The ABC Homeopathy Forum
I've been masturbating from last 5 years and now penis looks weak and has weaker erections. I got married two months ago, while having intercourse with my wife I feel that my penis is not as hard as it should be. My wife has no complaints regarding this problem but I do.We both agreed to have intercourse twice or thrice in a weekOne important thing I want to add here, my cheeks are thin due to which I look weak. I think this is due to masturbation. Now when having sex with my wife, the very next day my cheeks tilted towards inside.
I have already posted my problem regarding weaker erection. This is my second post to this forum. Dr. AkshayMohl suggested me to take staphysagria 200 one dose and after 15 days take lycopodium 1M and then report. Still I havent tried these medicines bcz of some personal reasons. Now I really want to know after reading several threads to this forum regarding staphysagria 200. What are the affects of this medicine? After my marriage, I have no urge to masturbate. What I want is that my penis becomes hard while having sex till ejaculation. Sometimes I ask my wife to put my penis into his vagina. Due to weaker erection at that time, unable to insert into her vagina hole. We both ejaculate at the same time or one after the another. Do send me your valuable suggestions.
emran on 2009-03-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Staphysagria and Phosphoric Acid are the remedies which can cure your problem.
You can also take ONE dose of Sulphur 200.
You can also take ONE dose of Sulphur 200.
jerryacu last decade
Hello Jerry,
Please tell me the exact dose of the given medicines
Staphysagria 200
Phosphoric Acid
Sulphur 200
Please tell me the exact dose of the given medicines
Staphysagria 200
Phosphoric Acid
Sulphur 200
emran last decade
Dear Emran,
I think I remember your posts.
Staphysagaria 30c three doses on a single day. Do not repeat this process any other day.
drops into 250ml water, stir and take a tea spoon,
report after a week.
I think I remember your posts.
Staphysagaria 30c three doses on a single day. Do not repeat this process any other day.
drops into 250ml water, stir and take a tea spoon,
report after a week.
gumby last decade
Hy Gumby,
How about the rest of the above mentioned medicines like Phosphoric Acid
Sulphur 200
Should I take only Staphysagria 30c? If not then do write the dosage per day.
How about the rest of the above mentioned medicines like Phosphoric Acid
Sulphur 200
Should I take only Staphysagria 30c? If not then do write the dosage per day.
emran last decade
Hy to Everyone
How about the rest of the above mentioned medicines like Phosphoric Acid
Sulphur 200
Should I take only Staphysagria 30c and how many drops in 250ml water? If not then do write the dosage per day.
How about the rest of the above mentioned medicines like Phosphoric Acid
Sulphur 200
Should I take only Staphysagria 30c and how many drops in 250ml water? If not then do write the dosage per day.
emran last decade
2 drops in 250ml water 3 times only on one day.
no further doses
report after a week.
2 drops in 250ml water 3 times only on one day.
no further doses
report after a week.
gumby last decade
Yes, follow the advise given by gumby.
Do not take any other remedy.
Try Staphysagria first. Wait for 1 to 2 weeks to see if it's effective.
If it doesn't work then only should you try the other remedies.
Please keep us updated on your progress.
Do not take any other remedy.
Try Staphysagria first. Wait for 1 to 2 weeks to see if it's effective.
If it doesn't work then only should you try the other remedies.
Please keep us updated on your progress.
jerryacu last decade
Hello Everyone,
I have taken staphisagria 30c two weeks back as per your prescribed dosage i.e. 2 drops in 250ml water, 3 times a day. I feel some minor improvement not fully. Should I take staphisagria one more time and then report after 1 week or try other remedy like Phosphoric Acid, Sulphur 200 or Lycopodium 1M.
I have taken staphisagria 30c two weeks back as per your prescribed dosage i.e. 2 drops in 250ml water, 3 times a day. I feel some minor improvement not fully. Should I take staphisagria one more time and then report after 1 week or try other remedy like Phosphoric Acid, Sulphur 200 or Lycopodium 1M.
emran last decade
no further dosage.
tell me exactly how many days has it been.
What do you feel now?
Any mental improvements?
tell me exactly how many days has it been.
What do you feel now?
Any mental improvements?
gumby last decade
Exactly 13 days back I took it. I am feeling the following:
1) Feeling of tiredness has been increased specially in knee area (lower leg area). I have taken 1 glass of milk daily from last 2 years in breakfast.
2) Increase in appetite.
3) Havent felt any mental improvement yet. Still the same as usual.
1) Feeling of tiredness has been increased specially in knee area (lower leg area). I have taken 1 glass of milk daily from last 2 years in breakfast.
2) Increase in appetite.
3) Havent felt any mental improvement yet. Still the same as usual.
emran last decade
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