The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Anxiety and sperm
- My sperm is thin- Its orientation is like soap leather but sometimes it is better
- Ejaculates too early
- urine drops and precum drops after stool is passed and also when I had any arousing thoughts
1. I got angry very easily and started shouting, sometimes if I try to control my anger my body start to shiver in anger.
2. I do repent after getting angry and usually it happens just after I had been angry ( not more than 10 mins approx). My thoughts are that why I do that, I should'nt have said this.. etc
3. I do like music but I dont go for it, means I avoid listening to it.
4. I always have fear of loss, everything I do or I thought of doing first fear is that I will fail. for example, I am good driver but instead of taking car I try to walk myself, fear of accident.
5. I will die soon, what will happen to my family, what if any accident happen, may I'll be able make my wife pregnant. Thoughts like that
6. One problem that is constant for more than 3 years or so is that I feel fever all the time, I got tired or you can say that I've become so lazy. I used to be very athletic but now a days I can just take a sigh remembering my those days.
7. I cannot do any thing continuously.
I think these are all. Oh one more thing for the past two days I am feeling pain in my left testicle.
Waiting anxiously for your reply
dazzler on 2008-10-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
anacardium 200 weekly dose for one month
♡ akshaymohl last decade
Please take a single dose of Calcarea Carbonica 1M.
- A dose is 5 pellets completely dissolved in little water.
- Do not eat or drink at least 1 hour before or after taking the dose
- Do not brush your teeth at least 1 hour before or after
- If you can avoid coffee and any products that contains camphor
Please do not repeat a dose or take any other homeopathic along with it. You should see first an improvement of your angriness and fear of loss within the first few days and your sperm and other physical symptoms on the following weeks. Report here the result after 7 days or earlier so I can adjust your potency or instruct you with proper dosage.
- A dose is 5 pellets completely dissolved in little water.
- Do not eat or drink at least 1 hour before or after taking the dose
- Do not brush your teeth at least 1 hour before or after
- If you can avoid coffee and any products that contains camphor
Please do not repeat a dose or take any other homeopathic along with it. You should see first an improvement of your angriness and fear of loss within the first few days and your sperm and other physical symptoms on the following weeks. Report here the result after 7 days or earlier so I can adjust your potency or instruct you with proper dosage.
raphaeloliveira last decade
Try lycopodium 200c,3 doses at 6hourly interval on a single day.After 15 days take Thuja 1M single dose.
Zahid)2 last decade
Thankyou doctors for replying, but what prescription should I follow. There are two different prescriptions. Should I use Mr. raphaeloliveira prescription or Mr. Zahid's prescription.
dazzler last decade
I guess it will be up to you to decide it because every practitioner will stand by his selection.
Keep in mind that either one you decide to choose, you'll need to obey and stick with it by giving some enough time.
You may also want to check and compare the different approach and way of assistance of each.
Keep in mind that either one you decide to choose, you'll need to obey and stick with it by giving some enough time.
You may also want to check and compare the different approach and way of assistance of each.
raphaeloliveira last decade
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