The ABC Homeopathy Forum
13-year-old son with alopecia totalis
My son developed patchy hair loss at age 4 that developed to total baldness by age 5; he was vaccinated with MMR and polio X3 starting at age 2; his left eyebrow has disappeared in the last 6 months, he has reading difficulty (mild dyslexia), does well in school,history of rashes since age 3, mainly on the tops of the feet and currently has peeling skin on the soles and heels, he is very laid back, unemotional, noncommittal, generally happy, averse to touch and hugging anyone besides his parents, has always had soreness palpation, esp. through the upper thoracic areas, good appetite, esp. for carbs, simple and complex, spicy food, garlic, but dislikes most fruits and veggies, gets hot easy, loves cold, as a younger child often had head sweats while sleeping, poor aerobic endurance, often leans over and rests head and upper body when sitting, rarely gets sick, bedwetter until age 11 and sometimes has very frequent urination. Any suggestions for help with the alopecia?drseickert on 2008-11-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
And, what are the diseases that run in the family -- parents and grandparents ?
Can you please explain these in simpler words
' he is very laid back, noncommittal'
When you say he loves cold, you mean cold weather ? or cold food ?
Can you please explain these in simpler words
' he is very laid back, noncommittal'
When you say he loves cold, you mean cold weather ? or cold food ?
sameervermani last decade
Try baryta carb 200c weekly single dose for 1month.Along with you can try ArnicaQ and Jaborandi Q mixed with coconut oil,and use twice daily for 1month.
Zahid)2 last decade
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