The ABC Homeopathy Forum
phos;ignatia;nux vomica
is it safe to take these 3 together?it's for depression/fear/panic....
i was doing ok wit phos 200 and ignatia 200, now my doc told me to add nux vomica 30 .. is this safe? I'mm not feeling right. i take them everyday... anyone l please..
♥ brick on 2008-06-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Obviously your doctor doesn't know what homeopathy is.
It is:
single medicine
similar medicine
minimum dose
He seems to be violating all three principles. Long repetition of any remedy is going to cause you serious problems.
he is prescribing Ignatia, which is HIGHLY inimical to Nux along with Nux , and Nux whixh is anti-dote to Phosphorus.
What this will do to you is anybody's guess.
Staying away from this homeopath is the first advice for you.
It is:
single medicine
similar medicine
minimum dose
He seems to be violating all three principles. Long repetition of any remedy is going to cause you serious problems.
he is prescribing Ignatia, which is HIGHLY inimical to Nux along with Nux , and Nux whixh is anti-dote to Phosphorus.
What this will do to you is anybody's guess.
Staying away from this homeopath is the first advice for you.
sameervermani last decade
You should find yourself a better homeopath, who understands the importance of single medicine , and is willing to take the pains to find the most similar medicine. It takes a lot of information to narrow down to the correct remedy.
And, then daily repetition of any remedy is not what should be done. First of all, more than a few doses of the same C potency in a case is asking for trouble. With C potencies you give a couple of doses and then wait and watch.
The beneficial effect is normally permanent under the correct remedy. If symptoms relapse under the correct medicine, they should be much milder. If the symptoms return with same intensity, the medicine was incorrect to start with.
And, then daily repetition of any remedy is not what should be done. First of all, more than a few doses of the same C potency in a case is asking for trouble. With C potencies you give a couple of doses and then wait and watch.
The beneficial effect is normally permanent under the correct remedy. If symptoms relapse under the correct medicine, they should be much milder. If the symptoms return with same intensity, the medicine was incorrect to start with.
sameervermani last decade
thank you. I'm understanding your point!
this homeopath is a commander and sir or whatever. i ll choose one that will work with me and not one who wants to sell products.
ty very much!
this homeopath is a commander and sir or whatever. i ll choose one that will work with me and not one who wants to sell products.
ty very much!
♡ brick last decade
hi. i took this medicine for 4 ou 5 days and 2 weekes after i am completely sick, i cant get out of my bed, what is going on? any help?
♡ brick last decade
Hmm.. this was kind of expected.. but now you can anti-dote with ONE single dose of Puls 6C.
Let me know in 3 days.
Let me know in 3 days.
sameervermani last decade
So now if you could list your current mental and physical symptoms here...
Try to be as clear as possible.
Try to be as clear as possible.
sameervermani last decade
country - Spain
Dob/Age - 27 male - 11/oct/1980
Height - 182cm
Weight - 66kg
Married/unmarried/widow - married
Qualification - MAE
Nature of Working/job/business/ - education / unemployed
1. What is your chief complaint (CC)? dizziness/anxiety
2. When did this problem begin? What happened in your life around that time? What do u think cause it? after taking paxil and diazepam 2 years ago
3. What aggravates the CC? (certain types of foods or weather,movement,light,noise,heat/cold,or anything else that you can think of ) - light, fresh air, people, being outside of home.
4. At what time of the day or night is CC the worst ?specify an hour if you can daytime
5. What symptoms can you identify the accompany the CC? trembling, irrational fears, unsteadiness, agitation, blurry vision
6. Which position do you dislike the most; sitting, standing, and lying? standing
7. Do you perspire a great deal? if so, when and where on the body >(feet,head,hair,armpits,etc)
8. What time of day tends to be a down time for u? daytime
9. What do you worry about how do you deal with worries? i worry about never getting through this 'withdrawal' situation.
10. Do you tend to be neater and more fastidious than those around you, more casual? no
11. Do you cry easily? in what situations . yes, when i remember the times i was ok with no health problems.
12. When you are upset, do you tend to tell a lot of people or keep it to yourself? keep it to myself
13. On what occasions do you feel despair? when i think to much about this situation
14. In what circumstances do you feel jealous? i feel jealous when i see people doing a normal life :)
15. When and on what occasions do you feel frightened ?any fears ?(darkness. being alone,altitude,flying,elevators - being alone, driving, going somewhere on my own.
