The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Agorophobia prevents Schooling
My daughter is 15 years old and is in 10th grade. My daughter is currently not attending school because she has so much anxiety and panic she can't go. She has begun taking Effexor and is seeing a pyschologist but I have used homeopathy in the past for other health related illnesses to much success.Although I now believe my daughter has always been a highly anxious person it was camoflagued by her diagnosed ADHD and other learning difficulties. What has increased her anxiety to such an extent is that she was at a festival with friends last summer and fell, without any notice, flat on her face and broke her nose and had to rushed to the emergency room via amubulance. She had several other fainting spells (on vacation, playing tennis but she got through them but it definitely made her not want to do too much. The doctor said that she has low blood pressure and needs to drink lots of water and take in more salt. She was doing okay and would miss school here and there whenever she didn't feel well (light headed - which she felt before she went to the festival). Two weeks ago my daughter passed out in class sitting at her desk. She had almost done this the day before and after that episode she has not been back to school except for 2 classes on last Friday.
She has taken homeopathy over the years and I would like to share to give you a perspective of where she's been and how she has responded. The inital symptoms for Nicole was inattention and impulsivity at school, not being able to do to play on her own at all and sleeping with mom until she was 11 years old -- very scared at night.
2002 08 & 10/2002 Hyoscyamus niger
2002 09 Arsenicum album Arsenicum album
2002 10 Thuja ?? 30C took everyday for 2 weeks
Nicole 2002 12/21 Cina Nicole is even more scared at night. She seems to be more in control of herself and settled. She is enjoying playing with Dolls alot and dressing and caring for them. She has even cleaned some drawers in her room (she never has done this). Her writing is better. She is still expiencing some difficulties with concentration on tasks.
Beginning Jan 6th (give or take), Nicole has a strong desire for Orange Juice. She is eating well. On the other hand, Nicole is even more afraid than ever. Examples, go to a Mall, she is afraid and must be by my side at all times. You can see that she is afraid to even get out of the car. Not only is she needing me to sleep with her she is jumping whenever she hears a sound. The school teacher is very pleased with her attention etc.
1/20 week - Nicole continues to do much better with attention and focus in school. She can still be very persistent and have her own agenda but her cognitive abilities much better. She is extremely afraid of things (dark, people, crowds...much more than ever before). She was at one time no longer twitching in bed with prior remedies but she is twitching signficantly at night. She is always saying she is very very hot even when everyone else is cold.
2/6 In the past week Nicole has had as change in her appearance. Her eyes have a darkness around them -- like before her change in diet. Also she is getting little bumps on her face (cheeks and lots on her nose). She is very itchy all over (arms and legs and after a bath it is very very bad. Her scareness continues but now it has affected her even in a different way. At school one day when I had to drop off some boots she had forgotten, she clung to me like she has never done before begging me to take her home. She was crying so hard and her eyes were very red and welt like areas around them. It took a teacher intervention after 1/2 hour to get her to let go. She was so scared of something but she could not explain her feelings at all.
2003 06 & 10/2003 Stramonium taken 6/24/2003 30C
7/16/2003Nicole is loosing alot of her hair; General Observations - nothing significant.
Nicole seems much happier. She also seems to be a little more self motivated (she will do things with out being asked -- practice piano, help with groceries etc.). She seems more loving to her brother
Oct 2003 - Nicole is having major attitude problems. The tutors are stating that she is quite resistent will not respond to them in any situation (even outside in halls). She is doing very poorly in school (65 on voc test, 73 on math test). Prior to this she was doing very well and her attitude for the most part was much better. Teachers were noting a lot of problems in school. Nicole had a great start in school but by Oct, Nicole was not focusing, was fidgety. Notes from school indicating she is too independent doing her own thing and was concern that there were family problems at home.
2003 11, Stramonium - noticed an improvement with her ability to concentrate and focus but she is still very fidgety. Also notice improvement in the bumps on her arms. After vacation, Nicole came down with a cold and her nose was profusely running.
