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Arnica Montana:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Arnica overdose in children

I just discovered my son had opened my bottle of arnica 200c by breaking the lid with his teeth (!!!) and finished off the pills in there. There must have been at about 10. How sick with worry should I be? I gave him some water, and he is now in bed.
Hope somebody can provide me some assurances that overdose in homeopathic remedies is not a real cause for great concern...!
  robynmorris on 2009-01-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
never give water to antidote an homeo medicine;
sorahamsha last decade
camper is the antidote of arnica..but u can also finish the overdose affects by using coffe and perfume also..but in some cases u need antidot medicine acording 2 the condition.
isha_dr last decade
give him a dose of Nux Vom 30 c;
sorahamsha last decade
if you have some camphor substance in your, make him inhale it;

give him very very mild coffee;
sorahamsha last decade
if the antidote is not availble, by the inhelation of perfume u can antidote the medicine easily.
isha_dr last decade
isha_dr are you from the ishayoga cult?
sorahamsha last decade
Thanks all! I just rubbed his chest with Vicks and got him to inhale.
robynmorris last decade
hmmm v good..
sorahmsha no i dn,t know ishayoya cult sorry.
isha_dr last decade

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