps exceptionally deeply. Normally he gets awake very easly to little noises, sleep is not deep enough. I think that is the point!

I keep checking those remedies you write. I don't see any of those suitable. Because
- I don't think he is shocked of frightened. He starts crying slowly and silent. The rest of our family don't usually hear it. After 5 minutes the upstairs will also hear it...
- he doesn't have to carried around. The pacifier is often enough. I take him to my bed because of me:then I am able to sleep a bit.
- He is not excited during the night. He is very tired.
- He starts waking up at midnight, after sleeping around 4 hours (the first hours of sleep are always the deep sleep hours, right?).

By the way, last night he slept until 6 am. Once he was crying "mama.." and stop immediately when got the pacifier.

Believe me, I have tried all the other things before I wrote to this site. (All the other, but not left the child to a separate room crying by himself...)

Let's be in touch next week. Merry Christmas to you, Sabra and Magicure!
Maria&boys 2 decades ago
I was concerned to note that in your last post you stated:
" He often wants to have something in a mouth (a chewing gum etc)".

I do not recommend that you give a 2 year old baby any chewing gum as there is the danger of his choking on it if it goes down and blocks his air way in the trachea.

I remember an incident that occured when my son now 30 years old, swallowed a Smartie when he was about 2 years old, which did not go down and blocked his breathing. As soon as I noticed that he was choking and in distress, I put him between my arm and chest with his head pointing slightly downwards and gave him a thump on his chest when the chocolate popped out.

It was fortunate that I was around when this indident occurred as the result would have been tragic if his breathing was interurrupted.
Joe De Livera 2 decades ago
Read last word above "Interurrupted" as "Interrupted"
Joe De Livera 2 decades ago
Hello everyone!

Last five days has been a miracle: the 2 year old has been sleeping better than a long, long time!

The summary of the treatment:
in the beginning of December I gave Sulphur 30x, twice a day, during 5 days. I didn't see any changes.
Three weeks ago I started Lycopodium 200x, once a day, maybe 8 dozes during 11 days. He slept well every third night, the other nights were worse than normally. He also had more gas and more burbing.
A week ago, on monday and tuesday, I gave Sulphur 200x, once a day, two days in a row. The stool became hard and sheep-like.

Last wednesday and thursday the boy slept until 6 am (two days in a row - amazing!).
On friday he slept until 4 am, then woke up at 6 am and 7 am.
On saturday he woke up at midnight, again at 3 am, but didn't cry (!). Last night, sunday, he slept also ok waking up every three hours.

At a same time the other miracle has happened: the pacifier has not been that important.
Before he was crying half an hour in the pushchair if I didn't have the pacifier. This weekend he has accepted immediately the fact, that I haven't got the pacifier with me. Just like that! (And now I am truly trying to "forget" the pacifier home).
Before he wanted to have the pacifier every time he was affended. Now if he gets hurt, he still won't ask it.

What kind of conclusions you make of this? Is this all because of Sulphu 200x?
I don't understand this: I gave Sulphur 30x twice a day during 5 days a month ago. It didn't have any kind of results.

Help me to sleep again until morning, please!
Maria&boys 2 decades ago
Hi Maria,

Great to hear about your son.
We will have to wait for a few more days before we draw any conclusions regarding action of Sulphur.
Now no more medicine.
Report back if you see ANY changes/ improvement.
Keep posting often as you always do. Frequent follow ups help a lot in deciding the course of action.
Do you see any change in his skin? appetite?
Good observation about Pacifier. Keep posting all such details.

Take care...
magicure 2 decades ago

I again repeat.Homeopathy is not like allopathy.

The cardinal rules are

The correct medicine

Least required quantity


Avoiding repetetion as long the medicine is working.

As I said already,some deep acting medicines won't show results till a week.Some medicines starts working even after a month.!!

If you become impatient,and repeat the medicine,you are spoiling the case.

There is a lot of theory behind all these rules,and you will get best results if you follow them.

Your child,most likely,will keep improving.You have to intervene,only when the improvement definitely reached a plateu.

