The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Kind Att. Dr Sameer Vermani (gastrointestinal fistula (Two holes in large intestine), Critical stage.
Dear Mr. Sameer please go through the following case history and please guide us.Patient: Amit Gatech
Age: 60 years
Habits: Smoking 3-4 cigarate per day and occationaly drinking alcohol.
He is hospitalized since 4 Jan 2009, He has been operated on 15 th Jan. The diagnosis was peristohitis multiple fistula in colon and jejunum previously on 24 th oct 2008. He had been operated for diverticulum perforation. He is having many diverticulum in the intestine.
Second time when he was going to be operated he was in very critical condition. One to half kg. pus formation was there in the intestine. The surgery took about 5 to 6 hours but at that time, the part which was operated in october was safe, according to the surgeon the intestine wall became very fragile.
On 19 Jan (Post operative) there was again pus formation in the operated part. The doctor opened the wound, did the leprostoma and kept it open till now. At present the wound is recovering, but whatever he eats within 20 to 25 minutes, it is coming out in the form of formed stool. This cause much burning sensation and pain to him. We can see three fistulas to diverticulum with our eyes. The general condition like pulse, temperature, Blood Pressure is quite under control, but he is unable to tolerate the burning anymore because, within every one to two hours dressing is performed (dressing is done with saline water only). After that Vaseline gauge and simple to cut mops are kept on the wound and the bedsits rap them. He is allowed to eat anything. But in small quantity and more frequency.
Basically he has strong will power and lots of stemina, possitive atitude. We never saw him depressed and with anykind of negetive approched he had faced many obstracles in his life including financial, social and physical. He used to face them very clmly and without getting angry. He is little bit dominant character (in front of my mother). Confident, firm and curious. He likes to know different things and technology etc. He always gives courage to the children. If he wants to do he certainly does.
Financially he is almost finished. He has a big debt. At present he is in despair because bank loans, installments, down business do not let him stop woring. He is feeling very unsecure, upset and guilty as he thinks that he could not succeed by seeing his divorced daughter and grand son he get emotional, thinks that he has not done anything for them. At present he is not in condition that he can cope up with the living cost even, bacause whatever he has is on loan that is why he is worried and become dipressed. Doctors are hopefull saying that this is time taking conservative method.He will certainly get through because the stemina is good and body is healthy. Quick healing process is there.
We have tried following medicine
Silicea 6 X, 30, 200 and one dose of 1M.
Calc. Flur 6X (Biochemic)
Calc. Sulph 200
calandula 200
Arsenic 30 (For sepsis and burning sensation)
Nat.phos 6X
Right now he is on Arsenic 30.but no result.
Today he feels cold and fever, blood test shows sepcis and Heamoglobin is 9.00
Please suggest some remedy
rakchok on 2009-03-17
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