The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Epididymitus? Night sweats, Sore right testicle...
Hello Doctor, I am 43 years old and on occasion over many years I have had slight soreness and occasional burning sensation of my right testical. I usually have taken Ibuprofin and at about a week it clears up. I usually think I may have strained it and think nothing of it. As well, I have had numerous night sweats over the same amount of time but I have never associated the two until now.About 2 weeks ago the problem with my sore right testicle came up again but now there is more of a burning sensation and one small area which I can touch and is somewhat painful. But the pain is more irritating lite burning sensation overall on my right side. Another thing I noticed is my lower lip has been cracking over the last month as well, which I find strange.
For therapy, I had taken Pulsatilla for 3 days and I felt better. The pain went away for a bit. After a week the pain came back and I took Pulsatilla for 3 more days but after a few days the mild but annoying pain returned.
I have done research and have seen reccomendations for Aurum Metallicon, Belladonna and Sabal Ser. but I don't know which might be better for me or to keep trying the Pulsatilla. Would you have a recommendation for me as I don't have insurance and a doctor visit would be out of my budget at this moment.
Thanks for your time.
Dreyes on 2009-04-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
pl take higher potency of pulsatilla
♡ akshaymohl last decade
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