If you continued dosing as you were doing earlier,you would not have got these results.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Hi Magicure and Murthy,

I understand you. I won't do anything by myself. Although I have doubts about his sleep: right now (it is 11.30 pm) he has been sleeping for two hours and already woke up once.

About the skin: there is one change in it. The skin in shoulders and chest is peeling off. (Same way when you have too much sun in summers and the skin peels off. Well, it is not summer now). What makes it strange is that his skin has never been dry up there, there has never been excema on these parts. The skin has been totally healthy on these parts.
I don't remember when I told you his excema is coming again. Well, it didn't. It dissappeared and skin is as perfect as he can has.

There is no other changes. Stool is still sheep-like. Well, one change is, but I guess it doesn't matter: he talks a lot! Only a month ago he was just repeating words, now he has improved a lot. Such a funny little guy!
Maria&boys 2 decades ago
Hello Magicure, Murthy and Sabra (where are you?),

My 2-yrs-old have been sleeping ok. Right now he is suffering from cold (nose is running, voice is almost gone, just a little bit of fever) and maybe it has been affecting to sleep. Last night he was crying about midnight, but then he slept until 6 am. That is good!

His stool is still hard. So hard that I had to start giving him plums and figues. (normally he has never constipation).
I gave Sulphur 200x 8 days ago twice. Is this hard stool normal? I keep wondering, if the pharmasist really sold me 200x...

I have been wondering about homeopathy, because I have been reading about it a lot lately. Many of you has told that homeopathy doesn't work like allopathy. I'd like to know HOW it works then?
Do you have answers to the following questions:
-Are you searching for constitutional remedy for him?
- Why there is a difference in potency? Shouldn't it be the same, if I give 30x six times than 200x once? ( I gave him Sulphur 30x a month ago during five days)
- He has been sleeping better during last week. Is it because of Sulphur? Is there any possibility that it is because of Lycopodium?
- If you find a constitutional remedy for yourself - is it the right remedy in every situation, or does the remedy always depend on symptoms?

I have always difficulties to accept direct orders... I always want to understand the causality.

And the last question: how do we continue on this? Do I still keep on waiting? How long?
Maria&boys 2 decades ago
Hi Maria,

1. Yes , we are trying to help him with a constitutional remedy.
2. Giving potency 30 six times is NOT same as giving 200 once. Because, homoeopathic medicines are energised or potentised medicines , so the QUALITY or POTENCY of the drug is very important. And it cant be equated with its dosage or repetation. Potency, and repetation are two different things.
3. Its good that your son is sleeping well for the past week. It is really difficult to say anything right now. It can be because of Sulphur.
4. The constitutional remedy DOES NOT depend on acute symptoms. It is based on your physical and mental makeup.In every situation ( For acute or chronic diseases, you have to find the most SIMILAR remedy. The indicated remedy can be constitutional if it matches all the symptoms, not otherwise )
5. Your last question: We should wait till he shows changed/ agrravated symptoms. Till then , we SHOULD NOT disturb the action of the remedy. Let it act.

I hope this helps.

Take care...
magicure 2 decades ago
I hope most of your doubts are clarified after Magicure's note.

If your son's cold doesn't resolve after a few days,come back.

You keep stock of the following tissue salts.They won't spoil the action of the homeopathic medicines.They can be used along with them,to take care of minor problems.

Ferr.Phos 6x
Kali.Mur 6x
Mag.Phos 6x

If you have Ferr.phos 6x,dissolve 2 pelllets in about 30ml (one peg) of warm water,and give him once every 4hrs,for two days.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Thanks for answering,
I appriciate that you are willing to answer these "stupid" questions.

Murthy! Did I do something wrong last night?: the boy was having a cough in the evening. He didn't wake up, but was coughing several times between 9-11 pm. I was worried that goes on all night and I gave him Pulsatilla. The problem is that I don't know the potency of it, so I gave one very little pill (it is only 1 millimeter big). After 20 minutes he didn't cough at all.
Hope this doesn't spoil our sleeping remedy.... I didn't know that you can't mix the remedies.