12/4 - Nicole is becoming very goofy (she's happy but a silly happy and not able to sit still. She can't be serious when needed).
2003 2/11 Stramonium -- again
Ankle Cramps
Bowel Movements -- 5 or so a day-- started a few days ago...some small thin long. Brown tone. It is now burning Nicole.
Still very Nasily from Cina.
By /24, Nicole's stomach has gotten she came home and was actually on the ground in pain. She complained that her stomach hurt and she felt a little better applying some pressure to it. Nicole is also beginning to have a scratching throat and every morning she has to forceably clear the throat. She says that it is very sticky stuff that comes up.
2/26 Her stomach is doing better now. Today, her teacher said that her writing has improved...that has not happened before. Nicole seems to be more self displined to get her work done without anyone constantly reminding her of what she has to do. Nicole seems to want to be left alone and is a little weepy. Nicole's legs were extremely restless when she was trying to go to bed this evening. She also came home today and was constantly scratching her body, head, legs.
3/2 - Nicole cried hysterically last night going to bed because she is afraid that one of us might die. She was clinging to me and was very very scared. It was difficult to calm her and assure her.
5/13 Nicole is doing somewhat better in terms of cognitive learning although she still struggles to learn new material etc. Nicole is still emotional (although less so) when things don't happen the way she expects them. Her emotions have huge swings (nice, scared and/or moody) Nicole's teacher continues to discuss Nicole but now it is more in terms of her need to be in control and having her own agenda. She states that Nicole still does not pick up on social cues. Also, the teacher must work hard to get Nicole to do something she does not want to do. Nicole continues to be impulsive (but it is improved a little) and is very disrespectful when speaking to me. She is crying a lot.
5/28/2003 Nicole has gotten very nasily (gets worse and worse) and she talks so fast and slurs her words...very difficult to know what she is saying. She is moving alot more in bed again, twisting and turning. Her leg was bothering her in bed the other night - she needed tyelnol to go to sleep (more than ankle than knee). She got a rash on the side of her face (small small bumps and slight red). She is complaining more and more about her ears (like wax build-up) and she is not hearing very well. She said it is making noise in her ear and that it makes her throat and ear itch inside
6/2 Nicole seems to happier but at the same time more obstinate. She is getting more and more little bumps on her face and her arms and legs. Her rash on the face went away but she continues to get little pimples (her nose is very oily and pimples). Her moles on her face seem to be getting darker (or larger -- definitely more apparent.
6/5 Nicole's rash has cleared but she still has alot of bumps on her face, arms and legs. She started a few weeks a go with what seemed like (almost) a cold, but I don't think it was a cold but rather she is continually blowing her nose. The discharge is alot of clear mucus.
When I blow dry Nicole's hair she is acting like she use to by moving her body and hands alot and try to prevent the blow dryer from blowing in her face. It makes her nervous. She continues to move alot in her bed, thrashing about. She is doing much worse with her Kumon -- making many errors that a she should not.
2004 01 29 Stramonium - Dr gave Nicole a stronger dose of Stramonium. Dr. Wise is going to have Nicole retested for allergies and gluten as well as Iron. They would like to see Nicole in 3 months. Nicole was having difficulty concentrating and was very implusive. By 2/6, although she was still impulsive her concentration seemed better and she seemed a little happier. She was however very fearful once again to be in any part of the house alone. She will not go to bed without someone with her. She is playing by herself more and is able to do some things on her own. She seems very fidgety though. She is complaining of her stomach where her underpants rub against her and she is itchy and red.
March 7 - Nicole said to me today -- that she is very sad and that her head feels very strange (she said it's like it is dull and I can't think no matter how much I want to. Even with subjects she knows well. She also can't remember phone numbers all of a sudden. She wants to curl up in a beg and be alone and cry. She even asked not to go to school tomorrow morning (she has never ever done that -- she hates missing school). Nicole did not have an appetite today -- for dinner we had something she really likes but said it just didn't taste right.
