The ABC Homeopathy Forum
male infertility problem
Please advice me on the following details of my Semen Analysis.(Age 30 yrs)Sperm motility 0%
Sperm Count 84 million/ml
Normal Sperm 60%
Do we have any options available in homeo for my treatment?
aroramit on 2009-02-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
♡ rishimba last decade
Yes I do agree with dr. rishimba's advice. I may share my experience for the welfare of Azoospermia patients having excellent result. The formulae is as under:
Zincum Met-30 (3 drops per dose after meal (luch & dinner twice a day)
Vanadium-3x +
Selenium-3x (both 2 tablests
thrice a day (Schewebe W. Germany)
Verona Cap. (a herbal combination of Herbion Ltd Karachi) (one capsul between Luch and Dinner with good diet)
report after month without having sex.
Zincum Met-30 (3 drops per dose after meal (luch & dinner twice a day)
Vanadium-3x +
Selenium-3x (both 2 tablests
thrice a day (Schewebe W. Germany)
Verona Cap. (a herbal combination of Herbion Ltd Karachi) (one capsul between Luch and Dinner with good diet)
report after month without having sex.
♡ Mahfoozurrehman last decade
which foods are rich in ZINC.
libra981 last decade
♡ rishimba last decade
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