The ABC Homeopathy Forum
muscular or nerves deterioration !!!
Respected doctors,A friend of mine lives in Coimbatore. He came to know a family of four. They are not in sound financial condition. The father and mother are healthy. The problem for their girl child had driver them almost to commit suicide.
The first daughter is now 15 years old, not going to school... rather not able to go to school, because of her inability. When she was very young, she was a bit of retarded child, everything had to be told and made her do, even going to toilet.. This was by age 3 years. By 8 years, she started getting problem in her legs. Progressively the condition deteriorated and presently, she is not able to walk or move around.. She has to go to toilet only with the help of the mother etc... The neighbours have started to tease the parents to vacate the house..etc..
Added to this, the second child of 12 years age, is beginning to show symptoms of the same condition. Legs are bent sideways and walking or standing is not possible for the elder girl. They cannot afford costly surgery etc...
Can any good soul suggest solution for this problem??
kns_3 on 2009-03-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
pls try the following medicine..
1. baryta carb 30 three times in a day
2. calcarea Hypophosphoricum 3x 1 tab thrice in a day
(avliable at schwabe India company)
dr.deoshlok sharma
1. baryta carb 30 three times in a day
2. calcarea Hypophosphoricum 3x 1 tab thrice in a day
(avliable at schwabe India company)
dr.deoshlok sharma
♡ deoshlok last decade
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