Nicole is very itchy all over. Although she seems much more motivated -- she does not want to listen to anyone (too idependent). She continues to need someone to sleep with her and has been waking up between 2 - 4 am and need someone to come into her bed. She does seem to be happier -- but at the drop of the dime can get moody and upset. She appears to have a very good appetite and is not complaining about the food. Nicole has not complained about the dullness in her head since a few days ago (Sunday). She's been talking to friends on the phone much much more now. Talking with her teachers they still seem to indicate that Nicole is doing a little better in school but she is very inconsistent -- still new material is the most difficult. Her tests can range from 60 to 93 in Reading & Writing -- still gets stuck on her way and doesn't like (or know how) to listen to others.
Nicole still has that scratchy/dry cough. Today she is feeling very hot (she thinks she has a fever but she does not and she keeps putting water on her). Nicole wanted orange juice to drink which she never usually drinks. Nicole continues to be very scared (won't sleep alone still, even in the car she is getting scare that I may back out when a car is coming etc). What is really interesting is that she has many of the same symptoms she had when she took Cina?????
Nicole is very very emotional -- weeps on the drop of a dime. She is now complaining about her legs hurting her. She is definitely not herself -- she is highly motivated right now (good) but she still can not stay focused and is saying she does not feel good. Still can not go to bed alone although she is no longer waking to call us into bed the last few nights.
2004 03 Medirrohnum Dr. this to Nicole 1M -- was thinking of Lycopodium but after discussion with me and remarks from Dr Herscu's book gave her this.
It's been a few weeks and there is no difference. Nicole still is very very fearful. She puts all the shades down at night time. She will not sleep alone and she does not like to be by herself especially at night time. Nicole's stomach is still distended. She continues to have a rash on the back of her arms -- although it has moved towards the top of her shoulds and down by the elbow. She began Dr. Paul Cutler's regime 3/19. She is taking B12 shots 2x/wk, calcuim citrate, mag citrate, DMG w/ Folnic from Kirkman's, Kirkman's Enzyme with Milk and Gluten blockers, Dr Cutler's Multi Vitamen. Nicole is becoming more fearful and is now afraid of shots etc. which she never was afraid of before. She has never had to get weekly shots - especially from Mom & Dad
This is the first time Nicole has taken a remedy and has not had any changes.
2004 04 20 Lycopodium 200C Nicole says she is colder than she usually is.
5/10/2004 -- Nicole had a dream that her brother was abducted. She is now very afraid when he is playing outside etc.
5/15/2004 -- Nicole is now able to go to bed by herself (she would prefer someone to lay down with her but she eventually understands if you can't ) unless she has watched something that is very sad (death) or is scary.
5/30/2004 - Nicole had another bad dream -- she could not recall in the morning but it made her afraid.
5/20/2004 Nicole is doing a little better with work but problem is her attitude. Her tone is not appropriate, she is always quick to react and never takes responsibility for her actions (puts the blame on everyone else). Nicole's bumps on the back of her arms have finally gone away. Nicole does seem to be much hungrier and is eating almost too much (much weight gain). She does seem to be more pickier in terms of what she will eat (texture, smell etc. will affect her desire for a food).
6/2004 Dr. said that she may need Veratrum Album but wait and see.
2007/08 Nicole is not able to sleep alone. Her school work is better tests are tough especially comprehensive tests. The other problem is that Nicole still keeps to herself, has few friends, is private, is demanding, lacks stamina and has no interest in anything but T.V. and likes to read a good teen book. Nicole is still very resistent, does not use good eye contact and wants everything to be her way or no way. She just doesn't seem to be a happy girl and smiles very little -- like she has built a wall around her to prevent anyone getting too close -- doesn't take joy in things.
Feb/March 2008 Nicole has begun her periods and is having great difficulties with them. She has heavy flow, bad cramps, feels tired and moody. Took mag phos when she got her period (got from Dr.). She was alright but after 3 days she was very sick and threw up and had stomach pains that were quite bad. She stayed home from school. Nicole seems a little more agreeable. Next month we tried Belladonna because she had severe menstral cramps. Within 3 or 4 days Nicole has become quite contrary and argumentative. Seems very unhappy and wants to get away.
