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Posts about Eczema

Mr. Anuj follow up with my case + Eczema14 year old girl eczema3Graphites & Eczema2Eczema9dyshidrotic eczema4Scrotal Eczema65 months old baby severe eczema9Eczema4My 7 yr old son seems to have eczema7Toddler with very dry skin and eczema40


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

How can I know that eczema getting cured

Hii, I am suffering with eczema. I hv started to take homeopathy from sept'08. Now itz very itchy and spreaded to elbows,neck & eyes and face. itz worse in condition. I am unable to bear this. How can I know that homeopathy is suited for this eczema and how can I know itz getting cured. How many days it will take to cure by homeopathy.
  march_24 on 2008-12-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi there!
I also have eczema and I've been taking homeopathy treatment since mid-summer... and my rash also spread from arms to neck, back, legs etc... and it was VERY bad condition.. very dry skin etc... but now the dryness has subsided slowly and my skin is clearing up, getting back to normal skin... What you should do is use like Vesaline or Anti-ich creams like Aveeno products... to keep your skin moisturized so it won't itch much.. and don't worry.. if its getting worse that's a GOOD thing, b/c wid homeopathy.. first the rash gets WORSE, THEN gets better slowly... so just be patient... and it will be gone once and for all... =)
abi003 last decade
Thanks for your response.
I am using vaseline thrice for a day. But I can't bear in the night time and sleepless . will it take six months to cure?
march_24 last decade
Have you not seen any improvements yet?

What homeopathic remedies have you used?
gumby last decade
No, even in scalp also am getting pain due to pus & blood discharge. remedies are ATA & ATA etc...... I will give you tommorrow. shall I get these all damaged parts into normal skin color.
march_24 last decade
what is the food diet for this?
march_24 last decade
I am sure all you have seen is only pseudo homeopaths.

please describe yourslef in detail as a person.

personality, character, likes dislikes, main problems etc.

You need a remedy for yourself and not any of your diseases.
gumby last decade
Can I know what is Pseudo?
I am working in financial side. I didn't have much tensions according to me. I like to eat all vegs, ocassionally non-veg. I am suffering with Asthama since 2 years. and hving skin problem about 5-6 years. my skin is getting dry and itchy. Some parts (neck, elbow and eyes back side of ears) are damaged and looking ugly. Used the medicines and temporary relief. When I stopped this medicine, again the problem raised. So, I started to take homeopathy itz got increased and no sleep in the nights due to this itchy & leg pains. what my homeopath has suggested first u hv to cure ur asthama. Suggest me what I hv to do & how much time it will take to cure. Because of this I can't attend functions. Suggest me best way and natural curing for this.
march_24 last decade
They are fake :)

can you post more about your mind, your personality, confidence, introvert/extrovert?

Just write a autobiography, the more you write the more beneficial it is
gumby last decade
Am Samatha, Hyderabad. Am simple and sensitive & sentimental. I finished my Graduation and working.

Before marriage My mind with lot of tensions about my parents and my career and about my future. After marriage am very happy. I am always thinking in positive, and myself feel that noone should not struggle/suffer becoz of me (this is my main concept).

I hv blessed with baby girl aged 1 year. To plan my bright future, am looking to change my career. I hv to do hardwork for that. My hubby is also very co-operative & Caring. No tensions in my married life.
march_24 last decade
DO you desire strong support from the people around you?

Are you easily dominated and influenced?

are you shy?

do you weep easily?

do you have a desire for consolation?

are you jealous?
gumby last decade
1. yes
2. No,
3. Yes, and thinking that all are observing me
4. yes, very easily
5. yes
6. No, I don't think so. But in relation wise I hv much jealous (ex: I like my mother-in-law and if she is talking to other my cousin I am feeling jealous.)
march_24 last decade
Please take Pulusitlla 30c

3 equally spaced doses on a single day.

single dose is 2-3 drops/pallets, stir and table on tea spoon.

Please make sure nothing goes in your mouth one hour either side of the dose.

Please take this on one single day 3 times only and do not repeat.

Make sure you do not repeat the doses after the single day.
gumby last decade
Hey there...
The length of time it takes to get cured depends on how long you've had this problem... I've had since childhood, like 3,4 years, and now I'm in early 20's so that is why it takes longer for me... but since you only had for about 4 years, I think it will be cured for you within a month or two.. and yes even I had trouble during nights, because when you sweat, it causes ur skin to get dry and gets more itchy... just wait a week or two and it should start to subside... I also have rash on my neck under my chin and on my arms b/c of this homeopathic medication, but because I was patient, it is now so much better and clearing up, but b/c of it, I dont' wear short-sleeves and haven't been attending a lot of functions too... Don't confuse ur medications and harm yourself so first talk to your homeopath and tell him/her what condition you are in. Also, your homeopath may be right about curing asma first, because homeopathy deals with your whole body and so its better to cure one problem at a time...
abi003 last decade
Can I know why all these required for this homeopathy? What will happend if I take the prescribed remedy. Clarify my doubts plzzzzzz
march_24 last decade
Yes, Thanks for your suggestions. do u know what diet should I take & which I should not take (means eczema people). Pls. guide me know.
march_24 last decade
Dear Mr. Gumby, u hv prescribed Pulusitlla 30c. But why this autobiography is required to take this medicine. Can I know the name of illness and symptoms. Pls. clarify me
march_24 last decade
When on homeopathy med, you should avoid coffee, chocolate, Coke, Pepsi, anything with cocoa in it, also beef should be avoided I think... because these cancel the effect of the medication...
abi003 last decade
ok, I am also suffering, on scalp & body getting pain with blood & pus discharge. Do u hv this also. ??
march_24 last decade
Dear Patient,

The concept of Homeopathy is to treat the patient himself and with the correction of the vital force, the disease/s automatically get cured forever.

Pulustilla in my opinion is your personality, the questions I asked you earlier were to deciede on your personality.

you have the following traits which match Pulustilla.

- Desire to be consoled
- Weeps easily
- Very Soft person but jealous.
- Wants reassurances

A lot of other symptoms will agree with you as Pulustilla is great female remedy.

In my short experience almost 8/10 females need pulustilla at a certain point.

If there are any other questions you can ask me

You can actually go through this link and tell me what you think.

[link]puls.html[/link]" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://homepage.ntlworld.com/homeopathy_advice/Remedies/POLY...
gumby last decade
gumby last decade
but am suffering with eczema, which is in worse condition after using the homeopathy. Am Female only
march_24 last decade
Eczema is covered in Pulustilla.
gumby last decade
Arthritic pains especially hips and knees.
Eczema with itching worse at night and worse from heat.
Skin ulcers. Eczema. Psoriasis.
<>, worse pregnancy, better cold.

this is an extract from the materia medica. Eczema is is covered please be confident and go ahead with the prescription.
gumby last decade
but, menses cycle good and regular
march_24 last decade
now am using the below pills:
1. Gastrm-2pills morning and night
2. Spm - after completion of 1st
3. Am unable to under his hand writing
Reserve - Nililim

Pls advise
march_24 last decade

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