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I have been diagnosed with sarcoidosis 10Sarcoidosis 1sarcoidosis 3Any homeopath here experienced in treating Sarcoidosis 1sarcoidosis 1SARCOIDOSIS 1


The ABC Homeopathy Forum


I have recently been diagnosed with Sarcoidosis of the lungs. The only symptoms I have are enlarged lymph nodes in the chest and a dry cough that seems to be getting worse. I also have coronary artery disease, having 5 angioplasties this year. Can you help?

Barbara Medart
  Barb on 2003-11-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
we have to look at entire picture.(include emotional, mental)
For your general symptoms you can try
Sulfur 12C 2-3x daily for 14 days may be of help.
rtsZ 2 decades ago
Has anybody that has been diagnosed with sarcoid taken ADD drugs when they were younger like cylert or ritilan
Bigwillyz21 2 decades ago
meanwhile Barb could you tell us more about yourself?

Sarcoidosis -angioplasty-are the name of disease and procedure-we need symptoms=the way your body reacts.

Lymph nodes in the chest? where?
enlarged-how long? Anything happened in your life at that time?
dry cough-what triggers it? Anything makes it worse/better?

Could you descibe your tongue? your throat-is it itching?Any sensations - any aversions or cravings?

What angers you most?
are yo generally a chilly or a warrm person?What weather you like the best/the worst"?
Any time of the day? season?
Astra2012 2 decades ago
your thirst?apetite?
Astra2012 2 decades ago
i have 1 of the worst cases they have ever seen. total body arthritus. extreme weight loss. I almost died last year. I started getting better with steroid treatments but started getting sick again back in febuary and still have yet to recover. I am presently on humara injections still on steroids and i take some other rhematoid medications. The lympnodes in my chest were how i was diagnosed after they went in my chest.
Bigwillyz21 2 decades ago
I think it is way too serious for the on-line "treatment"

At least not as primary- you need constant medical supervision-although I believe you may gradually get yourself healthy -and free of allopathic help.

before adding homeopathic treatment to your regime make some changes in your lifestyle.
1. your diet: are you sure you eat nutrient and not toxins? Eat organic!
At least once a day eat lowfat cottage cheese mixed with flaxseeds oil (barlean's, high lignan)-all organic-read about it in thread"fatty liver-permanent cure" here, or by typng "johanna budwig" in the search engine).

2. drink AT LEAST 10 glasses of pure spring water

3.revise how do you deal with stress. Can you relax? Do you meditate, do yoga etc

4. spend as much time as you can in open air, with nature (forests, ocean etc)

Can you make these adjustments?
Astra2012 2 decades ago
to #2-a day!
Astra2012 2 decades ago
yes definatly but i read and experianced sunlight is bad for people with sarcoid in inflames everything so i have pretty much become a vampire doing what i have to do at night. Im reading the book "Natural cures they dont want you to know about" By Kevin Trudeau which is a great book for people that havent had much luck with drugs treating there illness. The book will make you think
Bigwillyz21 2 decades ago
I heard great things about that book! I saw and listened to K. Trudeau -also to
dr. Lorraine Day, MD who cured herself of cancer and wrote "cancer doesn't scare me anymore"-very interesting people!dr Day makes the suggestions I listed in my other post-I have no idea about sunlight in s. - maybe just keep windows open?

You'll probably do not find many (if any) fans of drugs/surgeries here.
Astra2012 2 decades ago
In amazon.com I read not-so-flattering reviews of K.T. latest book --I don't think I'm going to buy it after all.

This is not to say that all he rites is wrong.
Astra2012 2 decades ago

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