3/6 - gave Calc Phos 30C
Nicole seems a little more pleasant. After 3 days Nicole is complaining that her ankles are hurting/ lower legs. She is constantly moving them trying to get some relief. She is also complaining that she feels like her muscles in her pelvic area are hurting her.
3/9 Arnica 30C
Within a few days Nicole is in much better spirits and is much more cooperative.
3/13 - Nicole is complaining about her hurts to turn pass a certain point.
April Nicole begins birth control pills. helps her monthly episodes.
Summer 2008 Passes out at Canal Days ambulance to ER. Went on vacation and when we went into town she felt dizzy and needed to lay down and go back to our condo. Similar event at tennis practice in late Aug. Nicole is not wanting to do as much anymore
Feb., Nicole misses some days at school because she feels dizzy.
March, Nicole misses some days at school because of dizziness. She just doesnt want to go to school. Gave her 12C Gelesium and she said it helped her some.
April 14 2009 Nicole passes out in school sitting in a class at the desk. This almost happens one day and she goes to the nurses office and I pick her up from school. I give her Gelesium again. The next day she goes to school and passes out while sitting at the desk in the same class. It is like she is having a panic attack. I give Nicole Calc Carbonica (30c) and Gelesium (12c). On the morning of April 15th she was crying and felt sick to her stomach, dizzy and nervous -- she stayed home from school. She says she feels like she gets really nervous and tries hard to tell herself not to get nervous -- I think this is making it even worse for her. A few days later I gave Nicole Veratrum Album 30c -- she seems slightly better but will not go to school. Nicole is covering her head with a blanket. She watches TV, lays down and reads. She has been studying more but then again she is not in school She wakes up in the middle of the night in a panic. She can't sleep without me there. She gets so bad she is beside herself.
Gave Nicole Aconite 30(c) -- gave it to her 4 times 2 times one day and 2 times the next day. Nicole is now sleeiping alone and is on Effexor and takes something in the middle ot the night ifwhen she wakes in a panic. Nicole is not getting any better and is seeing a pyschologist which she is very happy about.
Nicole is still not going to school her doctor gives her Gelsemium(200), Sulphur (200) and Sepia (30C). Nicole is now even worse. She will only watch TV and lay on the couch with a blanket wrapped around her head and over her nose. She doesnt want to talk about her feelings at all and will do nothing. She said she only feels okay when at home. She says she is fine to be home alone she just doesnt want to go out anyplace else. She talks to no friends and doesnt even text message.
This morning 5/4 she said Mom, please let me turn on TV it is the only way I can stop my head from thinking and getting nervous. She cries when she gets anxious. She just wants this to stop.
[message edited by l471530 on Tue, 11 Sep 2012 18:19:25 BST]
l471530 on 2009-05-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I did want to give some of Nicole's other feelings other than anxiety. Also she took last homeopathy on 5/1 (mixture of 3).
-- She has much fatulence.
-- Her ears feel like on an airplane and she has to yawn a lot to try to relieve them
-- She has bumps on her arms
-- her appetite use to be quite enormous (too much) now she has loss it.
-- She has much fatulence.
-- Her ears feel like on an airplane and she has to yawn a lot to try to relieve them
-- She has bumps on her arms
-- her appetite use to be quite enormous (too much) now she has loss it.
l471530 last decade
Just you want me to wait for a few days to see if she gets better shortly. My gut instinct is that she is so bad right now that I need help in knowing if this should be antidote this to take her out of misery. She is so much worse...she can't read books which she she is an avid reader, doesn't like to even take showers (she took marathon showers) and all she does it sit in front of the TV with a blanket over her head. She is finding it quite difficult this evening to even fall asleep which is a new problem. At least before her mixture of remedies this past Friday she could read at home and do some school nothing.
She is just beside herself...she said this evening...crying emotionally that she is pyschotic.
