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Arnica Montana:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Arnica and bloodthinners

My mom was in a very serious accident at the local YMCA. She was there for therapy for double knee surgery. Heading out to the aquatic therapy pool she fell into a manhole that was unmarked-usually it is a walkway, but they were doing repairs on the pool. She was turned to see who her therapist was and because the hole was unmarked and because it was usually a walkway, she fell right in. She fell 10' straight down, hitting pipes, stairs, etc. She ended up with 2 broken arms, 3 broken ribs, 2 broken shoulder blades, broken pelvis in 3 places-small hole in lung, kidney and a couple small bleeds in head-which they were unconcerned about. She never lost consciousness and is thinking fine, although, she is quite depressed and anxious as she can not move or use her arms. It was just an awful accident. My question-I did not give her arnica (which I feel terrible about) because they gave her coumadin for her surgery. They scared me and said that it should not be used. She is still on heparin-can arnica be safely given with that or should I just try to give her sympotym (sp?) at this point for the broken bones. I would appreciate any help I can get. Also, was thinking about Ignatia for the mental-depression and anxiety because of her predicament. Thanks so much.
  Hessy on 2008-06-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Arnica will help if given in a high potency immediately after the shock. If a day or two has passed and she has composed herself it may not help now at this stage.

Ignatia is for grief associated with mental suffering like death in the family, failure of love etc. It doesn't have much of a role in trauma due to accidents.

The best thing to do is let the surgeons take care. Staphysaria 200c given before going to bed will calm her down and give her good sleep.

Once the surgeons finish their job, you may think of medicines like Symphytum to make the bones unite faster.

gavinimurthy last decade
Thanks, Murthy. The surgeons are done at this point. She only had surgery on her pelvis and now has an exterior rod and belt holding it all together. She is complaining about a sharp pain in her hip which shoots down to her ankle. X-rays show nothing and I wonder if it could have be neurological. I think I might try the Symphytum at this
point. What dose do you think and how often? Could I give that with the Staphysaria? Thanks, again. It has been a rough week for all of us.
Hessy last decade
First start wth staphysagria. You can give upto 3 doses in a day. Continue for two days and report.

Symphytum has to wait till this pain is resolved.

gavinimurthy last decade

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