The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Feral Dog and Fear Aggression
Greetings! I am writing to get some help with one of the dogs I adopted last year. He is a beautiful shepherd/ retriever mix named Bobo. He was about 10 weeks when I adopted him and his cousin out of a pack of feral dogs who ran like a pack on an abandoned winery. He was an absolute love bug/ lap lover the first few months and then developed a debilitating fear -of men especially. Will sound very scary if unknown man approaches. Sounds like he will kill them. He is reddish colored and runs hot. I gave him 3 doses of Belledonna 200c...not much changed. When he runs he chokes himself and pants for a LONG time after exercise. He is jealous if his cousin is getting attention and tries to get between us. He passionately licks us and tends to be pretty mouthy. He is very afraid in crowds, if men raise their hands and will get very scary sounding if he cannot get away (on lead)He was neutered quite early as is the custom with rescue dogs.Anyone who has had any experience with similar situations would be much appreciated. I have had great success treating dogs acutely...not so much constitutionally. Thank you.
Janavere on 2009-04-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
This is my daughter's dog and we were hoping this dog could be her companion but now he cannot go many places.
He is VERY sweet with us and has always aimed to please. He does not like to leave places. Does not like the car much. CRIES if we take his cousin on an adventure without him.
Any ideas would be so appreciated!
He is VERY sweet with us and has always aimed to please. He does not like to leave places. Does not like the car much. CRIES if we take his cousin on an adventure without him.
Any ideas would be so appreciated!
Janavere last decade
Look into the Bach Flower Essences particularly Star of Bethlehem, Aspen, Holly, Mimulus,and Rock Rose. Rescue Remedy is also a BFE that is excellent but should be used in additional to the above remedies and not a substitute.5-10 drops as needed,especially before car rides, new encounters,etc.
As for the first five BFE's mentioned, they may be given in combination,5-10 drops of each in about six tablespoons of water poured into a dark coloured small bottle with a dropper attached to the cap. Swirl gently before use. Use as needed. Before encounters, car rides, etc. They work differently than Rescue Remedy. 5-10 drops dropped directly onto the tongue. No food or water for at least 20 minutes afterward. Can be given every 15 minutes to start, tapering off to once every hour for a couple of hours to kick-start the process, then 5-7 times a day or on an as-needed basis(before encounters, car rides, etc). 20 drops of the combination can also be added to the water supply(a small additional water bowl containing water). If giving Rescue Remedy as well as the BFE combination wait at least 20 minutes between the two.
As for the first five BFE's mentioned, they may be given in combination,5-10 drops of each in about six tablespoons of water poured into a dark coloured small bottle with a dropper attached to the cap. Swirl gently before use. Use as needed. Before encounters, car rides, etc. They work differently than Rescue Remedy. 5-10 drops dropped directly onto the tongue. No food or water for at least 20 minutes afterward. Can be given every 15 minutes to start, tapering off to once every hour for a couple of hours to kick-start the process, then 5-7 times a day or on an as-needed basis(before encounters, car rides, etc). 20 drops of the combination can also be added to the water supply(a small additional water bowl containing water). If giving Rescue Remedy as well as the BFE combination wait at least 20 minutes between the two.
orian last decade
I gave BOBO 2 doses of pulsatilla 200c and EXTENSIVE flower essence therapy. I have gone through three 1 ounce bottles of rescue animal formula and a fear formula. I have limited Bobo quite a bit with his adventures and keep him in situations he is comfortable with, but we will be testing his comfort zone this week as my dad is going to be visiting. Dad is very good with dogs and is not afraid of a little we will see how it goes. Still open to more constitutional recommendations.
Janavere last decade
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