If you just don't have the time right now...that is different and I understand. Thanks so much for your reply.
She is just beside herself...she said this evening...crying emotionally that she is pyschotic.
If you just don't have the time right now...that is different and I understand. Thanks so much for your reply.
l471530 last decade
Hi ,
Please form a list of the CURRENT symptoms.
The above description is more focussed on her response to remedies and is a bit difficult to decipher.
I will repertorize over the next couple of days.
Please form a list of the CURRENT symptoms.
The above description is more focussed on her response to remedies and is a bit difficult to decipher.
I will repertorize over the next couple of days.
sameervermani last decade
Remedy Needed to Treat: Severe anxiety (and panic attacks) which prevent a 15 year old to attend classes.
When Did It Start: Child has always been a anxious child but due to ADHD and other learning problems the anxiety was not as obvious and signs like needing to be in control or not paying attention were attributed to learning difficulties. Severity of the anxiety, however, was not apparent until after she passed out at a carnival (almost a year ago). She fell onto pavement, breaking her nose, and was rushed to the emergency room via ambulance. Very traumatizing for her. She had several other incidents of passing out or light headedness which increased her nervousness about the situation. She eventually passed out in a class while sitting at the desk (a few weeks ago) and now will not attend classes at all.
Describe Panic State: either light headedness first or short of breath and then she panics and cant breath, shake, and heart beats fast
When Does It Happen: anytime she thinks about her anxiety, when she thinks about going to school or out (dining, shopping). She likes to be in the comfort of her home. Even trying to ask her questions to prepare this is difficult she says she just cant talk about it because it makes her very uncomfortable (which I now know means she is getting anxious).
Head and senses: can get headaches when she gets nervous. Sometimes blurred
vision. Odors bother her all the time (smell of food, brother, a room). She has a thing about germs and sweaty smelling things makes her nervous. When she is anxious she also gets this lump in her throat and then when she swallows she then yawns and her ears get plugged, like on a plane, and then she gets nausious.
Respiratory system: As indicated above with panic
Digestive system: appetite has varied was eating a lot and the past few days it has decrease., limited food preferences, dislikes bananas and fat on any meat. Doesnt like to touch food at all. A lot of fatulence and constipated now.
Urinogenital system: very moody when she has her period and wants to just lay on the couch. Is on birth control because she gets severe cramps and bleeds heavy --- it has helped.
Circulatory system: tends to have lower blood pressure 90/60. Tendencies to fainting and dizziness.
Musculo-skeletal system: Sometimes stiffness in her leg.
Temperature: Up until a few days ago she was generally a hot person and would wear shorts in the house during winter. The last few days she is now sometimes really hot or really cold.
Skin: she has tiny little bumps on her arms. She has a pale face with circles around her eyes.
Sleep: Terrible. She is not able to sleep even when tired. She cant even dream and around 4:00 a.m. she finds herself up and difficult falling to sleep. Moves a lot in bed. Wont go to bed unless Im upstairs with her and she gets anxious and emotional before going to bed.
General comfort: She wants to watch TV all day and lay on the couch it helps her not to think. When she thinks she gets nervous and anxious. Reading a book use to be a comfort but the past few days she has not been able to read.
Energy levels: Very low, lacks energy and easily exhausted.
Personality: introverted; doesnt share her emotions. Even when very happy she does not show it. She is very hard to get to know and doesnt make eye contact very well. She has a very high IQ but stuggles in school (although she has been doing better the past two years). Her social queues are not the best. She doesnt like attention at all and is neither a leader or follower. She likes to be independent . At home she wants to be in control of everything and gets upset when things do not go her way, making it unpleasant for everyone.
When Did It Start: Child has always been a anxious child but due to ADHD and other learning problems the anxiety was not as obvious and signs like needing to be in control or not paying attention were attributed to learning difficulties. Severity of the anxiety, however, was not apparent until after she passed out at a carnival (almost a year ago). She fell onto pavement, breaking her nose, and was rushed to the emergency room via ambulance. Very traumatizing for her. She had several other incidents of passing out or light headedness which increased her nervousness about the situation. She eventually passed out in a class while sitting at the desk (a few weeks ago) and now will not attend classes at all.
