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Lycopodium Clavatum:


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Hair becomes grey - Lycopodium Clavatum


does anybody have any experiance with taking Lycopodium Clavatum for stopping hair getting grey?

  petramal on 2004-12-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
It is unfortunate that we seldom get back any reports of success or not. We have to assume that it was not successful or surely someone would be talking about it. Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago
Lycopodium is specific for pre-mature greying of hair.

One dose in high potency is sufficient for 3 weeks to a month.

Another one is Acid Phos.

Just try to match the constitutional symptoms as well.

How is your eye problem???

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
for SABRA: Hi Sabra, I'm sorry if I hurt you in any way. I think it's just the opposite - people stop visiting these pages and stop to communicate when they get well. It's not very nice but in most cases it means that someone is feeling better. I was communicating a lot with Pankaj Varma by emails, I was taking some remedies I think what helped me the best are the following things:
1)I practiced tai chi so I got more relaxed
2)I reduced stress, avoided stressy situations, stopped worrying about some things
3)I stopped being furious and angry at some things in my life, changed my list of life values, got more satisfied, calm

Now I'm feeling better, the pressure is below 22 but I think it didn't disappear - when I get nervous, angry it's going up again. So I try to diagnose those situations that provoke this problem, which situations are making it worse. So it's not so problematic now but I'm still solving the problem. It's not easy to find a good homeopath here in Croatia.

Thank You for your advices :)!

petramal 2 decades ago

Hi :)),

You are the main doctor here for us :)). My eyes, thank you for asking, are better, it's not ideal, I have very sensitive eyes and I'm just trying to find a way how to make them stronger, healthier. Nevertheless, it's not so dangerous now, the pressure is not so high that it is damaging the nerve and I'm controlling the vision field often and by so far there's no any damage (except they told me I have thin eye nerve so I'll have to be careful)- that's the most important thing, when I remember the last year... it was a real horror, terrible tension in eyes, fear, psychic tension, fear, fear and fear, fear was the worst. So the fight is not over yet - the pressure is going up when I'm nervous, unsatisfied, angry - but I won the most important battle and I'm ready to work on the problem, to seek for the causes and to find a solution. I'm a kind of person who likes to improve, develop (I'm a Saggitarius in horoscope) so for me it's not a problem to think about my disease and try to find a better way of living. It's not easy to find a good homeopath here in Croatia and beside that I don't have much money now so I'm trying to feel the best I can, not to get nervous unnecesserly until I get in a better life position.

You know what I realizes - that' s a lot of young people with high eye pressure now - they think it's because of stress, the centre which regulates eye pressure is in lymbic system which is responsible for emotions; before it was mostly the problem of older people.

About hair - please write what does it mean precisely (which potency, have many pellets) because I'll ask my friend in Czech Republic to buy it there (it's impossible to buy it here). I'll type in some constitutional symptoms and decide between Lycopodium and Acid Phos.

One dose in high potency is sufficient for 3 weeks to a month. - it means I have to take it once a month??

Best regards and thank you,

petramal 2 decades ago
Dear Petra, I cannot be sure what I said to cause you to think my feelings hurt.

I actually meant what I said. I never heard if the Lyc. was helpful in the people I suggested use it. An informative statement.

I learned so many years ago to be free of hurt feelings, it is alien to me now.

I am sorry I gave this impression. I am so happy Pankaj was informed. Blessings, Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago
Dear Petra,

Different homeopaths have different experiences......each one guides as per his/her own experience. Sabra is a great soul....a very concerned individual. she might have other things to suggest to you from her own experiences.

(See posts from Joe....he is sharing his unique experiences too).

Reg. other things will write another post.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
for SABRA:


we misunderstood each other. I thought you were talking about me because you had given me some advice when I had problems with eyes a year ago and I didn't let you know if it helped or not. So it was a kind of apology to you.

Best wishes,
petramal 2 decades ago
for SABRA:


we misunderstood each other. I thought you were talking about me because you had given me some advice when I had problems with eyes a year ago and I didn't let you know if it helped or not. So it was a kind of apology to you.

Best wishes,
petramal 2 decades ago
for SABRA:


we misunderstood each other. I thought you were talking about me because you had given me some advice when I had problems with eyes a year ago and I didn't let you know if it helped or not. So it was a kind of apology to you.

Best wishes,
petramal 2 decades ago
I see, this explains it. I remember the name, but never the problem because I deal with far too many people to remember.

I am definately not the type to hold any type of grudge. (or get feelings hurt)

It was truely just a statement.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago
Hi Pankaj,

I saw your posts on the ABC Homeopathy site that I have just become a member of. I have a problem with premature graying of hair ( for a good 7 years now). I am 28 , married with no kids and am desperate to find a cure to this problem.

My problem also got aggravated due to a hair coloring that I got done a couple of years back. I was advised to take Arnica 30 twice a day by an uncle of mine who practises homeopathy , but no real results with that.

I saw on the wesbite that you had recommended: Lycopodium and/or Acid Phos
Please let me know if that would work in my case. Also do you recommend that I get advise from a practising Homeopath regarding my condition?

Many thanks for your help
vasun123 2 decades ago
If you have any ENT problem, you catch colds easily. Runny nose very often or excessive mucus from posterior nasel passage you are bound to have grey hairs. When people have these types of problems their hairs get greyer and when this type of problem is gone hair color comes back to normal.

So if this kind of problem exists first try to fix that problem.
kuldeep 2 decades ago
hi Kuldeep

No I dont have a running nose problem at all.

Do you need any more information on symptoms?

vasun123 2 decades ago
If you are sure you don't have any ENT problem then you follow Mr. Pankaj Verma's advise about Lycopodium and Acid Phos. We all will be happy to see the outcome.

Dont' ignore a constitutional remedy for yoruself.
kuldeep 2 decades ago
Hi Kuldeep/Sabra,

Any ideas on the potentcy of Acid Phos or Lycopodium and recommended dosage.

Sabra: I have also replied to your post asking for more details on my personality etc. Hope that helps you in providing a more accurate diagnosis.

Many thanks
vasun123 2 decades ago

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