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constitutional type and culture 1


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constitutional type and culture

I am very interested in constitutional remedies and finding out the type of your own.
I keep wondering how well a homeopath can evaluate a person from different culture.

I a North-European and a few years ago I lived in India. I was seeing a homeopath in there because of my severe atopic excema.
During first month I saw him weekly, during next few months every second week.
I once asked him, this quite old Indian man, what is my type. He said I am Pulsatilla.

Pulsatilla - me? I was very suprised at the time. And the more I study homeopathy the more suprised I am. No way I am Pulsatilla....

Well, I am not an expert in homeopathy and I don't know all the aspects how you find out the consitutional type. But I do have a master's degree in behavioral science and I should know something about psychology and I should know myself.

That's why I keep wondering how much cultural differences can affect the study of a homeopath.
For. ex. In my culture it is not appropriate to show strong feelings, any kind. => if you don't cry in public it doens't tell about you, it tells about your culture.
F.ex. In my culture time is very important. It is not good to be late. => if you are on time, it doesnt'tell about your personality, it tells about your culture.

Life in India was very different. I have never ever had so strong emotions in my life. I was soooo upset and soooo angry. But I also laughed a lot.
In Europe I am not that joyful nor irritated.

After all I am the same person (more mature though, I hope). But Pulstatilla...?

I'd like to hear what you all think about the reliability of eveluating someone that is totally different of what you are used to?
  Maria&boys on 2005-01-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I personally do not think that homeopathic remedies have personalities and "types".When you are sick you develop symptoms according to which you select a remedy--if you have e.g. phosphorus symptoms you give phos. even if acc. to all the "books" you have "personality of Pulsatilla"
And symptoms are symptoms-no matter where you are.

There are 6 billions of people and everyone is different-we don't have that many remedies.
Astra2012 2 decades ago
The pesonality remedy,the constitutional remedy,the chronic remedy..different words coined at different times.

According to latest theory,your health is spoiled,and is covered by many layers of disese.You peel of the top most layer,by choosing the most appropriate remedy,to suit that layer.Then you attempt to remove the next layer.This needs a different remedy.

If you are fortunate enough,to peel off all the layers,and do nothing silly in between,you will reach perfect health.

Even the best prescriber,needs years to do this,and may have to use anywhere between six to twelve medicines,on a conservative estimate.

So,you can be a 'Pulsatilla' today,and may 'become' a 'silecia' tomorrow.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago

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