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fincke potency
can anyone tell me the validity of fincke potency.will MM potency of fincke more effective than CM potency of willmar schawbethanks
♥ gopal18 on 2008-05-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
CM and MM are different potencies. CM is 100M and MM is 1000M. There is no way to compare between them.
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
Dear sir thank you for your promt reply.however i would like to clarify that what you told me is known to me.actually there are different method of making homeopathic medicine like fincke method , swan potency karsakoff potency.generally the medicine available in the market is karsakoff question was what is the validity of fincke potency,is CM potency made by fincke method is as effective as CM potency made by karsakoff method.i think very few people know about it because it is not required for homeopathic treatment.
♡ gopal18 last decade
Different manufacturers adopt different processes of making the potencies.
The basic difference lies in the way a drop which is to be added with another 99 drops is isolated.
The hannemanian method takes out a drop physically from the previous solution into a new vial each time.
The Korsakoff method relies on emptying the bottle and using the drop clinging to the neck for making the next potency.
The fluxion method is more complicated. Some manufacturers don't succuss at all in between making the potencies, but instead use water jets to achieve the same purpose.
Each one of them vows that their own methods are effective.
The fact of life is the medicines from all reputed manufacturers do work despite the difference in their methods of preperation.
To compare one potency from one manufacturer with another potency from another manufacturer is futile as there are so many variables in the methods they adopt.
It is enough to know that a medicine labelled 10M may not be exactly 10M as per the Hannemanian methods, but that atleast the number of dilutions are more or less close to 10000 times and that some process equivalent to succussion is ensured.
These issues have been discussed many times in the past and many of us are aware of the details.
The basic difference lies in the way a drop which is to be added with another 99 drops is isolated.
The hannemanian method takes out a drop physically from the previous solution into a new vial each time.
The Korsakoff method relies on emptying the bottle and using the drop clinging to the neck for making the next potency.
The fluxion method is more complicated. Some manufacturers don't succuss at all in between making the potencies, but instead use water jets to achieve the same purpose.
Each one of them vows that their own methods are effective.
The fact of life is the medicines from all reputed manufacturers do work despite the difference in their methods of preperation.
To compare one potency from one manufacturer with another potency from another manufacturer is futile as there are so many variables in the methods they adopt.
It is enough to know that a medicine labelled 10M may not be exactly 10M as per the Hannemanian methods, but that atleast the number of dilutions are more or less close to 10000 times and that some process equivalent to succussion is ensured.
These issues have been discussed many times in the past and many of us are aware of the details.
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
Thank you sir for your reply
well i am sorry if my remark hurt you.actually i need MM potency and it is available in market in MM (Fincke).therefore i wanted to know the validity
well i am sorry if my remark hurt you.actually i need MM potency and it is available in market in MM (Fincke).therefore i wanted to know the validity
♡ gopal18 last decade
If you really need MM potency go ahead and use it. Personally I won't like to use potencies like MM unless I am hundred percent sure that the remedy choice is perfect and the potency selection is appropriate.
One shouldn't experiment with these highest potencies. If used indiscriminately they are capable of creating havoc even with the psyche of the people.
One shouldn't experiment with these highest potencies. If used indiscriminately they are capable of creating havoc even with the psyche of the people.
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
well i also do not use such high potency.actually i want it for an epileptic case. i have given the person cuprum met CM and the result is very positive.i have repeated it three times after a duration of three months.the problem is still persisting but to a very minute degree so i want to give MM potency
♡ gopal18 last decade
According to an article in the American Observer Medical Monthly (1881), the Fincke potencies are not comparable to the centisimal potencies prepared in the standard way. Roughly speaking, the Fincke potencies are 15-23% of the others, so a Fincke MM is actually just a little more than a CM.
Diderik last decade
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