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Nervous sensitivity
Hello.I am Kinjal.My age is 25 (male).
My problem can be seen as nervous sensitivity.The other main points are as follows:
*Sensitive to sound and light. (A little loud sound can easily irritate me)
*Absent minded and forgetful.
*Impatient. (Even eat very quickly)
*Respiratory allergy.
*Grey hair.
*Inflated veins of hands and feet.
*Trembling hands.
*Itch between the thighs.
*Nail biting.
*Stomach uncomfortable after eating a little heavy food.
*Hiccups by eating spicy food.
*Under weight.Especially upper body.Face is too thin.
*Jerking of stomach muscles under stress.
*Unsatisfactory stool.
*Lack of energy and unwillingness to work.
I consulted a homeopath and he gave me Lycopodium 10M, on 9th november'08. There was a lot of aggravation in the form of anxiety and depression,body very hot when covered with eg. blanket,low appetite,dry throat,nervous exhaustion. The plus points were satisfactory stools and reduced sensitivity to light(not sound).
The remedy lyco 10M was repeated after 10 weeks (on 22nd january'09). The aggravations became more intense and are continuing till date. The anxiety especially is unbearable.
There has not been any real amelioration.
Please advise on the given remedy and current situation.
kinjal on 2009-02-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please try Nux-Vomica-200 once at night at bed time for 3/4 days and report after a week.
dr. mahfooz
dr. mahfooz
♡ Mahfoozurrehman last decade
have you ever been dominated by someone ?
do you suppress anger?
do you forgive easily? or are you revengeful?
do you suppress anger?
do you forgive easily? or are you revengeful?
gumby last decade
Thankyou Dr. mahfooz, I'll report the effect of nux-vomiva-200.
kinjal last decade
Hi gumby,
I have never been dominated by anyone.
I don't particularly remember suppressing anger.
I do not forgive easily.Feeling of revenge is definitely present in me.
I have never been dominated by anyone.
I don't particularly remember suppressing anger.
I do not forgive easily.Feeling of revenge is definitely present in me.
kinjal last decade
Dr. Mahfooz,
It is an update after one week. I had taken nux-v-200 for three consecutive nights.
On the fourth day, I felt a considerable relief from anxiety. It was a brilliant day. After that, the anxiety resurfaced and is continuing.
This remedy, though, has almost cured the condition of the body getting very hot when covered with blanket when sleeping.
Another thing is my sleep trouble. It comes late and I wake up early around 04-05:00 a.m with disturbed thoughts. It comes again then, to wake up late in the morning.
The anxiety which i have is accompanied by uncontrolled thoughts, especially about a recent broken relationship. Logically I do not care about the break-up, but the mind keeps on generating negative aspects and unnecessary details about it, to the limit of torture. This happens every minute of my life that i am awake.I've started to cry a lot about my condition as well.
The anxiety is particularly felt in the region around the heart, with some palpitation. I do not feel like doing anything, thinking about anything or talking to anybody.
I understand that the above conditions are the result of severe aggravations which can be expected of Lyco. 10M (which i took firstly 3 months ago, and then repeated about 1 month ago). Although I have full faith in lycopodium after reading its materia medica, but the relentless anxiety compels me to think of immediately anti-doting it.
Please help me get rid of this state.
It is an update after one week. I had taken nux-v-200 for three consecutive nights.
On the fourth day, I felt a considerable relief from anxiety. It was a brilliant day. After that, the anxiety resurfaced and is continuing.
This remedy, though, has almost cured the condition of the body getting very hot when covered with blanket when sleeping.
Another thing is my sleep trouble. It comes late and I wake up early around 04-05:00 a.m with disturbed thoughts. It comes again then, to wake up late in the morning.
The anxiety which i have is accompanied by uncontrolled thoughts, especially about a recent broken relationship. Logically I do not care about the break-up, but the mind keeps on generating negative aspects and unnecessary details about it, to the limit of torture. This happens every minute of my life that i am awake.I've started to cry a lot about my condition as well.
The anxiety is particularly felt in the region around the heart, with some palpitation. I do not feel like doing anything, thinking about anything or talking to anybody.
I understand that the above conditions are the result of severe aggravations which can be expected of Lyco. 10M (which i took firstly 3 months ago, and then repeated about 1 month ago). Although I have full faith in lycopodium after reading its materia medica, but the relentless anxiety compels me to think of immediately anti-doting it.
Please help me get rid of this state.
kinjal last decade
♡ Mahfoozurrehman last decade
May I ask if we are anti-doting Lyco. here?
Is'nt it possible to treat anxiety otherwise in my case?
Is'nt it possible to treat anxiety otherwise in my case?
kinjal last decade
♡ Mahfoozurrehman last decade
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