The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Arnica Montana 30c wet dose discrepancy
Hello,I've been reading the posts on this forum about using the wet dose of Arnica 30c for hair loss and re growth.
3 globules in 400 ml of water...then hitting the bottle hard to potenize the solution. Taking 1 teaspoon twice daily. My question is this.....
Do I add 3 more globules of arnica 30c and repeat the hitting of the bottle
each time I am going to take another teaspoon....or is it just 3 globules in total for the entire 400ml??
chinchee on 2008-11-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Before that your main concern should be whether Arnica is or isn't the right selection for your case. It may be very disappointing to do all the correct procedure and don't get the results expected at the end. There are 159 possible remedies that covers the hair loss symptom and Arnica is only one among this group. A proper selection of a remedy is made based on all of your symptoms and peculiarities and an analysis of you as a whole.
Now answering your question, you should not add more globules after each dose. What is mandatory is the succussion prior on taking the remedy, what makes the potency slightly change.
Now answering your question, you should not add more globules after each dose. What is mandatory is the succussion prior on taking the remedy, what makes the potency slightly change.
raphaeloliveira last decade
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