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Female: no sex drive
I am a 28 year old female who has been in a relationship for 6 years. I have been married to this man for 1 year and we have a 2 year old daughter. I have had no desire to be intimate with him at all. I'm not sure when it started but it has been worse since our daughter was born. I don't know what to do and I know it is affecting him, it makes him sad and feel inwanted. I love him very much and I enjoy sex when we have it, I just feel no need to ever have sex.Right now we probably have sex maybe twice a month. Can anyone give me guidance?
rudylk on 2008-09-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
sarup last decade
Thank you for your answer, might I ask you about another serious health question? Appendicitis has been ailing me for about 5 months on and off. Any help doctor? I am afraid every time I read symptoms of Chrons' disease. Sometimes the symptoms fit. I very much appreciate any insight you might have.
rudylk last decade
In my opinion you shouldn't take any homeopathic medicine yet until the picture of your symptoms are clear.
Can you tell more about the symptoms of which you think is appendicitis.
You also could consider scheduling an appointment with a doctor only to make some exams and get diagnosed in order to clear that question. That would make easier to find your homeopathic remedy after.
Can you tell more about the symptoms of which you think is appendicitis.
You also could consider scheduling an appointment with a doctor only to make some exams and get diagnosed in order to clear that question. That would make easier to find your homeopathic remedy after.
raphaeloliveira last decade
my interpretation on sepia is different.
sepia lady has a love hate relationship with her husband. she doesnt want to have sex and doesnt enjoy herself much having sex.
in your case, the mental traits dont match. you love your husband whole heartedly and thouroughly enjoy sex whenever you have it.
you just dont feel the ned to have sex. this calls for agnus castus.
however, you should always select remedies on totality as raphael said.
sepia lady has a love hate relationship with her husband. she doesnt want to have sex and doesnt enjoy herself much having sex.
in your case, the mental traits dont match. you love your husband whole heartedly and thouroughly enjoy sex whenever you have it.
you just dont feel the ned to have sex. this calls for agnus castus.
however, you should always select remedies on totality as raphael said.
♡ rishimba last decade
well it started with a sharp pain in my right lower abdomen between my hip and naval. Soon after that I felt very naseous and this continued for a few days until i started researching symptoms of appendicits and everything fit. I felt like my bowels had shut down and I couldn't have a bowel movement. And pain in my lower right abdomen. After that I started a water fast for 2 days and then a juice fast for another 2 and daily enemas. Then my symptoms went completely away for a few months. Now they are back. What happens is this. If I don't eat right for a day or two, I get constipated and the whole bowel thing and pain starts again. Then after a few days it seems to ease and reverses, soft stools. Thanks for your time. I am trying to find a homeopath in my area but with no luck yet.
rudylk last decade
let us not get stuck in the superficiality of love and hate axis alone.Go to the deeper mental state of the person who enjoys sex at one time and abhors the act at different time.How is this to be annotated on mental plane with the suitable rubrics?.The following rubrics capture the deep mental stateof the sufferer which contain sepia.
2. Antagonism with herself.
2. Antagonism with herself.
sarup last decade
sarup, please follow the words of the patient. the patient clearly says after the delivery of her daughter, she doesnt feel the need for sex although she enjoys it whenever it happens. she loves her husband.
there is no contradiction and there is no antagonism with herself.
'enjoys sex at one time and abhors the act at a different time' is not what is the case here.
also, we need to look at the totality and etiology of the symptoms.
there is no contradiction and there is no antagonism with herself.
'enjoys sex at one time and abhors the act at a different time' is not what is the case here.
also, we need to look at the totality and etiology of the symptoms.
♡ rishimba last decade
Hi! Rishimba
Mind being the supercomputer of the human body and any discomfort in the physical body is expresed through speech and version by the sick person.Rubrics enshrined in the Mind section of the repertory do not depict the straight version,rather they symbolise the core of the central disturbance in the particular sufferer and the physician has to see the meaning hidden behind each spoken word or version.It was from this deep meaning behind the version of the patiend which led to the selection of the rubrics ,among others, also which i can write down ,if you want.All the more please read Sepia in LECTURERS ON MM BY DR KENT thoroughly which I am producing verbatim 'A woman who has been normal in her relations with her husband brings forth a child and then the thought of sexual relations causes nausea and irritability' Here pl. do not go to the words nausea with its literal meaning rather think what is the mental state of the person during nausea,it is repulsive to any eatable or enjoyment.Dr Kent being a Master and an authority cannot be belied.Hence the selection of sepia to my mind is appropriate one.
