The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Yellow Teeth in Toddler
I am writing about my oldest daughter. Here teeth are quite yellow almost beige looking. She has tooth decay at a young age at the gum line on her two front teeth, they had to be filled. As a young infant and early toddler her teeth were white, but they turned yellow what seems like over night. Her teeth also look to be breaking at the side on her two front teeth.I looked up some remedies on this website and came across Lycopodium. I was intersted to see some other issue that describe her.
Personality wise, she is shy around others. If people laugh, she thinks they are laughing at her. She is very domineering and likes to be in control. She does not like to try new things, not very outgoing. It seems as if she lack self-confidence. Always wants company from me or someone. Very argumentative for her young age.
Her stools are very loose and at times frothy. I can't tell if her stools are frothy or if it's in her urine. Sometimes, when she just urinates, it is bubbly.
She is underweight and always has been. She is 3 years and 8 months and only weighs 30.5 lbs.
She is frightened to go to sleep by herself and currently sleeps with her dad and I.
She was nursed until she was 21 months old.
Thanks in Advance
ceeb2005 on 2009-01-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Will this help strengthen her teeth too?
What do you mean by thrice? Do you mean two to three times a day?
After reading my OP, I know I may have sound confusing, butthat's truly my daughter, she is a walking contradiction. So thank you. I hope this helps with the other issues as well.
What do you mean by thrice? Do you mean two to three times a day?
After reading my OP, I know I may have sound confusing, butthat's truly my daughter, she is a walking contradiction. So thank you. I hope this helps with the other issues as well.
ceeb2005 last decade
Is this Calcium Phosphorus or Calcium Phosphate...I can't find it looking for it in the remedy store.
ceeb2005 last decade
cal phos means Calcarea Phosphorica. It is a bio combination advised for healthy bones and teething problems. It is available at all homeo shops.
♡ kadwa last decade
♡ akshaymohl last decade
Sounds to me like your daughter may be suffering from dental enamel loss (dentine underneath the enamel is yellow) - does she eat / drink a lot of acidic foods or drinks (i.e. squashes, soft drinks, citrus fruits, tomatoes, sweets). Acid in foods, especially citric acid which is cheap and added to many sweet foods simply dissolves the enamel - and can make the teeth very sensitive. The same acid damage, can occur if persons suffers from acid reflux as stomach acid which backs up all the way to the mouth is extremely acidic. Sometimes the damage to the teeth is the first / only sign. I would ask your doctor and dentist to look for signs of reflux - the fact that your daughter is underweight may well be caused by this (children with reflux can be very picky eaters). I hope the remedy you were advised to buy helped but I realy would ask the dentist and the doctor to have a look / examine your girl's teeth again. And looking at the acidity of the diet may help too. All the best.
bmp16 last decade
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