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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

IBS Problem

I am suffering from IBS related colon disorder. Spastic colon,mental block, dreams insomnia,
illusion, fear anxiety, constipation are some of the symptoms I had tried to take Lycopodium, but did not really help much.

After i went through you remedy find it suggested me to take Argentum nitricum. I do not know how much potency is needed for my condition. I am suffering from this problems since 3 years and i am 36 yrs old.

Can you provide some suggestion?

  abhay on 2003-12-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
well-be careful no repeat any medicines tooo often-

here some questions -help access.

what occur prior this condition 3 years ago? ..i.e...illness,new home, diet,...what change in life (if anything)?

how you respond to coffee when drank?

what medicines you take?vitamins/minerals? herbs?

what your typical diet includ?favorites? hates?

any white spots on fingernails?how many? What condition around and nails themselves?.i.e..brittle,chapping,...etc

any moles?warts?rashes/eruptions? where located?

start here

John stanton
homoeopathic layman
pennsylvania usa

John Stanton 2 decades ago
Thank you for the reply.

Here is how it started.

I went through a stress (One of my clients decalred bankruptacy and i lost huge sum of money). Followed by the my daughter had seizure. It was the first time for me. From there onwards as and when my daughter fell sick (simple cold etc) I condition trigger.I soon feel sick - severe cold and cough. I tried to take the OTC cough syrups for close to 3 weeks and heavy dose of C vitamins. To keep warm i took lot of coffee during that time. Had severs chest congestion.Soon one day I felt the acid was flowing down my colon and bulb blocking my throat. Severe bloating in instetine started troubling me. The breath was bad.

After visitng several doctors one of the doctor prescribed be proton inhibitor for GERD. After taking that for a year the GERD symtom was gone. But the colon problem persisted now and then with burning blocking constipation sensation. The colon thereapy showed inflammation in the colon. I was told to take more fiber. This id not help much.

Soon I moved toa new Home (the fat mortgage started troubling at the back of the mind). I soon started loosing sleep. I get shaken by a disguting dream around 4 am in the morning and could not sleep after. Some time I could not sleep for the whole time. I hve a fear that I might loose my job, somebody will break into the house etc.. Started seeing all the illusions in the night time, started wakeing up for even very small noises. The more sleep I lost more the colon failed.
Added to this work added more stress. Brain fog, mental block, fatigue has becaome a part of my life now.A occasional vacation releives most of the symtoms, but jumps back as I get to work.

I tried Accupunture,Homeopathy Lycopodiaum, taxic cleaning regular hertburn medicines, nothing is working.

I like coffee but cannot drink as sson as i drink the problem gets aggravated.

All i am taking now is the taxic cleaner herb suppliment for last 1 month hoping that toxic cleaning (ultimate cleanse from natures' secret)might bring this back to normal.

Normally I eat rice and lot of vegetables,Little spicy. No dislikes or likes as such. i do not have craving for any sort of food.

I did see some white spots on the nails long time ago, but they were gone. no chipping or brittle nails.

After the problem started i got a skin pigmentation on the face right side below the Eyes. It is like additional pigmentation.

Alaso started getting lot of mouth ulcers and eription on the back side of the neck and head.

abhay 2 decades ago
ok, 1dose nux-vomica 200c (homoeopathic remdy)--only once before bed.

AVOID--ALL ACIDICfoods and drinks--no alcohol--no spicy foods--no fruits--no coffee,no soda pop drinks (cocoa cola,pepsi,...),fruit juices--no vinegar--

no other medications--homoeopathic or otherwise

if take vitamin/mineral supplement--eliminate calcium and phosphorous-iron

if vegetarian eat more beans-leguminous vegetables--potatoes ok--stay away from salad type vegetables--if not have little red meat EACH meal

after nux-vomica post any symptoms as they appear---make note as to whether new or old recurring --and describe status of each original complaint

John stanton
homoeopathic layman
pennsylvania usa
john stanton 2 decades ago

Thanks for the reply. When you say 1 dose do you mean taking all the pellets once. I was checking online and see that the fillowing provides 1 dose tube contaning 200 pellets. Should i take all of them once?

abhay 2 decades ago
1 dose (5-6) pellets (only once) nux-vomica 200c.

