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Hair Loss



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Treatment of hair loss

Your hair goes through a cycle of growth and rest.The course of each cycle varies by individual.But ingeneral,the growth phase of scalp hair,known as anagen,typically lasts two to three years.During this time,your hair grows about 1 centimeter(just less than half inch) a month.The resting phase is called telogen.This phase typically lasts three to four months.At the end of the resting phase,the hair strand falls out and a new one begins to grow in its place.Once a hair is shed,the growth stage begins again.
Most people normally shed 50 to 100 hairs a day.But with about 100,000 hairs in the scalp,this amount of hair loss shouldn't cause noticeable thinning of the scalp hair.
General thinning is a normal part of aging.However hairloss may lead to baldness when the rate of shedding exceeds the rate of regrowth,when new hair is thinner than the hair shed or when hair comes out in patches.
1.Pattern baldness(androgenetic alopecia)
3.Alopecia areata
4.Telogen effluvium
5.Traction alopecia
1.Poor nutrition
2.Medications:Certain drugs used to treat gout,arthritis,depression,heart problems and high blood pressure may cause hair loss in some people.Taking birth control pills also may result in hair loss for some women.
3.Diseases:Diabetes and lupus can cause hair loss.
4.Medical treatments:Undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy may cause you to develop alopecia.Under these conditions,healthy,growing(anagen) hairs can be affected.After your treatment ends,your hair typically begins to grow.
5.Hormonal changes:Hormonal changes and imbalances can cause temporary hair loss.This could be due to pregnancy,having a baby,discontinuing birth controll pills,beginning menopause or an overactive thyroid gland.
6.Hair treatment:Chemicals used for dying,tinting,bleaching,straightening or permanent waves and overstyling and excessive brushing also can cause hair to fall out.
7.Scalp infections:Infections such as ring worm,a fungal infection can cause hair loss.
8.Trichotillomania(hair pulling disorder):Trichotillomania is a type of mental illness in which people have an irresistible urge to pull out their hair,whether it's from their scalp,their eye brows or other areas of their body.
9.Others:A serious illness(like a tumor of the overy or adrenal glands) or fever;Emotional or physical stress;Immune disorder;Ring worm or taenia capitis.
Tests and Diagnosis: 1.Pull test
2.Skin scrapings3.punch biopsy4.Screening tests for related diseases
1.Eat a nutritionally balanced diet
2.Handle your hair gently,whenever possible,allow your hair to air-dry naturally.
3.Avoid tight hairstyles,such as braids,buns or ponytails
4.Avoid compulsively twisting,rubbing or pulling your hair.
5.Check with hair care experts about hair pieces or styling techniques that help minimize the effects of balding.
6.The over-the-counter(nonprescription) medication minoxidil(Rogaine) promotes new hair growth and prevents further hair loss in a small percentage of people.Other over-the counter hair growth produces have no proven benefit.Minoxidil is a liquid or foam that you rub into your scalp twice daily to grow hair and to prevent further loss.Some people experience some hair regrowth or a slower rate of hair loss or both.Minoxidil is available in a 2 percent solution and in a 5 percent solution.
Homoeopathic treatment for hair loss:The hair may fall due to a local infection or due to a systemic disorder or deficiency.The treatment also varies accordingly.The following homoeopathic medicines are often indicated in cases of hair fall:Alum,Ars,Arnica,Antim-crude,Bar-c,China,Calc.carb,Carbo-veg,Flour-ac,Ferrum mur,Graph,Lyco,Nat-mur,Nit-ac,Phos-ac,Phos,Selen,Sepia,Sulpher,Syph,Thallium,Vinca,Iodium,Thyroidinum,Pituitary,staph,Psorinum,Silicea,Jaborandy,lachesis,Weisbaden,Morgan pure.
Most important comments about hair loss:Dr. Gallavardin said that Morgan pure (1M) grew hair on a totally bald ferret in one month.
Along with homeo treatments,some multi-vitamins,multi-minerals and anti-oxidents are helpfull for regrowth of hair as well as prevention of hair fall.
My invention:I have prepared a hair tonic named panacea hair oil which is made from herbal and homeo ingradients.From my practical experiences,i want to say that it is very helpfull for regeneration of hair,prevention of hair falling.It has dramatic effect on hypertension,insomnia and gluocoma cases.It is 100% safe and there is no side-effects.
  Zahid)2 on 2008-11-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Zahid)2 last decade
Dear Zahid,

Can comment on it after you share info on the composition of the mixture.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Zahid)2 last decade
Is there any remedy for traction alopecia. After doing laser therapy on my scalp, i had been losing my hair alot.
sara123 last decade

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