I don't know about the potency of Pulsatilla, because I bought it 7 years ago, at the time when I lived in India for one year. I was seeing a homeopath and he sold me a kit of different remedies. Most of them are correctly marked, but then I have these very, very little ones.

I have one more question about potencies: If this Pulsatilla (or some other remedy) happens to be a potency of 1M and I take only one very, very little pill - so what is the potency that I took? According to my mathematics, it should be milder than 1M?
The same question again: if I am supposed to take 5 pills of 200x. If I take only 1 pill - is it the same as I took one pill of 40x?

Maria&boys 2 decades ago

It is o.k. with Pulsatilla.Don't worry.

Now regarding potencies,1 pill doesn't make it less potent.In fact for most of us,who are not overly sensitive,it is the same if you take one pill or four pills.

Potency is not simple mathematics.Let me put it this way.

Say,you have a liquid potency of 30 strength.

Take a drop of it and mix it with 99 drops of alcohol,and succuss (shake ) it thoroughly for 10 times.It becomes 31 st potency.

Take a drop of this 31 st potency,mix it with 99 drops of alcohol,and succuss it thoroughly for 10 times.It becomes 32nd potency.

You keep on repeating the process,till you get 200th potency.

1M is 1000 th potency.

The dilution,and succussion makes the medicine more potent.So,200 is much more potent than 30,and 1M is much much more potent than 200.

There is a button to your left on this forum 'Serch forums'.Type potency in the space above it,and hit it.Read all the threads.

Come back if you have more doubts.

Now,regarding your question of Pulsatilla,it is a good follower of Sulphur,and hence don't worry about it.All medicines won't spoil the action of previous remedies.A few can work together.These are callled complimentary medicines.

As a beginner,you may not understand all these things right now.That is why we advise people,not to go for self prescribing.

But,as far as Puls.is concerned it is o.k.How is your son now?

All the best.Happy new year.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Hi Murthy,
My son's cold is better. His voice is back, no more slight temperature,no coughing at all.
But he has a lot of mucus (color is clear or slightly green) in the nose. That disturbs him.
I didn't give him the Ferr.Phos. Because of given Pulsatilla and because of he is better.

I have been trying to treat the insomnia (by myself and in this site) for one month now. I just realized that his skin has been better than any other time during his life.

His skin has had very bad atopic excema. No allergies has been found (expect the raw egg, but it doesn't affect the atopic excema, just gives pimples on skin, on the spots where the raw egg touches). The dermatologist changed cortison to a very expensive medicine-lotion called pimekrolimus (no side effects, but not as good as cortison). I haven't used this lotion for weeks!

The excema was almost coming back almost two weeks ago. His legs and arms started to be like sandpaper. But not as bad, meaning red, as before. Then it dissappeared again. Before in his life, the excema has NEVER gone away by itself, only by cortison/pimekrolimus.

Last few nights have not been good. I think because of the cold.
But in general I see the sleeping problem changing so, that now he wakes up at midnight after sleeping 4 hours. Then he sleeps until 6 am, but continues sleeping one hour more.
Before his whole night sleep was disturbed after the first wake up. He slept until 1 am or until 3 am, but after that he started waking up every 60 or 90 minutes.

I tell you this all as a summary. I am not quite sure what kind of information is the most important. So I tell it all.

I am very greatful for you all!
Happy new year!
Maria&boys 2 decades ago

If the thick,green mucus problem doesn't get resolved in a day or two,give him another dose of Pulsatilla.

Keep posting.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Here comes an update of my 2 years old son's sleeping. His cold is over and sneezing has not been bothering him for five days.

-saturday: he slept until 4.30 am. Deep sleep!
-sunday: he woke up at 3 am and 4 am. Ok.
-monday: we left for a short trip by car and slept in a hotel. The following night was the most terrible - he was crying all night long.
-tuesday: the second night in hotel (different hotel than night before). He woke few times during the night. Slept quite good and deep.
-wednesday: back at home. woke up around 4 am. I gave the pacifier, but it didn't help. He needed to come to sleep by me.

