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Painful aggravation

My menses arrived last night, hitting me like a ton of bricks. The flow was moderate, the cramping just horrid. I then began with 1 dose, Sabina. The cramps eased only a bit, so in 2 hours, I took one more dose, and the symptoms completely eased. The cramps left, the flow eased up very well. Then suddenly about five hours later the cramps hit full force. The bleeding still small. The cramping was so horrible I was curled up and bawling until my husband brought me a hot water bottle and rubbed my back. I took another dose of Sabina, thinking I needed it again because my symptoms returned. It didn't ease it up, like it did hours before. This time it sent me into so much pain I was writhing, sweating, nauseous, and crying. The hot water bottle did nothing. So I broke down and took 3 motrin to stop the pain. I fell asleep for 7 hours, only to wake up to heavy bleeding and cramps.
I waited until the next evening to try a different remedy, belladonna.
It has done nothing but make me cramp worse as well. My bleeding is very heavy.
I don't quite understand this reaction because after studying and noting that I fit belladonna and sabina, they are only making me far worse than I was as far as cramps go.
Im out of money to try anything else. All I have is my shepherds purse tincture in case I really begin to flood. (sigh) I feel so scared, because if nothing works, I know I will be headed for surgery. This is not looking good for me and Im trying to remain calm.
  Arwen on 2005-01-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Arwen do you have colocynthis in the house? The curling up, nausea and intense pain is indicated I feel. Grab a small bottle of 30c. One girlfriend of mine who mainly does not use homeopathy in her life as intensly as we do swears by that one remedy for her period.

Hope that helps. By the way, the nux worked a charm for me but I don't have the pain you have. I stuck to one remedy this time and took it every time the flooding began. I ended up taking 3 doses in all (at the beginning, the middle and what turned out the be near the end).

Also, consider searching out your constitutional remedy - one of the bleeding remedies like calc phos or phos depending on what you and your homeopath think. You would take it after your flow ceases and hopefully if well chosen you will have a better period next time.

Best, Goldcoast
goldcoast1 2 decades ago
I think you need to consult a trained homeopath instead of trying new remendies every month. It is quite probable that Sabinia was simply a wrong remendy, and wrong remendy can cause an aggrevation or change of symptoms. What was the potency?
Martini 2 decades ago
Does anyone have any idea of how few trained homeopaths there are in the world? This is what the forum is for, not to send them elsewhere with little hope and less knowledge.

We are here to comfort and teach the best we can in the world's wasteland of few trained people of ANY alternative knowledge.

The everyday mother next door needs to be encouraged how to think for herself and her family, with common sense and acquiring remedies for the home, because this world is not getting better, it's getting worse very fast.

I didn't like regular medicine 40 years ago and it has NOT improved. I was fortunate to know TWO homeopaths. One in Fla. and one in PA. They were older then and now dead. This would be most unusual for anyone today to know one, much less two homeopathic doctors today.

Her initial condition has passed and now we ask her to report additional thoughts and feelings so we may help her avoid this same episode next month.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago
Colocynth is a good remedy, but may I suggest a very similar remedy? Mag Phos12x, 10 globules dissolved in a cup of hot water, sipped frequently will give relief. Of course Colocynth contains Mag Phos, which is the reason for the similarity.
Minsa 2 decades ago
Looked up the last cramp remedy I gave someone. It was successful.

VIBURNUM OPULUS. Probably a lower potency would be good. The X's are lower. C's and M are higher. Use your intuition.

It would be good if you told us more about yourself.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago
I have taken homeopathy medicine and
found it always aggravates.
It never cure disease rather increases problem and brings more problem.
I had night false problem( my simen used to fall once in a week) i took homeopathy medicine and it agravated and became 6-7 days in a week and soon i became impotent.
The doctors gave different medicine like nux Acid phos etc,
I remained impotent for 4-5 years.
I realized homeopathy only increases problem. then i bought a homeopathy book and take a medicine and again found it agravates then i got an idea if i take any medicine which is forbidden in night false that would work.The book says if you take this medicine this might cause night false
Then i thought homepathy only increases diseases so i was sure if i take this medicine it will stop night false. and thats what happened.
Acid false caused problem with my memory made me week so also Nux and othe medicine.

My method is anty homeopathy (against the homeopathy)and it worked.

In the process I have found another medicine which actually incresaes Male human potency(the simen falls vary late)

Actually taking the medicine prescribed by the renouned homeopathy i became impotent.
If i musterbute the simen would fall within 1 minute and it remained for 5 years.

When i applied my method which is actualy against the theorem of homeopathy nobody would belive my potency became 30 minutes.
30 times more.
I am writing to cell anything .
My life spoilled because of homeopathy medicine.

Now i do not have have night false or impotency problem because of the firm belive that homeopathy only creates agravation and which stays for years.

If anyone has suffred write against homeopathy and save other people.
I can cure anyone who is impotent.
I have hidden my name because people will think i am mad.
But those who suffred from homeopathy agravation they will think i am right.
r_mat04 last decade
I have taken homeopathy medicine and
found it always aggravates.
It never cure disease rather increases problem and brings more problem.
I had night false problem( my simen used to fall once in a week) i took homeopathy medicine and it agravated and became 6-7 days in a week and soon i became impotent.
The doctors gave different medicine like nux Acid phos etc,
I remained impotent for 4-5 years.
I realized homeopathy only increases problem. then i bought a homeopathy book and take a medicine and again found it agravates then i got an idea if i take any medicine which is forbidden in night false that would work.The book says if you take this medicine this might cause night false
Then i thought homepathy only increases diseases so i was sure if i take this medicine it will stop night false. and thats what happened.
Acid false caused problem with my memory made me week so also Nux and othe medicine.

My method is anty homeopathy (against the homeopathy)and it worked.

In the process I have found another medicine which actually incresaes Male human potency(the simen falls vary late)

Actually taking the medicine prescribed by the renouned homeopathy i became impotent.
If i musterbute the simen would fall within 1 minute and it remained for 5 years.

When i applied my method which is actualy against the theorem of homeopathy nobody would belive my potency became 30 minutes.
30 times more.
I am writing not to sell anything . I do not want to earn any money by this.
My life spoilled because of homeopathy medicine.

Now i do not have have night false or impotency problem because of the firm belive that homeopathy only creates agravation and which stays for years.

If anyone has suffred write against homeopathy and save other people.
I can cure anyone who is impotent.
I have hidden my name because people will think i am mad.
But those who suffred from homeopathy agravation they will think i am right.
r_mat04 last decade

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