Mind being the supercomputer of the human body and any discomfort in the physical body is expresed through speech and version by the sick person.Rubrics enshrined in the Mind section of the repertory do not depict the straight version,rather they symbolise the core of the central disturbance in the particular sufferer and the physician has to see the meaning hidden behind each spoken word or version.It was from this deep meaning behind the version of the patiend which led to the selection of the rubrics ,among others, also which i can write down ,if you want.All the more please read Sepia in LECTURERS ON MM BY DR KENT thoroughly which I am producing verbatim 'A woman who has been normal in her relations with her husband brings forth a child and then the thought of sexual relations causes nausea and irritability' Here pl. do not go to the words nausea with its literal meaning rather think what is the mental state of the person during nausea,it is repulsive to any eatable or enjoyment.Dr Kent being a Master and an authority cannot be belied.Hence the selection of sepia to my mind is appropriate one.
sarup last decade
sarup last decade
sarup, if a lady says she loves her husband very much and enjoys sex whenever she has it....
further, she also feels for the husband that her coldness is affecting her husband..and their relationship.
as per kent a sepia women mentally estranged from those she loves.. if this is the case, she would not have come to this forum on the first place to ensure her husband doesnt suffer because of her.
would you think of sepia at the first place?
further, she also feels for the husband that her coldness is affecting her husband..and their relationship.
as per kent a sepia women mentally estranged from those she loves.. if this is the case, she would not have come to this forum on the first place to ensure her husband doesnt suffer because of her.
would you think of sepia at the first place?
♡ rishimba last decade
We should also keep the polarities with in a remedy in to view rather than clinging to one of its aspects,sepia ,again to my mind is the right choice.
We should also keep the polarities with in a remedy in to view rather than clinging to one of its aspects,sepia ,again to my mind is the right choice.
sarup last decade
well I did take your dose of sepia and I can't say exactly if it did much. I was really trying to be more affectionate, but it is possible that it did increase my desire for sex. Is this something I should keep taking? Any other answers for my abdomen pain?
rudylk last decade
Hi! rudylk,
Can you please write in detail as to when did you take the remedy and what changes you have felt.Please report even the changes from your previous condition specially how you felt on your mental plane after taking the remedy.Did you repeat it?
Can you please write in detail as to when did you take the remedy and what changes you have felt.Please report even the changes from your previous condition specially how you felt on your mental plane after taking the remedy.Did you repeat it?
sarup last decade
♡ Mahfoozurrehman last decade
I know I was supposed to get back to you in 10 days, but I took it 4 weeks ago. And I was also trying hard to think more sexually of my husband which I tend to forget to do. It did seem to work I felt more attracted to him. Which I guess is some of the problem, I sometimes don't feel physically attracted to him, and I forget to realize that I am attractive as well. So for around 2 weeks I did feel better about the situation, but then I kinda forgot to keep up the mental changes you know? So I will try taking more I just didn't know if I was supposed to keep taking it recurring or just once.
rudylk last decade
Hi! rudylk,
It is really a very encouraging report.Please speak about your stomach problem also which you seem to have forgotten.after getting to know the full picture of the case i shall select the next remedy for you.
What you have to say about the action of sepia now.Please comment.your valuable comments as to why sepia worked despite your reservations for this remedy shall be highly appreciaated.
It is really a very encouraging report.Please speak about your stomach problem also which you seem to have forgotten.after getting to know the full picture of the case i shall select the next remedy for you.
What you have to say about the action of sepia now.Please comment.your valuable comments as to why sepia worked despite your reservations for this remedy shall be highly appreciaated.
sarup last decade
Please read the whole of this from beginning to end and then comment who advised what to rudylk.
Please read the whole of this from beginning to end and then comment who advised what to rudylk.
sarup last decade
its good that sepia has worked to some extent. its possible that her totality is close to sepia. as i said earlier, indication should be on totality and if she had given her full case, probably sepia would come as the remedy.
having said that, i feel that there been only a minimal emilioration of her symptoms. if sepia would matched her mentals totally, a significant improvement would have been seen.
out of the two remedies, which were suggested, the interpretation can only be judged if she would have given her response on the two remedies separately.
its good that sepia has worked to some extent. its possible that her totality is close to sepia. as i said earlier, indication should be on totality and if she had given her full case, probably sepia would come as the remedy.
having said that, i feel that there been only a minimal emilioration of her symptoms. if sepia would matched her mentals totally, a significant improvement would have been seen.
out of the two remedies, which were suggested, the interpretation can only be judged if she would have given her response on the two remedies separately.
♡ rishimba last decade
well then, I am alright for being a test subject. How much agnus castus do you propose?
rudylk last decade
dear rudylk,
you are not a test subject by any means. its just a discussion on the remedies.
if you feel that you are satisfied with the treatment, you shouldnt go for any other remedy.
on the other hand, if you still feel that the symptoms are there and homeopathy could help, you need to put your full case here so that the homeopaths could suggest a remedy on your totality.
you are not a test subject by any means. its just a discussion on the remedies.
if you feel that you are satisfied with the treatment, you shouldnt go for any other remedy.
on the other hand, if you still feel that the symptoms are there and homeopathy could help, you need to put your full case here so that the homeopaths could suggest a remedy on your totality.
♡ rishimba last decade
well, I have put out all my symptoms, but it seem like the homeopaths just like to talk back and forth about what they think is the best way to go about it. I am not completely satisfied with my treatment. I was 'prescribed' one dose of sepia which seemed to help for a little bit, but went away. I have not been told anything else, so I am willing to try anything if someone thinks it will help.
rudylk last decade
rudylk last decade
Hi! rudylk,
Please take one dose of Sepia-1M on a single day and not to be after 10 days positively.
Please take one dose of Sepia-1M on a single day and not to be after 10 days positively.
sarup last decade
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