Describe Panic State: either light headedness first or short of breath and then she panics and cant breath, shake, and heart beats fast
When Does It Happen: anytime she thinks about her anxiety, when she thinks about going to school or out (dining, shopping). She likes to be in the comfort of her home. Even trying to ask her questions to prepare this is difficult she says she just cant talk about it because it makes her very uncomfortable (which I now know means she is getting anxious).
Head and senses: can get headaches when she gets nervous. Sometimes blurred
vision. Odors bother her all the time (smell of food, brother, a room). She has a thing about germs and sweaty smelling things makes her nervous. When she is anxious she also gets this lump in her throat and then when she swallows she then yawns and her ears get plugged, like on a plane, and then she gets nausious.
Respiratory system: As indicated above with panic
Digestive system: appetite has varied was eating a lot and the past few days it has decrease., limited food preferences, dislikes bananas and fat on any meat. Doesnt like to touch food at all. A lot of fatulence and constipated now.
Urinogenital system: very moody when she has her period and wants to just lay on the couch. Is on birth control because she gets severe cramps and bleeds heavy --- it has helped.
Circulatory system: tends to have lower blood pressure 90/60. Tendencies to fainting and dizziness.
Musculo-skeletal system: Sometimes stiffness in her leg.
Temperature: Up until a few days ago she was generally a hot person and would wear shorts in the house during winter. The last few days she is now sometimes really hot or really cold.
Skin: she has tiny little bumps on her arms. She has a pale face with circles around her eyes.
Sleep: Terrible. She is not able to sleep even when tired. She cant even dream and around 4:00 a.m. she finds herself up and difficult falling to sleep. Moves a lot in bed. Wont go to bed unless Im upstairs with her and she gets anxious and emotional before going to bed.
General comfort: She wants to watch TV all day and lay on the couch it helps her not to think. When she thinks she gets nervous and anxious. Reading a book use to be a comfort but the past few days she has not been able to read.
Energy levels: Very low, lacks energy and easily exhausted.
Personality: introverted; doesnt share her emotions. Even when very happy she does not show it. She is very hard to get to know and doesnt make eye contact very well. She has a very high IQ but stuggles in school (although she has been doing better the past two years). Her social queues are not the best. She doesnt like attention at all and is neither a leader or follower. She likes to be independent . At home she wants to be in control of everything and gets upset when things do not go her way, making it unpleasant for everyone.
l471530 last decade
Firstly, give a gap of 1 week from any homeopathic remedy she last took. Then, follow prescription below.
Please give her 3 doses of Calcarea Carbonica 30c equally spaced by 30 minutes for ONE single day only, to be taken as described here.
Dissolve 2 pellets of Calc 30c in a 250 ml spring water bottle. If you leave the pellets in water for 30 mins, they will melt. You can turn the bottle upside down a few times for the pellets to spread after dissolving.
1 teaspoon from here using a disposable spoon is 1 dose. The doses are to be taken for 1 day ONLY.
Let me know in 7 days after the 3 doses. I look forward to your response.
1/. Nothing should enter the mouth for 40 minutes prior to, or after taking the remedy.
2/. Do not touch the tablets with your hands, tip them into the cap of the container they came in and then into the water .
3/. Avoid coffee, tea (including green), and other sources of caffeine such as some fizzy drinks and large amounts of chocolate, except where this would cause a drastic change in consumption
4/. Avoid wearing perfume/aftershave, or exposure to anything with a strong smell while under treatment. This includes any and all essential oils, and incense.
5/. Avoid the consumption of excessively spicey foods
6/. The use of medicinal herbs, either as 'teas' or supplements should be AVOIDED during Homoeopathic treatment, as should the use of over the counter medication, unless this has been recommended by an MD.
7/. Nothing of a medicinal nature should be applied to the skin
Please give her 3 doses of Calcarea Carbonica 30c equally spaced by 30 minutes for ONE single day only, to be taken as described here.
