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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Pilonidal Cyst

I saw many responses to the above. I just want to clarify what I take, times, potency and how long for the above.

Take Myristica 200C (4-5 pills) 3 doses within 1/2 hour increments and then stop.

After 48 hours start Silecia 6C or 30C (4-5 pills) 3x a day FOR HOW LONG?
AND also start same day Calcarea Sulphurica 6x (4 pills) 3x a day FOR HOW LONG?

I know it is in AM & PM only.

I saw many versions of the above remedies and I just want to get it straight.

Thank you in advance for your time and help,
Amanda jOY
  AJS on 2008-10-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hello Amanda

Myristica is for breaking open the cyst. Once the cyst has broke, silicea in lower potencies like 6c(thrice daily)/30c(twice daily) will be used to drain the matter out. It should be used till the cyst is completely drained out(probably a week). Make sure the cyst has completely drained out and then take silicea in higher potency like 1M for further healing. Take two doses, a week apart.
maheeru last decade

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