16. What is the greatest grief's that you have gone through your life? How did you react? too much suffering going through withdrawal, nothing more.
17. What are the greatest joys you have had in your life? my marriage, meeting my wife.
18. In what situations do you feel the blues, depressed, sad, and pessimistic? when i'm alone and in the pits of withdrawal.
19. What bothers you most in the other public ?how if at all, do u express . not much, just the fact they«re normal.
20. Do you have lack of self-confidence and poor sense of self worth? sometimes-
21. Do you have any recurring dream? What is the dream? no.
22. What would you need to feel happy? physical and mental strength.
23. What do u do for work,(ideally, what would to you like to do ) . i was a teacher but had to stop due to bad withdrawal, couldnt function.
24. If you had an expected week from work, and 1000 what would you do? didnt get the question.
25. How do other people view you? i try to avoid other people. but i know they see me as a sick person. i was very popular a few years ago. i dont get out of my house now.
26. What would you like to change most about yourself?
nothing. just want my life back and do what normal people do. work, have a baby etc..
27. How do you feel before, during and after meals? How do you feel if you go without a meal? very anxious and dizzy.
28. What would you most like to eat (if you did not have to consider calories, fat, anything you have read about the right way to eat)? chocolates
29. What foods do you dislike and refuse to eat? fried foods.
30. How much do you drink in a day? Includes soda, juice, coffee, tea, milk, and alcoholic beverages as well as water .how much thirsty you feel? 1litre. im not thirsty
31. What hours do you sleep? Do you tend to wake up at particular time? Why? What makes you restless or sleepy? watching tv makes me sleepy.
32. Do you do anything during sleep ?(speak,laugh,shrick,toss about, grind your teeth, snore) i think i grind my teeth and snore sometimes :)
33. How do you feel in the morning? depressed.
34. No. of pregnancies, no of children, no of miscarriages, no of abortions - no
35. At what age did your menses begin? If you have gone through menopause, at what age? :)
36. How frequently do they (or did they) come?
37. What about their duration, abundance, color, time of day when flow is greatest; any odor or clots?
38. How do you (did you) feel before, during and after menses?
39. What medications are you taking at present? sometimes i pop in a victan )(benzodiazepine to relieve some anxiety, not daily
40. How frequently do you get colds and flu's?
41. Have you had any childhood illness twice, or in a very severe form, or after puberty? no
42. Have you had vacations since the standard childhood ones? Have you ever had an adverse or unusual reaction to vaccination? no
43. Have you had any surgery? What and when? no
44. Have you had at anytime (mention year); what therapy was given? no
A) Warts: where? When? How treated? no
b) Cysts: where? When? How treated? no
c) Polyps: where? When? How treated? no
D) Tumors: where? When? How treated? no
45. Do you tend to have any discharges (nasal, vaginal, etc)? color, consistency: no
46. Sensitivity:
a) Do you tend to need a smaller dose of medications than most other people? yes
B) Do you need fewer anesthesias than others, or have a hard time coming out of it? no
c) Do you tend to react to vitamins and herbs and/or need hypoallergenic vitamins? my body reacts to vitamins but not always. i take them for a while then have to stop.
d) Are you sensitive to paint fumes, exhaust, dry cleaning fluid, fragrances, etc.? no
47. Family history: mention diseases, causes and ages of deaths of father,mother,sisters,brothers and grandparents on both sides . nothing special.natural causes.
48. What else would you like to tell me about yourself or your condition?
said all :) thank you Dr.
Dob/Age - 27 male - 11/oct/1980
Height - 182cm
Weight - 66kg
Married/unmarried/widow - married
Qualification - MAE
Nature of Working/job/business/ - education / unemployed
1. What is your chief complaint (CC)? dizziness/anxiety
2. When did this problem begin? What happened in your life around that time? What do u think cause it? after taking paxil and diazepam 2 years ago
3. What aggravates the CC? (certain types of foods or weather,movement,light,noise,heat/cold,or anything else that you can think of ) - light, fresh air, people, being outside of home.
