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Boiron Arnicare ® Arthritis:



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

rheumatoid arthritis

Need advice on remedies:
female, 32 years old. Pain and discomfort in my hands started approximately after a deviated septum surgery, February 2008. Abdominal pain and geographic tongue also started after that (I kind of took care of this by eating raw food,50-80% per day).
High RA factor (200) in Oct. 2008. Asymmetrical pain and inflammation in the fingers (between proximal and intermediate phalanges), pain in the cervical spine, pain in the left foot. Pain worst in the morning. No problem sleeping.Fingers deformed. Bad headaches in the past 2 months. Please advice! Thank you!
  anto22 on 2009-03-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Ledum Pal 30 thrice daily for 5 dayspl report for further advise if any change
akshaymohl last decade
30c or 30x?
anto22 last decade
akshaymohl last decade

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