This first night at a hotel was a suprise for me. I have never thought that a strange place would disturb him so much. He doesn't seem to be disturbed in a new place (f.ex. today he was in the swimming pool for the first time in his life and just loved it despite of all the noise).
During the trip he also needed the pacifier more than during the week before.

I feel we are going backwards.... That is almost two weeks ago, when I told you about the two incredibly good nights. After that he has been waking up more or less.

The stool is still quite hard. But it is changing in a way that there is also very loose stool in the same diaper.
By the way, he has shown a little bit of the ability to live without the diaper. I wonder if the remedy has something to do with it?

Now I do have some questions about the potencies. I read the other questions and answers. I keep wondering HOW you know which potency you give?
F.ex. I was inquiering before about remedy to treat the herpes simplex on lips. Someone told me, that nat. mur. was the right one, but he had to increase to potency.

HOW do you know if the remedy is the right one, but the potency is wrong? I guess you know it because there is some help, but not enought help...But how you distinguish this situation about taking the wrong remedy? Isn't it so, that you can take a "wrong" remedy that is close to the right one, so it also treats a bit. Do you understand what I mean?

I keep also wondering about another thing. But I'll write a new question to the site so that everyone can answer it.

Hoping to hear from you soon - as always :-)
Maria&boys 2 decades ago
I don't think your son is relapsing.These variations are common.Wait atleast for a week.

Regarding your questions.

A correct medicine will have effect in ANY POtency,only thing is the duration of action is less with lower potencies.So,if the same symptoms are coming back,agin and again without any CHANGE,increase the potency.

There is a lot of difference between partially indicated remedy,and the similar remedy.

The problem with most of us beginners,is that we tend not to focus on the totality,but concentrate on single symptoms and try to treat them.

The indicated remedy for the single symtom,may palliate you,but won't cure you.Most probably it won't work at all the next time.

So,got the point?

If a remedy worked for you,use it again in next higher potency.If it failed this time,most probably,you may have to hunt for a new medicine.

If it again holds you for a longer time,continue with it.

This is not as simple as it sounds.No hard and fast rules can be taught.I am just giving you various possibilities.

This is why Homeopathy is called both a science and art.The science part anybody can master,with patience and diligence.But,the art part,only a few are gifted.However hard we may try we can't match them.Their thinking process will be quite different from ours,and that is why they succeed.

Vithoulkus is one such master.Try to read his books.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Hi Murthy,
I try to understand how homeopathy works. I have noticed it is of a "art". You must have a higher understanding of something else - I don't know what.

I'll post again next week concerning my 2- year- old.

I want to ask about my 4-year -old. Three weeks ago I gave him Ars Alb 30x, once a day, during four nights. I think it was the right remedy because the situation improved a lot.
Afterwards I have given him it once again, because he was sleeping so badly. Only one doze. He has slept well afterwards.

In general he is quite good. He is quite happy, not that tired anymore, sleeps good (comes to our bed at nights, though). He does tease the brother, but I guess that is normal.

BUT his eating is still odd: he refuses to eat meat. (Earlier in his life he has been the best eater in the world). I tell him he has to taste everything on a plate and so he does. And then he almost throws up... gets these reflections of votmiting...
The stool looks normal, but he has to go to the toilet several times a day. I find that abnormal, too.
He is also quite afraid of dark and shadows.

Do I have to give him Ars. Alb again?

Here is copy of my first posting on the 13 of December:
I want to tell now about my 4 yrs 4 months old son. He is keeping awake his father all night long. And in general he has bacome worse during this August, after moving abroad, and after he started French speaking school without knowing a single word.

