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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Another bad acne breakout

Hello! I am 31 and have had acne since I was 18. I get medium to large pimples on my chin and forehead, and between my eyebrows. I have been getting the spots on my chin and near the corners of my mouth for a long time, but the forhead pimples have been occuring in the past year or two. I have small white half moons on my fingernails on most of my nails. One other white spot on my nail, too. I also get pms (tenderness, moodiness) but the pimples don't sem to get better or worse during this time. The only other health issue I have at the moment is a slightly low thyroid. I have tried Chinese herbs for excess heat but I can't bear the taste of the teas! Any advice?
  maryh on 2005-01-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
P.S. More info you may need...

1. In terms of sleep, I need at least 8 hours. It usually takes 30 minutes to fall asleep. Dreams are usually vivid, rarely unpleasant.

2. More sensitive to cold now than I used to be.

3. State of mind- happy mostly but stressed, too.

4. I don't have a big sweet tooth, but love salt. I try to avoid spicy foods.
maryh 2 decades ago
I have treated Acne and Insomnia successfully with Arnica 30. The dose is 2 balls taken twice daily with the last dose taken at night just before sleep when you can take 3 balls.

All remedies should be taken under the tongue and you cannot drink coffee, cola drinks and any food like sausages which contain saltpeter.

If your acne does not resolve in a week this may be due to your low thyroid levels which will have to be looked into.
Joe De Livera 2 decades ago
Please keep us posted , if you use Arnica . Have not ever used Arnica for acne.
passkey 2 decades ago
Hi Joe and thanks for the tip about Arnica. I later filled out the homeopathy remedy software in great detail with everything I could possibly think of. With the rest of my symptoms, it recommended Sulphur. I am trying it instead as it recommended it over everything else, but thanks for the suggestion. After 1 day, my acne spots are less tender, but I really wonder if the medicine could act so quickly.
maryh 2 decades ago
Yes - Sulphur would have been high on my list
passkey 2 decades ago

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