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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Chronic Urticaria

i have suffered from chronic urticaria for the last 3 years and i'm currently housebound and have been for nearly 2 years.

My urticaria - anything can bring it on like feeling overwhelmed, embaressed, scared, anxiety, but heat is the biggest factor.
i cant sweat at all apart from my arm pits and have been like this since the beginning. the urticaria itself occurs from head to toe and looks like nettle stings.

I have previously tried some homeopathic medicine but it stopped working after 2 weeks, and i just gave up. but now i feel its time to give it another go, as this is getting ridicilous.

can anyone advise me on what to do and take?

kind regards
  DanielHowie on 2008-06-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
sulphur 30c one dose morning for 3 days report for further advise j k mohla
akshaymohl last decade
What medicines you used for it earlier. whether it aggrv. from heat or cold.

dr. mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
i cant remember exactly what ones, but there was 3 of them one was u. urens and another i think was psorinum and also rhus tox.

the heat tends to make it worse but it comes out at anytime during the day or night.

kind regards


p.s thanks for the recommendation akshaymohl, will just wait and see what other people have to say.
DanielHowie last decade
dear patient,
dr. mohl is correct, please try sulpher and report after 3 days for further advice.

dr. mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade

I too suffered like you, but then i got used to it i chose to not let it put me down...however i dont get it as bad as i use to only time i do get it is when i have a cold or a flu....the cures i found that worked were telefast tablets from doctors, Bioforce A.Vogel Urtica with 1/4 of water every 4 hours mixed with Nature's Answer Livertone Complex 30 ml which i buy online or from health shop try this let me know jiten19.hotmail.com
jiten19 last decade

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