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Why is my constitutional so hard to find!! Page 2 of 2
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I'm glad to hear you bought the book.
I understand and know how agonizing it can be when you're put to wait for nothing. That's one of the things I'm strongly against to. Waiting should be only justified in cases you're taking the simillimum. And even in that case, is already possible to reduce the waiting when taking LM potencies.
Regardless of your homeopath poor judgment, I don't think would be fair if I corrupt you from your current treatment by indicating a potency. But you may know that in cases like yours, infrequent doses of a high potency seems to suit or after the remedy is confirmed, LM may be considered. If you're going to bring all this up to your homeopath, just be wise on how you tell her, you can avoid confrontation by only asking her opinion.
I understand and know how agonizing it can be when you're put to wait for nothing. That's one of the things I'm strongly against to. Waiting should be only justified in cases you're taking the simillimum. And even in that case, is already possible to reduce the waiting when taking LM potencies.
Regardless of your homeopath poor judgment, I don't think would be fair if I corrupt you from your current treatment by indicating a potency. But you may know that in cases like yours, infrequent doses of a high potency seems to suit or after the remedy is confirmed, LM may be considered. If you're going to bring all this up to your homeopath, just be wise on how you tell her, you can avoid confrontation by only asking her opinion.
raphaeloliveira last decade
I will print off the info on phos acid, and present it to her. I will be back to post my progress, and updates. I still may need the help of the message board, but hopefully this get's resolves soon. Thanks again, Brian
bocaburgler last decade
Hey Raph (and other who may be following)
I took the phos acid 3 weeks ago, and about 45 minutes after the remedy I felt a very strong positive energy take over my mind. Later on that evening I was incredibly tired and went to bed about 3 hour earlier than usual. The next night the same thing.
First week I felt a strong resonance and knew this was a direct hit for asimilium.
but the next week things got worse, mentally and physically. anxiety, can't go to bed, restless. bouts of anger. And things keep getting progressively worse physically. Lots of rashes, extreme skin dryness, more sensitivity to foods. My eyesight is worse etc.
I'm on week three now, and everything is still pretty bad. The only thing that is ok is my mental energy, but still far from 'normal'.
I'm a little concerned that things won't clear up, but rather just stay worse? This is just my own insecurity though, and would like to know if this is all typical of a reaction, and that it should clear up? I also don't know what dilution I was given, but I suspect 1M becuase the pellets seemed smaller than usual.
I do have enough mental capacity now though, to distiguish my constitutional though. It's without a doubt arg nitricum. Which is just fun to know, even if I don't end up using it
Any words or thoughts? thanks raph and friends
I took the phos acid 3 weeks ago, and about 45 minutes after the remedy I felt a very strong positive energy take over my mind. Later on that evening I was incredibly tired and went to bed about 3 hour earlier than usual. The next night the same thing.
First week I felt a strong resonance and knew this was a direct hit for asimilium.
but the next week things got worse, mentally and physically. anxiety, can't go to bed, restless. bouts of anger. And things keep getting progressively worse physically. Lots of rashes, extreme skin dryness, more sensitivity to foods. My eyesight is worse etc.
I'm on week three now, and everything is still pretty bad. The only thing that is ok is my mental energy, but still far from 'normal'.
I'm a little concerned that things won't clear up, but rather just stay worse? This is just my own insecurity though, and would like to know if this is all typical of a reaction, and that it should clear up? I also don't know what dilution I was given, but I suspect 1M becuase the pellets seemed smaller than usual.
I do have enough mental capacity now though, to distiguish my constitutional though. It's without a doubt arg nitricum. Which is just fun to know, even if I don't end up using it
Any words or thoughts? thanks raph and friends
bocaburgler last decade
bump. this is for raph, I don't think he say it post up above
bocaburgler last decade
It would help a little if you knew what potency exactly you were given.
As a said before, it's really hard for me to comment or give any help because you already are under your homeopath assistance and I didn't catch the whole case from the beginning. It's also uncomfortable because anything I say may influence you (as it did with Phos Ac) and you might ended up divided.
Hypothetically speaking if things didn't work out with her and then you're here totally on your own, then I would be willing to assist you and feel comfortable to make any comments.
For now what I'd suggest is that you could try to have a more open communication with her and find out that potency and also to try to make this time shorter between follow ups.
As a said before, it's really hard for me to comment or give any help because you already are under your homeopath assistance and I didn't catch the whole case from the beginning. It's also uncomfortable because anything I say may influence you (as it did with Phos Ac) and you might ended up divided.
Hypothetically speaking if things didn't work out with her and then you're here totally on your own, then I would be willing to assist you and feel comfortable to make any comments.
For now what I'd suggest is that you could try to have a more open communication with her and find out that potency and also to try to make this time shorter between follow ups.
raphaeloliveira last decade
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