The ABC Homeopathy Forum
16 month old w/ reoccurring ear infections & teething
HI-I have a 16 month old who has had an ear infection in Dec., Jan., and Feb. and I think she may have another now. She was put on Amoxicillin the first time and the doctor figured the infection never went away when she still had one in Jan. Then she put her on Augmentin which cleared it up but gave her horrible diarrhea. 2 weeks after her all clear she got a cold and came down with another ear infection and was put on Augmentin again. She got the all clear on March 13th but now has been fighting another cold and I think she may have another one. She is a very stubborn girl so is very irritable at times. She is also teething right now (her molars are coming in) which adds to it. She never has a fever with them. She has a lot of discharge from both ears. It is yellow, thick and sticky. She will sometimes pull at her ear but not consistantly and not always the same one. Please help!
Heidi29 on 2009-04-05
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