Dissolve 2 pellets of Calc 30c in a 250 ml spring water bottle. If you leave the pellets in water for 30 mins, they will melt. You can turn the bottle upside down a few times for the pellets to spread after dissolving.
1 teaspoon from here using a disposable spoon is 1 dose. The doses are to be taken for 1 day ONLY.
Let me know in 7 days after the 3 doses. I look forward to your response.
1/. Nothing should enter the mouth for 40 minutes prior to, or after taking the remedy.
2/. Do not touch the tablets with your hands, tip them into the cap of the container they came in and then into the water .
3/. Avoid coffee, tea (including green), and other sources of caffeine such as some fizzy drinks and large amounts of chocolate, except where this would cause a drastic change in consumption
4/. Avoid wearing perfume/aftershave, or exposure to anything with a strong smell while under treatment. This includes any and all essential oils, and incense.
5/. Avoid the consumption of excessively spicey foods
6/. The use of medicinal herbs, either as 'teas' or supplements should be AVOIDED during Homoeopathic treatment, as should the use of over the counter medication, unless this has been recommended by an MD.
7/. Nothing of a medicinal nature should be applied to the skin
sameervermani last decade
Thank you for your response. I will wait until Friday when it will be 7 days and give her Calc 30 as prescribed.
I know I read a lot about Sulph--> Calc --> Lycopodium in that order so it will be quite interesting if she will later need Lycopodium.
Thanks so so much (I just hope this improves enough to get her back to school.
I know I read a lot about Sulph--> Calc --> Lycopodium in that order so it will be quite interesting if she will later need Lycopodium.
Thanks so so much (I just hope this improves enough to get her back to school.
l471530 last decade
I gave my daughter Calc Carb as you prescribed on Friday (yesterday), 5/8 in the afternoon.
Two days earlier, 5/6, my daughter was now sleeping without panic attacks and was able to sleep without having me upstairs. She also went to 2 classess on Wed, Thursday and Friday and said she did have some panic but managed it.
I don't have a whole lot to report but she is saying that the major differences at this time are as follows:
-- She feels like she is now allergic to something. Her ears, nose, eyes and throat all have symptoms of an allergy. I just don't ever remember my daughter having allergies in the past.
She also says she is very tired and her head feels light. The tiredness can be due to the fact that she had quite a few sleepless nights the prior week. She slept well last night but woke up at 5:00 and laid in bed until 6:30. Typically she sleeps in on the weekends until 8:00.
I will keep reporting back but please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you.
Two days earlier, 5/6, my daughter was now sleeping without panic attacks and was able to sleep without having me upstairs. She also went to 2 classess on Wed, Thursday and Friday and said she did have some panic but managed it.
I don't have a whole lot to report but she is saying that the major differences at this time are as follows:
-- She feels like she is now allergic to something. Her ears, nose, eyes and throat all have symptoms of an allergy. I just don't ever remember my daughter having allergies in the past.
She also says she is very tired and her head feels light. The tiredness can be due to the fact that she had quite a few sleepless nights the prior week. She slept well last night but woke up at 5:00 and laid in bed until 6:30. Typically she sleeps in on the weekends until 8:00.
I will keep reporting back but please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you.
l471530 last decade
I will probably just posts notes over the next 10 days as things are fresh in my mind.
It is pretty sad because Nicole was just starting to get in a better mood on Friday then I gave her this remedy and she is back to a girl who is very scared, wants to be all by herself and wants to just watch TV or be on the computer to avoid thinking. She was crying to me today that she is afraid to go back to school on Monday (even though she is only going to 1 class and a resource room which she did this past week. She still doesn't make any contact with friends or family.
She said to me that she doesn't know why we all just can't let her be alone by herself to deal with her feelings on her own. She does not want to share her feeling with anyone (even her pyschologist is finding it hard to get her to open up at all).
