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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Sperm Count Low and Homeopathy - Dr. Deoshlok Sharma

The leading cause of male infertility is low sperm count. Others may be low sperm motility, bad quality sperm, lack of semen. In general, most cases of male infertility are due to low sperm count. There are many biologic and environmental factors that can lead to low sperm count. Here is a list if conditions that may cause low sperm count in men.
The effect of aging on male fertility is not clear, however, evidence is growing that it may be a factor. Fertilization rates are usually over 60% for men under 39 but for those over that age, the rates fell to slightly over half.
It may be due to following cause:
1. Emotional Stress. Stress may interfere with the hormone GnRH and reduce sperm counts.
2. Sexual Issues. In less than 1% of males with infertility problems, a problem with sexual intercourse or technique will affect fertility.
3. Impotence, premature ejaculation, or psychologic or relationship problems can contribute to infertility, although these conditions are usually very treatable.
4. Lubricants used with condoms, including spermicides, oils, and Vaseline, can affect fertility. If you need a sperm friendly lubricant, the choice of many couples trying to get pregnant is Pre-Seed.
Testicular Exposure to Overheating., Substance Abuse, Smoking.,Malnutrition and Nutrient Deficiencies. Obesity. ,Bicycling. ,Genetic Factors, Cystic fibrosis, Environmental Assaults, Radiation Treatment. Low Semen Levels ,Exposure to Heavy Metals, Varicocele
Our Homoeopathic Dependable treatment..
What ever the cause , we don’t know and we want to increase the spermcount . In homoeopathy there is two dependable drugs for increasing the semen quality…
1. Pituitaria Posterior 3x and 2. Tocopherolum 3x
The above medicine may be taken under supervision of your qualified Homoeopathic medical practice nor because your doctor may add the stress and emotional medicine too to get the good result .For that I will suggest one Bach flower remedy agrimony should be added for the good result…

Dr. Deoshlok Sharma

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  deoshlok on 2009-04-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
dear doctor,
I am suffering from Azoospermia, no semen seen in Semen analysis, but seen in FNAC.
pls. advice.
pkd1976 last decade
Pls try Pituitaria Posterior 3x daily two doses of 1 grain and followed by weekly one dose of conium mac 10m ...

deoshlok last decade
dear doctor,
thanks for advice,
pls tell from where i can get these medicine.
i will be very greatful to you.

pkd1976 last decade
here are you living now..
deoshlok last decade
i m from india, noida, delhi.
one querry i want to ask as i have obestric type azoospermia, is it curable.
i will be greatful to you,

pkd1976 last decade
Respected Dr. Sharma
please let us know the dose of following medicines.

1. Pituitaria Posterior 3x and 2. Tocopherolum 3x

many thanks in advance.
dr_nims last decade

If you are using above mentioned remedy, please share your reports with us because your reports can provide a guide line for new patients and those who are still trying to find out good remedy.

Ali Haider
ali haider last decade
Dr Sharma, pls tell us about the bach flower remedies to add to for stress in oligospermia cases..
drradha last decade
Dr Sharma, please remedy to my following problems

i) Feeling pain under left side scrotum under very small excrement. This pain can reduced when i do masturbation.

ii) Very low sperm count with each ejaculation

iii)Sustain for a short period in the time of intercourse

Now i am marriage guy but due to the above problem i am feeling help less. I am consulted with many Doctors and consumed FLUDACK (medicine) for a period of 6-8 month. But no improvement.

Kindly advice me the medicine.
Shubhadip Biswas last decade
Dear shubhadip Biswas,
u can use frist oxalic acid 8X two time in a day
report after 15 days.
honest_friend last decade
Hello everybody ! I am suffering from a critical sexual illness are As follow:-
I started masturbation since 12 and now i am 26 ..
I used to masturbate almost daily but softly but i saw blood on my 5th or 6th Day of masturbate, Day passed on At the age of 16 i started stroking hard and i did it daily and as i having premature ejaculation i used out my erect penis in between my thighs to avoid quicky ejaculation it continued for few years At the age of 20 the month before my penis died , i used to take inappropriate food {no breakfast except cup or tea , fast food and lunch At 4-5 pm after returning from college , last month every night i felt semen emission in dream , and masturbation daily , stomach got decayed wattery waste for 15 days
.. Now its more than 5 years ,
Sahin91 7 years ago
Problems i am facing right now are
Premature ejaculation and Erectile dysfunction - May be due i burst my penis vein or nerves or tissues
UTI- I did urine culture as i feel burning sensation while urinating or after ejaculation sometime but nothing found except flow of urine is very low may be due to uretheral openings became narrow where urine passaes away ..Doctor asked for cystoscopy to check any stones in urethera but i dont wanna go any kind of surgeries , so i want to try homeopathy .... I am married 3 months back
Height -5:11ft
Weight -73
Taste:- Sweet
So if any Doctor who could come forward to handle my situation , i will be very thankful to him
Sahin91 7 years ago
I could not find Tocopherolum in noida India, may be it is available with different name.please suggest
manishsharma143 6 years ago

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