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Severe seperation anxiety in toddler??
I have a child who is 3, tall and quite thin but looks healthy, a pre-schooler who suffers with severe anxiety seperation. She had a traumatic start to life, spending alot of it in hospital due to GERD. Some family problems (now resolved) which she also picked up recently due to her hypersensitive nature (as is mine) Apetite is very low, minimal, cravings are for her formula milk (one of those vanilla milk mixes for toddlers to 10 yrs) and sausages!Main concern seperation anxiety, she is majorly clingy to mummy, especially since baby brother arrived (a year ago!!)
I have tried a few remedies but nothing really working! I'm at a loss, she begins kindergarten 'school' in the fall and I'd like to get her vital force upped before then otherwise I really don't see how I'm going to be able to leave her. Whenever I leave she has a tantrum, screaming etc. works herself up into such a state nothing can soothe but mummy going back to her. She is already saying she doesn't like school and she's never been! I would say she's hypersensitive, like her mummy, she needs wet dose of any remedy, if not even split dose, otherwise aggravation goes into 3 days or so. She is good when she's good and baaaad when bad! Bossy with little brother, hits him but at times she will hug and play with him. When she's tired she's irritable and just wants mummy and milky.. still 'acts' as a baby, copies her brother and makes same noises he does. I don't suppress any of it I just try to ignore this stuff. She is otherwise bright, very switched on but as I said sensitive to her surroundings and only feels 'safe' with certain people.
I realise seperation anxiety is normal in all toddlers especially going to school for first time but if you can't even get them as far as the door with physical force then it's a problem, she's seemed traumatised whenever I have left her in a small crowd of children even for 30 mins max.
She has fear of creep crawlies and sometimes going to bed alone but once settled she sleeps through most nights.
Anyone got any ideas for something that might help boost her.. I was thinking of cell salts to boost her generally as she doesn't eat, picks that is all. I have posted re. my daughter before but this is getting worse not better and school days are not far off!! What remedy may help??
Thanks so much.
desertrose on 2008-07-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
try KALI PHOS 6X thrice a day for some 2 weeeks and see the difference.
♡ rishimba last decade
Thanks much Rishimba for the help with her case taking, it's certainly close fit for the seperation anxiety issue and in some areas of her nature.
Really appreciate your time.
Could I just clarify doses.. Nat Phos 6X 3x p/day every day for 14 days (is that right?!) I have never used an X potency before I realise its lesser than the centesimal doses I've used, but even with 6c dosage she seems to aggravate after a few doses. Is that much quantity of the Nat phos going to aggravate do you think? I guess I should just go ahead and stop if aggravation occurs right??
Really appreciate your time.
Could I just clarify doses.. Nat Phos 6X 3x p/day every day for 14 days (is that right?!) I have never used an X potency before I realise its lesser than the centesimal doses I've used, but even with 6c dosage she seems to aggravate after a few doses. Is that much quantity of the Nat phos going to aggravate do you think? I guess I should just go ahead and stop if aggravation occurs right??
desertrose last decade
Hi Rishimba,
picked up the Kali Phos 6X Biochemic Remedy. I noted that these are in tablet form? I gave 2 of them to my daughter but she spat them out because of the texture of them so obviously she won't be able to take them dry and she is a suspicious sort (toddlers are clever!) so if I were to tell her to take a teaspoon of water a day (i.e. the diluted version) she would probably refuse.
How about I give it to her in a 6c dose? She loves taking the round pellets! If it's kali phos 6c then how often would I dose her with this?
Thanks, in anticipation! Rose
picked up the Kali Phos 6X Biochemic Remedy. I noted that these are in tablet form? I gave 2 of them to my daughter but she spat them out because of the texture of them so obviously she won't be able to take them dry and she is a suspicious sort (toddlers are clever!) so if I were to tell her to take a teaspoon of water a day (i.e. the diluted version) she would probably refuse.
How about I give it to her in a 6c dose? She loves taking the round pellets! If it's kali phos 6c then how often would I dose her with this?
Thanks, in anticipation! Rose
desertrose last decade
Hi Rishimba
I got the kali phos 6c and have given my daughter 3 doses today, she had major tantrum again this afternoon (tiredness usually precipitates). Her apetite hasn't changed yet, nothing has yet. But my question is.. should I continue with this kali phos 6c ? She will not take the 6X because they are in tablet form.
Thanks, Rose
I got the kali phos 6c and have given my daughter 3 doses today, she had major tantrum again this afternoon (tiredness usually precipitates). Her apetite hasn't changed yet, nothing has yet. But my question is.. should I continue with this kali phos 6c ? She will not take the 6X because they are in tablet form.
Thanks, Rose
desertrose last decade
if you feel that there has been an aggravation after 3 doses of 6c on a single day, please stop any further doses till the mentals come back to normal.
try the wet doses of 6x tablets and see if there is an aggravation. make it thrice a day for a week and report.
try the wet doses of 6x tablets and see if there is an aggravation. make it thrice a day for a week and report.
♡ rishimba last decade
Thanks Rishimba,
I noted improvement in her mental state today, not apetite or anything else just more stable and brighter, until late afternoon!I would like therefore to pick up with the 6X wet dose for a few days as you said.
Please can you clarify for the wet dose.. Can I use 2 tablets of the 6X in 500ml bottle sring water and keep same bottle in fridge for the week of dosing at 3 x per day? I would then shake bottle 7-8 times before giving 1 tspn from the bottle for each dose. Is this ok?? (I know some people would rather a fresh bottle be made up for each dose but I've read up on wet doses myself and from sheer experience found this to be most effective for myself as I'm also hypersensitive!)
Many thanks again, Rose
I noted improvement in her mental state today, not apetite or anything else just more stable and brighter, until late afternoon!I would like therefore to pick up with the 6X wet dose for a few days as you said.
Please can you clarify for the wet dose.. Can I use 2 tablets of the 6X in 500ml bottle sring water and keep same bottle in fridge for the week of dosing at 3 x per day? I would then shake bottle 7-8 times before giving 1 tspn from the bottle for each dose. Is this ok?? (I know some people would rather a fresh bottle be made up for each dose but I've read up on wet doses myself and from sheer experience found this to be most effective for myself as I'm also hypersensitive!)
Many thanks again, Rose
desertrose last decade
i would suggest you to make the mix everyday morning in a 500 ml bottle by adding some 2 to 3 tablets. dissolve the tablets by thumping the bottom of the bottle on the palm at least 20 times.
thump it on your palm at least 10 times each time before you take out 2 teaspoons of water out of it.
thump it on your palm at least 10 times each time before you take out 2 teaspoons of water out of it.
♡ rishimba last decade
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