The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Sudden anger - need help!
Patient ID: Sex: F Age: 33yrs Nature of work:Mum to 6.5 & 1.5yr olds Habits:Stay up too late, slighly obssessive when searching info or doing something i am quite involved inI have sudden anger, with physical rage, 'stuckness', have had PND (post natal depression) after both pregnancies, meds worked last time, not so well this time. Fish oil working well, but still not enough, acupuncture was a bit helpful (but again not enough & carrying on got too expensive)
When did it all start?
Have had depression in the past at times i think, had a stressful childhood, including split parents & lots of diff homes with one parent & a victim of incest. Have dealt with many issues esp the incest with counselling. But old patterns still seem to register with new experiences causing me stress & anxiety. My mum has parkinsons disease & had a strole so is fully cared for bt my step dad, so ongoing stress from her situation & expectations on me to visit & help.
What are the things which aggravate or ameliorate your suffering?
I do find exercise & sleep help, but find it very hard to establish routines & to get to bed earlier than 11.30 or so most nights
When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather?
The direction of the wind can have a negative inpact & extremes of temp i don't work well in, cold i tend to just stop or aimlessly wander & hot makes me grumpy. I also get hayfever (though NatroPharm Aller-med has been really helpful for that)
What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?
Savoury, hot chips & chippies, buttered bread (though I am dairy free for my son who i still breastfeed, so we use an olive oil based margarine) I use soy milk. used to crave chocolate, but doing the anti candida diet with a good bacteria dose via a herbalist took that away.
When stressed or just after a yelling episode I just want space, not to be touched then after that I want to be held, though i am usually so awful my family of course don't want to hug me then.
How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive?
Less thah usual
How if your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive?
How is your bowel movement and stool type (Constipation etc.)?
better these days with no dairy
How sleep, how are your dreams?
to bed too late & breastfeed in night - though we co-sleep, so not too disturbed
What medications have been taken earlier?
Fluox only on 10mg every second day as weaning off. Thompsons Salmon oil x 3, Healtheries calcium1000 & inner health good bacteria
How do you look like (Appearance (fat, thin, smart, tall, lean etc)?
short slim
If your are female how is your menstrual cycles and from how long (normal, irregular, painful, clotted, colour etc.)
historically, fairly clockwork, painful & distracting in first few days. still hasn't returned after 2nd child with first took about 21mths to return & came back after being on fluox
Family history - What major diseases are running in your family? Parkinsons Disease
Any other information?
Was stuck at birth for about 2hrs I believe due to lack of available doctors & was birthed with the help of forceps.
Allergic to aspirin, so sometimes try to watch salycilate intake in foods, we try to minimise intake of neg. additives & preservatives. I find i am quite sensitive to medications & with the fluox notice results quickly but although they say it has a half life i find it doesn't seem to for me. Trying to figure out if certain foods or sugary things then the drop back is causing my sudden mood shifts but so hard to tell. I find change difficult & feel quite unemotional & detached at the moment - which makes me sad (but only intellectually, esp for my children, haven't been able to cry for a long time, used to cry bucket loads & find it hard to stop!
gdbdd on 2008-12-31
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
at age 16yrs travelled o'seas alone for school exchange, gained 10kg in 6mths & periods stopped, presumably from the stress & quick weight gain?
Super sensitive to smell during pregnancy & every now and again I am sensitive to smells but without having a cycle, I can't pinpoint it to a pattern. Can even smell the ink in some pens, biro type, not pleasant.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions!! :-)
Super sensitive to smell during pregnancy & every now and again I am sensitive to smells but without having a cycle, I can't pinpoint it to a pattern. Can even smell the ink in some pens, biro type, not pleasant.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions!! :-)
gdbdd last decade
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