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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

chronic tinnitus?? ringing ear

hi there folks,
i wonder if you can help me...
i have recommended Salicylicum Acidum to an aunt who has been from suffering from her left ear ringing for the past 6 years or so...(she is 28 no children, not married)
previous to this she suffered from a bad head-flu and thereafter her ear began to ring and she was deafened quite abit in both ears..
doctors have tried all sorts od concoctions on her and to no avail...
she has been taking the s.acidum for 6 weeks and has found that her head nose and ears feel alot less congessted but the ringing remains the same.is it best she continues with it or should she try something else..
the ringing worries her terribly and she would really like to be rid of it..
your help and recommendations would be greatly appreciated folks.
  naryssa on 2005-01-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Is there any nausea , vertigo. ?.
What potency of Salicylic Acid is being used?.

There are so many other remedies that show up on the details you give. Is she hot or cold person. Does she have a sweet tooth . Do woolen garments annoy her skin . Does she like boiled eggs?. Does she like/dislike rich foods. Ever get swollen eyelids. ?.
passkey 2 decades ago
A single dose of Tellurium-30 may fix your problem. There is no need to observe it for longer then two days. If it works with just the single dose you got your medicine.
pw3000 2 decades ago
thankyou very much for your help
greatly appreciated
naryssa 2 decades ago
Very keen on knowing if her her tinnitus been cured?

sunil 2 decades ago
dear Doc PW3000
I am Mrs. lakshmi Pillai, 39 yrs age. Staying in Mumbai.
, I am suffering from severe kind of allergy due to which I am getting continuous sneezes for the past 26 years.
I am allergic to many things like, sour food, fruits, cold food, change of climate, dust, etc.
If I get sneezes, it will remain for 1-2 days & I will be sneezing violently the full day continuously.
with 5 mts gap
Because of my sneezing regularly, both of my ears have got affected for the past 25 years I am suffering my ear disease

For nearly 12 years , from my ears hammering sounds used to come with a gap of 5 mts in both ears.
Then one morning hammering sounds had gone and in its place buzzing sounds in both my ears are coming nonstop
buzzing sounds ( sounds similar to lots of bees make humming sounds ) comes continuously from both of my ears - 24 hours daily for the past 13 years.. i am suffering for nearly 24-25 years
This buzzing sound has made my life miserable & disturbing me a lot. I cannot sleep properly. My hearing is also not very clear, there is some percent of deafness also to my ears. I am eating some ayurvedic medicines to control sneezings hence sneezing is little bit under control , but no improvement in buzzing sounds at all
I have tried various treatments like, Allopathy, Ayuervedic, Accupressure, Accupuncture, Reiki, etc. but there is absolutely no improvement in my condition. I am very frustrated with my life. Sometimes I feel death is better than my horrible life.

Pl be kind enough to suggest me suitable medicines to get permanent relief from this nonstop buzzing problem in both ears. i will be highly obliged.

padmadharmar last decade

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