The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Kind attn plz - hair loss - male pattern baldness
Dear Dr. Kumar,I have lot of hair loss in front as well as on top of my head and lot of itching in scalp. My hair is of oily type hair. I have to put shampoo everyday and wash otherwise my hair becomes sticky and scalp starts itching. My father, uncle, and grandfather have baldness. about two years back, I have tried Dr. Batras medicines for one yaer with very less or no improvement. I have tried scalptone tablets. as soon as I started taking this tablet, my scalp started itching a lot and then I had to stop the medicine. can you please suggest some medicine so that my hairloss stops or at least decreases. I am desperately waiting for your reply.
thanking you,
seetaram_nh on 2008-06-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
♡ deoshlok last decade
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