He is a talkative boy, good with legos and puzzle.,
He is shy and timid (f.ex. if a stranger comes, he hids under the bed) but wants to play with other children.
He moves around the bed at nights, sometimes the legs are towards east, sometimes towards north, sleeping in all positions. He sleeps tighly under the blanket, but hardly ever feels cold. He hates too hot weather.
He stays never still, the legs are always moving. (But he is NOT restless).
Hates being on the stage, where everyone pays attention to him.
Asks more why-questions than other children.
He has always been hysterical type (specially when he was younger): starts crying and it will never end.
Gets angry when you tell him he can't do/have something. When angry, can't be touched. Otherwise gets really hysterical.
Gets up early in the morning, is unable to take a nap during the day.

During this autumn he has changed in a following way:
- during the night he comes to our bed several times saying he is afraid.
- he asks a lot of questions about death. Says he never wants to die.
- he is always tired. Especially at nights he falls at sleep immediately. (before he kept talking in the evenings).
- there is dark circles around the eyes (getting better after multivitamins).
- his eyes are not that happy anymore. (before his eyes were shining when he was planning and explaining things).
- his doesn't talk that much (before he was talking and planning something all the time)
-teases me and the little brother. When I tell him, he is not allowed to do something, he will surely do the thing. (not anything dangerous, though). He is a real pain in the neck sometimes.

5-6 weeks ago I gave him gelsenium, because he had a slight diarrea for several weeks. The diarrea stopped at that time, but gelsenium didn't cure the sleeping problems.

My heart cries for him. It must be difficult to be at the school without understanding. He must feel incompentent and lonely. He says there is a boy who keeps hitting him to stomach and I've seen bigger children not letting him play.
Despite this all, he has started liking school more recently. The first two months were difficult, although he stayed at school only 9-12 am. Now he wants some days to stay at school all day.

Before this autumn he was a really good eater: he ate anything. Just anything with good appetite.
Suddenly this changed. He tastes almost any food and says it is bad.
He used to love chicken, now it is bad. Now he dislikes all meat (well, meat taste here a bit different), and lots of everything else.

Maria&boys 2 decades ago

I appreciate your concern for your childern.

I am also a beginner like you,may be I have a little more access to different books,because of the software I have.(It has around 250 books.).Ofcourse,I have hard copies of another 100 books.

It is difficult to master this art,but one can keep on trying.Is it not??

Regarding your older son,let us wait for opinions of our more learned members.

I too will keep thinking.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Hello there,

I am getting really tired again. The 2-year-old has been badly last 6 nights.
-Waking up 5-10 times during the night starting from midnight
-The pacifier in the mounth all the time
-crying even if the pacifier is in the mounth. Nightmares?

Otherwise he is ok. I am the one who is tired, not him. He has not been sleeping well this year at all!
So ...???

No-one is commenting my 4-years-old. Maybe nobody else reads this chain? If you don't have an answer to this, how do I wake up the rest in this site?
My husband says he sleeps badly. Is up in the middle of the night, moves around a lot. His stool has also been quite loose and frequent.

I'm glad I'm not having more kids... The more children, the more problem, I guess.
Maria&boys 2 decades ago
Hello Maria,
I am new to homeopathy so don't have remedy ideas for you, but I have some information that I thought may be helpful.

My son had problems sleeping and sometimes still does. I was committed to not having him cry in his crib or bed either and he slept with us until he decided on his own to leave our bed at 19 months. I got a lot of support from finding info on the internet. Askdrsears.com is one place to look. Also pantley.com/elizabeth/
Elizabeth Pantley wrote The No Cry Sleep Solution. It is mostly for infants but has a section on older children. I noticed that she has a book coming out this year dealing specifically with toddlers and preschoolers. You may also do a Google search on Pantley or Sears to find other articles. Even attachment parenting may be a good topic to look up. Dr Sears also has a book called Nighttime Parenting that I have found helpful and supportive.

It sounds like your son is dealing with physical problems too, so I hope you find a remedy that works for him.

Also have you ever thought of the Bach Flower Essences? There are many websites on them too. Check them out.

lmhoopes 2 decades ago

Do you have access for any homeopath in your city?

If possible try that option.

on the net,we will miss many details.Perhaps,a physical examination of the child may be required.Could be crying due to colic also.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.