post symptoms as they appear---make known whether new or old each symptom

john stanton
homoeopathic layman
pennsylvania usa

John Stanton 2 decades ago
Thanks. Is it just one night i need to take this or repeat it every night before going to bed?

abhay 2 decades ago
1 night only----and post symptms as mentioned--then see what next

john stanton
homoeopathic layman
pennsylvania usa
John Stanton 2 decades ago
I took 5 pellets of 200 c before going to bed. Symptoms are...
- There is slight reduction in the bowel irritation resulted from the heavy bloating and constipation two days ago.
- I did have some dreams and got up at around 4:30 am . Had been lying like that till 8:30 often getting drems and waking up. After getting up there is sort of drowsiness.
I have been getting up at 3-4 for last three days.
- Still feel drousy .
- Not much of brain fog and head heavy symptom
abhay 2 decades ago
ok--vital force respond to nux-v
we allow work --keeping
note of symptom changes.

may be nux-v start overwork

what else you notice after nux-v? even if seem unimportant?

did waking at 3-4 occur anytime at all in past (before nux-v)??

my suggestion--keep following restrictions --allow nux-v time
keep posting

email me better-

john stanton
homoeopathic layman
pennsylvania usa

john stanton 2 decades ago
I did use to wake up several times when the conditions were severe.
I felt after nux-v it aggravated the symptom a little bit. Does that mean it started working?
Do i need to continue taking Nux-v every night?

abhay 2 decades ago

NO -this not mean take every night--DO NOT TAKE ANOTHER DOSE until symptoms dictate.no i not treat that way at all-NEVER routinize prescriptions--Always base upon symptoms occuring moment --this why close communication of value---

yes -you responding to nux-vomica-what i waiting to read is NEW symptoms after or what old symptoms reoccur or are aggravating you at this time--

tell me about NOW symptoms -better to access--even if you write same as before--this help accesss movement--go back over old questions and answer again but for condition now---
compare before nux and after.

this help me access and prescribe proper--

john stanton
homoeopathic layman
pennsylvania usa
john stanton 2 decades ago
Her are my new symptoms afet taking Nux v

1. Increased bloating.
2. Less brain fog as compared to earlier.
3. Feeling of inflammation in the colon, which was not there at least for sometime earlier.

4. Drowsiness in the morning as same as it was earlier but was not there for sometime.

5. The same type of feeling on the left side of the body (colon) as I had it on the right side of the body(colon) three years ago whn the problem started for the first time. ie cold freezing feeling in the colon on left side.

6. reduced bowel movemnet ven after drinking gallons of water in the morning. this was not the case before I took nux. This was not the case before nux vomica. The colon used to get cleaned after dring like warm water in the morning.

7. Two days I suffred from severe colon inflammation fatre taking nux v.
abhay 2 decades ago
ok response to remedy --you post sooner when aggravation com e as such..seek mild cure. done is done.

ok --
what symptoms are now stable? what persist?

what condition of stool? color? texture?easy?hard?...etc

has urination been affected?how?

how is sleep?

no more nux-v --no more doses--important

EMAIL ME WITH RESPONSE--the forum too slow --easier when email--

john stanton
homoeopathic layman
pennsylvania usa
john stanton 2 decades ago
[post removed by moderator. If you have something to say, please say it directly on the forum. Thank you]
notoibs last decade
All bowel problems are usually microbial problems. the human body did not evolve eating huge amounts of unfermented wheat and sugar, it evolved with heaps of meat and hard fat, a little fruit in season, and some vegetation.

Eat alot more meat and animal fat, boiled preferably. Microbes love to use starches and sugars to grow. Cooked vegetables are OK, except for potatoes and grains. Look up the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, I used it, and now I can eat bread, as once it sent me into extreeme agony, and made me lie down with cramps for hours. If saturated fat is poisonous, I should be dead several times over, yet I feel much better than I did.

Ripe fruit are fine, as they are mostly fructose, which is easily absorbed, and the microbes have no chance to feed on it as your body beats it to the punch. Sauerkraut and other lacto fermented vegetables are great for correcting bowel flora - lactic acid shows yeast who is the boss.
Miguel last decade
P.S. I get those dreams at night if I eat a lot of fat, esp fried or dairy fat before bed. I think the problems are gall bladder related - and the dreams are horrendous - noises, figures, visitations!
Miguel last decade

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