The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Biting of inside lip
I have this problem. While eating I inadvertantly bite the inside lip again n again. It bleeds many a time. Sometimes when I take Aconite 30 it stops for weeks on the end. But then again. Can anyone tell me what this is.My symptoms are as under.
Age 51 yrs.
Build - I am 5'8" with a slim body. My diet is normal. Am a veg.
Prone to acidity.
Have been a perfectionist though not so much now. My late Homeo Doctor had said it was a symptom of Arsenic, though have not taken it for any reason for years.
Am a brooding person and am under a lot of tension. Have always been so due to all sorts of problems - family as well as business.
Also as posted before, My ears itch a lot. Mullein oil or even allopathy drug Gentamycin ear drops have not helped it. I am in Jamshedpur, India now. Can this itching be due to the dry weather or due to excessive use of mobile. I cant stop the mobile because am always in demand.
Nkjaya on 2005-01-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Start with Nitric acid 200.3 doses.
Take every day morning,on enpty stomach,without brushing teeth.
Just rinse your mouth with water and take the medicine.You can brush your teeth after half an hour.
Stop after three doses.
Report feedback after a week.
Take every day morning,on enpty stomach,without brushing teeth.
Just rinse your mouth with water and take the medicine.You can brush your teeth after half an hour.
Stop after three doses.
Report feedback after a week.
bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Nkjaya 2 decades ago
Try with 30 first.But,meanwhile get 200 also.You may need it,afterwards.
Three doses.Report after a week.
Three doses.Report after a week.
bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Study to become more alkline, and teach yourself to chew in a methodical, slower manner.
Blessings, Sabra
Blessings, Sabra
♡ sabra 2 decades ago
After using Ars.30c I frequently bit my inside lip.
Also it may aliviate the ear problem you have. Look up Arsenicum Album and see.
Also it may aliviate the ear problem you have. Look up Arsenicum Album and see.
parachute 2 decades ago
Seems like just a single dose of Tell-30 will releive your ear itching. Try Nux Vomica 30 for a week.
pw3000 2 decades ago
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