4. At what time of the day or night is CC the worst ?specify an hour if you can daytime
5. What symptoms can you identify the accompany the CC? trembling, irrational fears, unsteadiness, agitation, blurry vision
6. Which position do you dislike the most; sitting, standing, and lying? standing
7. Do you perspire a great deal? if so, when and where on the body >(feet,head,hair,armpits,etc)
8. What time of day tends to be a down time for u? daytime
9. What do you worry about how do you deal with worries? i worry about never getting through this 'withdrawal' situation.
10. Do you tend to be neater and more fastidious than those around you, more casual? no
11. Do you cry easily? in what situations . yes, when i remember the times i was ok with no health problems.
12. When you are upset, do you tend to tell a lot of people or keep it to yourself? keep it to myself
13. On what occasions do you feel despair? when i think to much about this situation
14. In what circumstances do you feel jealous? i feel jealous when i see people doing a normal life :)
15. When and on what occasions do you feel frightened ?any fears ?(darkness. being alone,altitude,flying,elevators - being alone, driving, going somewhere on my own.
16. What is the greatest grief's that you have gone through your life? How did you react? too much suffering going through withdrawal, nothing more.
17. What are the greatest joys you have had in your life? my marriage, meeting my wife.
18. In what situations do you feel the blues, depressed, sad, and pessimistic? when i'm alone and in the pits of withdrawal.
19. What bothers you most in the other public ?how if at all, do u express . not much, just the fact they«re normal.
20. Do you have lack of self-confidence and poor sense of self worth? sometimes-
21. Do you have any recurring dream? What is the dream? no.
22. What would you need to feel happy? physical and mental strength.
23. What do u do for work,(ideally, what would to you like to do ) . i was a teacher but had to stop due to bad withdrawal, couldnt function.
24. If you had an expected week from work, and 1000 what would you do? didnt get the question.
25. How do other people view you? i try to avoid other people. but i know they see me as a sick person. i was very popular a few years ago. i dont get out of my house now.
26. What would you like to change most about yourself?
nothing. just want my life back and do what normal people do. work, have a baby etc..
27. How do you feel before, during and after meals? How do you feel if you go without a meal? very anxious and dizzy.
28. What would you most like to eat (if you did not have to consider calories, fat, anything you have read about the right way to eat)? chocolates
29. What foods do you dislike and refuse to eat? fried foods.
30. How much do you drink in a day? Includes soda, juice, coffee, tea, milk, and alcoholic beverages as well as water .how much thirsty you feel? 1litre. im not thirsty
31. What hours do you sleep? Do you tend to wake up at particular time? Why? What makes you restless or sleepy? watching tv makes me sleepy.
32. Do you do anything during sleep ?(speak,laugh,shrick,toss about, grind your teeth, snore) i think i grind my teeth and snore sometimes :)
33. How do you feel in the morning? depressed.
34. No. of pregnancies, no of children, no of miscarriages, no of abortions - no
35. At what age did your menses begin? If you have gone through menopause, at what age? :)
36. How frequently do they (or did they) come?
37. What about their duration, abundance, color, time of day when flow is greatest; any odor or clots?
38. How do you (did you) feel before, during and after menses?
39. What medications are you taking at present? sometimes i pop in a victan )(benzodiazepine to relieve some anxiety, not daily
40. How frequently do you get colds and flu's?
41. Have you had any childhood illness twice, or in a very severe form, or after puberty? no
42. Have you had vacations since the standard childhood ones? Have you ever had an adverse or unusual reaction to vaccination? no
43. Have you had any surgery? What and when? no
44. Have you had at anytime (mention year); what therapy was given? no
A) Warts: where? When? How treated? no
b) Cysts: where? When? How treated? no
c) Polyps: where? When? How treated? no
D) Tumors: where? When? How treated? no
45. Do you tend to have any discharges (nasal, vaginal, etc)? color, consistency: no
46. Sensitivity:
a) Do you tend to need a smaller dose of medications than most other people? yes
B) Do you need fewer anesthesias than others, or have a hard time coming out of it? no
c) Do you tend to react to vitamins and herbs and/or need hypoallergenic vitamins? my body reacts to vitamins but not always. i take them for a while then have to stop.
d) Are you sensitive to paint fumes, exhaust, dry cleaning fluid, fragrances, etc.? no
47. Family history: mention diseases, causes and ages of deaths of father,mother,sisters,brothers and grandparents on both sides . nothing special.natural causes.
48. What else would you like to tell me about yourself or your condition?
said all :) thank you Dr.
♡ brick last decade
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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.