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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Please help: Severe dandruff

Dear Doctor,

I have severe dandruff from last 17 years. Started with hair then to eyebrow and slowly to chest, mustache, nose, beard and face.

I have taken few homeopath medicines but not fruitful (do not remember the names of medicines).

Please suggest medicine. My details:

1. Age: 32, 60kgs, 5.5 feet
2. Male
3. India
4. Software engineer
5. Other problems: gastrics, heartburn
6. Get tensed about things quite fast
7. Skin type dry. 5 years ( before marriage) it was oily, specially face. At that time there was no dandruff on the face, except little on eyebrow.
8. I drink plenty water, take proper food. No constipation.
9. Anti dandruff Shampoo works just for 1-2 days. After that scales and dandruff comes back. Get blood if I try to remove dandruff on head, chest or mushtache with nails
10. No alcohal,smoke, tabocco etc
11. No typical habit like nail biting etc.
12. Calm person, sometimes confused in decion making
13. I care for my family a lot.
14. Sometimes my BP increases.
15. My father has BP. No other family medical problem
16.Sweat normal - more in trunks
17. No food allergy.
18. I like sweet as well as spicy food but try to avoid oily and spicy food due to gastric and heartburn problem.
19.Hunger - Normal.
20. bad dreams - Fail in exam, late to examination hall (not very frequently - 4,5 times a year)
21. Get sleep fast. Sometimes disturbed sleep due to my kid. Sleep for 8 hours in night. Sometimes 30 mins in day too
22. Take once or twice tea/coffee per day.
23. No connection of dandruff to any past disease but 6 months back I underwent Hernia repair surgery and the dandruff in beard (chin area) came soon after that.
24. Not much of hairfall but hairline had receeded a bit
25. Nothing in particular ( like food, time of the day) which increases dandruff.
26. Sweating increases itching - and makes the area patchy red espically chest.
27. Emotionally, I fear of dandruff covering all my face.
28. Not much of physical activity.
29. Normal sex appetite
Please advice.

  amukihsa on 2008-06-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
also read:

girilal last decade
Thanks a lot Dr. kuldeep. I will try Phytolacca Berry 30 - 2 drops twice a day for a week and let you know the result.

amukihsa last decade
I am not getting Phytolacca Berry 30 in shop But I am getting mother tinture of the Phytolacca Berry. Are both same? Can I take 2 drops twice a day of mother tinture itself?

I am also getting Phytolacca Berry 30 20%w/w slimming medicine from SBL in tablet form. Is it ok to this this for dandruff?

I am also getting Phytolacca Deca 30. Please let me know which one is the best for dandruff?

amukihsa last decade
you should take Acid Flour- 200 1 dose daily at morning for 5 days & wait for 2weeks
dr_biswa last decade

I tried Phytolacca Deca 30 for around 10 days (2 drops 2 times). It worked very well for first 3-4 days but after that dandruff has increased. Please suggest.

amukihsa last decade

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