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Headache a few hours after running

I am a 58 year old male, in good health. I get what seems to be a sinus headeache, and grows to pressure in the front of my head a few hours after running. The intensity seems to be directly proportional to the amount that I sweat during the run. I have been taking plenty of fluids. I drink water both soon before and directly after the runs. This has not helped. I have noticed that my head seems to heat up faster than any other part of my body when running. This was not always the case, and the symptom seems to be getting worse. I am having some of the problem with even short runs now (twenty minutes and less.)

I have been running regularly (three or four times a week) for over twenty years. I began noticing the problem to a small degree about three years ago, and it seems to have increased in intensity slowly since then. I trained for, and ran a marathon four years ago, and was training for another the following year. It was then that I first noticed the problem, and then only on the very long runs.
Again, it is not during or immediately after the run, but several hours(three to five) after it is completed. Origianlly, I could take a nap for a couple of hours and relieve the symptoms. That no longer seems to work.
I have not noticed any other change in my physical health. I do not take any medications, and use aspirin or similar on very rare occassions. My normal blood pressure runs around 125 / 75 and my resting pulse rate is around 60.
  dlneilsen on 2005-01-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Could you tell us a little more about you personality. Also, where is the headache pain centered - forehead, sides etc?
CHELLE 2 decades ago
Thanks for the interest. My headaches begin around the back of my eyes and lower forehead and spread to most of the front of my forehead and a little on the sides. The hotter I get during the run, the more intense the headaches and the more difficult to overcome. I do not usually take anything for them unless they are intense for a long period. then I may take a Tylanol(sp). It usually takes an hour or more for that to have an effect.

I am in good health. I do not eat a large amount of sweets, but I like some. My drink of choice is water, which I drink throughout the day and with meals. I do not drink coffee at all, and very little tea. Occasionally I will drink a Dr. Pepper or a Root Beer. I do not drink any alcoholic beverages. My runs are usually early in the morning (between 5 and 6:30) except on Saturdays when I run later in the morning, usually between 8 and 10. I try to do a longer run on Saturdays, usually 35 minutes to an hour.

I have a resistance training machine at home, which I use a couple times a week. I do not usually get very hot using it, so I do not get the headaches after its use.

I am a community college teacher, and most of my day is spent working with students. I teach elctronics and computers and am on my feet a lot. Although I am tired at the end of the day, I am not usually stressed out. My home life is also very sedate.
dlneilsen 2 decades ago
You seem pretty healthy and lead a healthy lifestyle. The only thing I can think is that in running you expand the blood vessels to the head and there is a very small passage from the body to the head , of blood. It may be that the blood in the head has a job to return to its normal volume, after you stop running . I suggest that when you go for a run you walk the last mile home - who knows it may help.
passkey 2 decades ago

What you have happens to me
I am healthy 47 yr old male
Have played soccer all my life but have always had migraines since I was young
The past few years, sometimes not always, i get a migraine about an hour after playing
This usually starts with an aura, then headache will follow

I have had all tests done, heart is fine etc
Docs think it is exertion headache

I am in midst of seeing a acupuncture doc in Toronto who has close to a 100% success rate in curing migraines

Dont know if this will help me but I feel better going this route rather than having to go on heavy meds that have side effects

It also may be because of deconditioning as we age
I know that I am fit for my age but no where near the level when I was younger
I sometimes probably push myself too much

When we exercise our blood vessels dilate and when we stop they contract.

Make sure your Blood pressure is ok and not flactuating too much. You can take your BP before exercising, during and after. I bought a wrsit monitor that is good and it works well

Good luck...
towzer 2 decades ago
Do you drink a lot of water because you are thirsty, or because it's a conscious, good-health choice? Do you prefer warmth or cold?
So far, I'd be inclined to use Bryonia (200), but lets have any more info you can give.
Minsa 2 decades ago
I drink water mostly as a good health choice. I usually drink five or six glasses (about 8 ounces) a day at work, plus what I drink with my meals. I prefer room temperature water.

What is Bryonia?
dlneilsen 2 decades ago
Did you ever notice whether your headache is better or worse after eating?

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
If it is intense, eating has little impact on it. In the cases when it is mild, eating may reduce or eliminate it, and so too does taking a good nap (at least an hour), but only if it is very mild.
dlneilsen 2 decades ago
I am a twenty eight year old female and I get the same "running headache". It started a couple hours after I ran but now it happens while I am running. I have experimented with water consumption, eating and intensity levels. I have found that when I do a long cool down, it hurts less. It feels like the kind of headace I had when I was a child and I had heat stroke.
swimster last decade
This just my observation. headche is motly due to strained muscle in brain , whatever the reason. it can be block or poor blood circulation. Can you do one one experiment. After running, take deep breath many times( deep means taking
fresh ait with nose so you chest comes ypward(slowly, nothing should be hurry), then leaving breath more slowly with mouth so that you abdomen goes inside.
Try this.
rdutt last decade
while taking shower, inhale water(a little warm with very lil salt just to disfect inside)
daily ,. It helps a lot lot from migraine or sinusoitis headche or stress headche. I dont have now. water should be taken through one nostril, then clean deep inside.
rdutt last decade
I have similar headaches. I suggest you get your TSH checked. Its likely that you have hypothyroid. Do let me know your test result.
v_g1973 last decade
I get the same headache, I think it is an electrolyte imbalance. You said you drink a lot of water, but that you also sweat a lot. You need to balance your water consumption with adequate amounts of various electrolytes for proper cell functions.
runner82 last decade
I've dealt with this issue for a few years. I complained to my Dr and he eventually took neck X-rays which led to his diagnosis of degenerative disc disease in my neck. The impact from running in the morning was giving me the headache that lasted until I slept that night. Lying flat was the only way to get rid of it.
[message edited by tonysm_th on Tue, 29 Nov 2011 12:55:57 GMT]
tonysm_th last decade
This may seem somewhat incongruous but I believe that Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily with one dose taken an hour before a run can help to stall any headache.

Arnica will increase the flow of blood throughout the body and it will be interesting to have the reaction of the runner to learn if the headache still persists.

It is not impossible that the expected relief may not occur immediately as the Arnica will have to be taken for at least a week to enable it to react with the blood flow.

The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
Joe De Livera last decade
Hi. I was surprised to see many people with same problem that i have been having for 1.5 years now- severe headache 4-5 hours post my thrice weekly 4 km morning run and which continues till a crocin tablet is taken. After searching on the internet i tried pranayam breathing 6:3:6:3 and it gave some relief but not everytime. Finally a friend who through trial and error had hit on a solution for his problem recommended multi- vitamins a day prior to the run. I have been taking multi- vitamins the previous day before the run and drinking lot of water before and after the run. I have had no headaches for the past 2 months. After a year of suffering such daily headaches, you cant imagine what a relief it is.
hemant.ayyappan last decade

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