The ABC Homeopathy Forum
excessive sweating-hyperhidrosis
1. Name- sanskriti2. Age- 22
3. Sex- female
4. country-india
5. climate- humid
6. What exactly is happening ?
Sweat alot in palms, feet and armpit
7. Which side and where your perspire more ?
Palms, feet and armpit
8. How do you feel ?
9. How does this affect you ?
Effecting my social as well as professional life
10. How does it feel like ?
11. What comes to your mind ?
dnt want to shake hands and i dnt wear shoes or sumthing which is closed as in that case my feet sweats more n it stinks too
12. One situation that had a big effect on you ? lot of incidences not just one
13. How did that feel like ?
14. What sensation do you experience in that situation ?
on excessive sweating my hands and feets starts swelling too and after some time it gets normal. still it sweats alot all the time and sometimes it sweat too much that it starts droping frm my hands.
15. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand. ?
16. current medicine you are taking?
not taking any medicine yet
17. family back ground- educated
18. qualification of patient- btech
19. Nature of working- have to deal with clients
20. desire and aversion of food
21. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatient short tempered. though I dnt feel any problem in public speaking still sometimes sweaty hands and armpits makes me uncomfortable sometimes.
22. When increases/Decrease-
throughout the year. all the time even when i am relaxed or tensed
(Aggravation & Amelioration), mention time,duration/season etc
Marital status- single
Weight- 48kgs
Body structure- slim
height- 5feet6inches
As i dont want to go for any surgical treatment so please suggest me any homeopathic treatment for this.
gemini31 on 2009-03-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I am going through few more problems regarding excess hairfall and dreams. i dont know whether these are related to my sweating problem or not.. please suggest..
few dreams that i see usually since my childhood are:
1) I see am drowning in the valley and usually i see there is stream flowing through dark jungles and lots of noise like water waves with storm. and i hv a fear of water.
2)usually I see that I have food in front of me but still am not able to eat that though people around me are having the food. and as soon as i reach for that suddenly dream changes. and when i wake up all i remember is that i cudnt eat anything.
I think that above problems may co-relate with hyperhidrosis. if i am wrong then please correct me.
few dreams that i see usually since my childhood are:
1) I see am drowning in the valley and usually i see there is stream flowing through dark jungles and lots of noise like water waves with storm. and i hv a fear of water.
2)usually I see that I have food in front of me but still am not able to eat that though people around me are having the food. and as soon as i reach for that suddenly dream changes. and when i wake up all i remember is that i cudnt eat anything.
I think that above problems may co-relate with hyperhidrosis. if i am wrong then please correct me.
gemini31 last decade
vikas_grower last decade
plz take silicea 1M weekly for one month ,then report
syedahmadnaqvi last decade
thanx a lot doctors for replying.
i'll get that medicine as soon as possible.
Problem of sweating is right from my childhood. and i guess when i was 13, my parents referred to a doctor who suggested iontophoresis for my prob. we tried it for almost around 3-4 months but it didnt work. still am suffering from that.
and regarding myself as a person,
i am very much moody n stubborn. and above all I am a confused person right from the beginning. now at this age i understand very well whats right and whats wrong for me still i dont know what pre-occupies my mind n i dnt do anything good for myself.
i used to be a jovial n funloving person bt now i feel too sad all the time. i dont feel happy from my heart. though everybody thinks that i am very confident n talented person but i feel so low from inside. i've stopped talking to anybody, dont know why, i am hiding n confining myself now. n theres just one person whom i talk to, thats my father, may be bcos i am living with him right now thats why i am in touch with him otherwise i would hv left talking to him also by now. i just hate myself. its not like i've been ignored in my family or i didnt get any attention. i've always been pampered in my family.
now each day i get up and tryout to plan my day, still i endup doin nothin thorugh out whole day n just cursing myself n regreting that am good-for-nothing. and i am a hopless case. i worry alot bt do nothing for the same.( then why the hell do i worry?). i dont feel like emotionaly attached to anybody anymore not even with my family-members too.
i dont share my talks and feelings with anybdy right from the beginning, not even with my family-members and i feel to share my thoughts with strangers(dont know why) and its not like i worry about what would my family n frnds think abt me cos they know me very well but its jus that i dont feel like sharing with them. as u can see instead of discussing my problems with my family and frnds, i am seeking help from outside, from u people.
i was doing good acadimecally throughtout in my school and in my college too. soon i got a job and after sometime i realised i just dont want to do that work and i chucked that job though it was solely my decision to get into that job. and i am still not able to figure out what exactly i want to do(or if really i want to do something), may be i am not yet taking my life seriously.
if u ask me about my strengths and weakness i dont know whether i'll be able to list out any good thing abt myself and there will be a long list of my weaknesses.
i dont know whether this info will help or not or may be you can ask some questions that you find relevant to solve my problem, so i'll answer accordingly.
and if you think that homeopathy can't help me in my case as its all inside me that has to be changed and improved(that i know still m not doing anything for myself), then please let me know that too.
thanx again for sparing your time.
i'll get that medicine as soon as possible.
Problem of sweating is right from my childhood. and i guess when i was 13, my parents referred to a doctor who suggested iontophoresis for my prob. we tried it for almost around 3-4 months but it didnt work. still am suffering from that.
and regarding myself as a person,
i am very much moody n stubborn. and above all I am a confused person right from the beginning. now at this age i understand very well whats right and whats wrong for me still i dont know what pre-occupies my mind n i dnt do anything good for myself.
i used to be a jovial n funloving person bt now i feel too sad all the time. i dont feel happy from my heart. though everybody thinks that i am very confident n talented person but i feel so low from inside. i've stopped talking to anybody, dont know why, i am hiding n confining myself now. n theres just one person whom i talk to, thats my father, may be bcos i am living with him right now thats why i am in touch with him otherwise i would hv left talking to him also by now. i just hate myself. its not like i've been ignored in my family or i didnt get any attention. i've always been pampered in my family.
now each day i get up and tryout to plan my day, still i endup doin nothin thorugh out whole day n just cursing myself n regreting that am good-for-nothing. and i am a hopless case. i worry alot bt do nothing for the same.( then why the hell do i worry?). i dont feel like emotionaly attached to anybody anymore not even with my family-members too.
i dont share my talks and feelings with anybdy right from the beginning, not even with my family-members and i feel to share my thoughts with strangers(dont know why) and its not like i worry about what would my family n frnds think abt me cos they know me very well but its jus that i dont feel like sharing with them. as u can see instead of discussing my problems with my family and frnds, i am seeking help from outside, from u people.
i was doing good acadimecally throughtout in my school and in my college too. soon i got a job and after sometime i realised i just dont want to do that work and i chucked that job though it was solely my decision to get into that job. and i am still not able to figure out what exactly i want to do(or if really i want to do something), may be i am not yet taking my life seriously.
if u ask me about my strengths and weakness i dont know whether i'll be able to list out any good thing abt myself and there will be a long list of my weaknesses.
i dont know whether this info will help or not or may be you can ask some questions that you find relevant to solve my problem, so i'll answer accordingly.
and if you think that homeopathy can't help me in my case as its all inside me that has to be changed and improved(that i know still m not doing anything for myself), then please let me know that too.
thanx again for sparing your time.
gemini31 last decade
am also suffering with this problem and can understand the agony which we people go through.
i live in delhi & i want to be a friend as we can share our grief and find out ways through each other to manage the problem.
i wish to contact you.waiting t hear from you. pls reply.
am also suffering with this problem and can understand the agony which we people go through.
i live in delhi & i want to be a friend as we can share our grief and find out ways through each other to manage the problem.
i wish to contact you.waiting t hear from you. pls reply.
montykumar last decade
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