It is pretty sad because Nicole was just starting to get in a better mood on Friday then I gave her this remedy and she is back to a girl who is very scared, wants to be all by herself and wants to just watch TV or be on the computer to avoid thinking. She was crying to me today that she is afraid to go back to school on Monday (even though she is only going to 1 class and a resource room which she did this past week. She still doesn't make any contact with friends or family.
She said to me that she doesn't know why we all just can't let her be alone by herself to deal with her feelings on her own. She does not want to share her feeling with anyone (even her pyschologist is finding it hard to get her to open up at all).
l471530 last decade
I know it has not been the 10 days yet but I don't think we can go on like this. My daughter is sinking further into a very depressed state. As I said all she does is watch TV and is on the computer.
Today, she again only attended two classes and said that she had panic in Math class but she did not get up a leave and she worked through it. She was not happy as I thought she might be that she worked through it. She found it quite difficult for her emotionally.
Then today, out of no where, she begins to act like she did when she was a young girl before she had taken any homeopathy. She has so much hate for my husband and I and are saying very mean things.
Today I was asking my son to get his work from school so I could review it and have him study for a test he will be having on Thursday. She interupts and said 'why don't you just leave him alone -- he said he already studied in school'. I asked Nicole to stay out of the conversation since it had nothing to do with her. She refused and kept interfering saying mean things. I then told her that I was giving her a red flag and she needed to stop getting involved and be quiet. She refused and said that I'm a bitch (never said before to me) and that I am the reason she's seeing a psychologist. I then told her that she was not able to watch TV the rest of the day.
When it was time to eat dinner she refused to eat dinner and her father told her she had to sit at the table (she said she would vomit if she ate). She sat at the table (more like laid her head on the table which we didn't approve of. And that led us to tell her that we are very unhappy that she is now using this situation to not do anything -- no school, no dinners with family, no going out with the family etc. And that her just watching TV is unacceptable. She then got up and went to her room. Her dad told her to come down and she refused. He went up to talk with her and to have her come back down and then it got bad. She called my husband an asshole (which she never ever has done) and told him that she hates him and that he can't tell her what to do.
I was suppose to go to my son's game but decided not to and my daughter can't repeating -- why aren't you going, why not , why not. I kept telling her that I was not in a good mood and didn't want to go out. She kept saying why not, why not, like she was intentionally trying to push my buttons. She then went downstairs and turned on the TV and when I said she was told not to watch TV she said -- I don't care, you can't tell me what to do, what are you going to do about it. I then proceeded to try to take the remote and she pyhsically fought with me to get it back...I walked away and she came after me. She then cried...I want to watch TV, and ran upstairs to my bedroom and turned on TV. She wouldn't give me the remore so I unplugged it. She ran out of the room and tried to turn on the TV downstairs without the remote and then when I tried to stop her she ran up to my room, locked the door and plugged the TV back in. I tried to talk to her through the door asking her why was she behaving like this. She said -- you guys just try to control me and you have no right. I just want to watch TV...why won't you just let me watch TV. I said why can't we sit and talk about your feelings...she kept crying, I just want to watch TV, just please let me watch TV.
I couldn't take anymore and said 'Something is wrong Nicole and we are going to have to work through this...just turn on TV for a little bit and relax.
Again, my daughter has not acting like this since she was young. This use to be the way Nicole was (although it wasn't with TV, and no swearing) when she was young. She use to lock herself in her room and say just leave me alone...I just want to be free. She hasn't done that in a number of years though.
Please help us figure this out...I am finding it very difficult dealing with this with a teenager who is stronger and could possibly hurt someone.
I know it has not been the 10 days yet but I don't think we can go on like this. My daughter is sinking further into a very depressed state. As I said all she does is watch TV and is on the computer.
Today, she again only attended two classes and said that she had panic in Math class but she did not get up a leave and she worked through it. She was not happy as I thought she might be that she worked through it. She found it quite difficult for her emotionally.
Then today, out of no where, she begins to act like she did when she was a young girl before she had taken any homeopathy. She has so much hate for my husband and I and are saying very mean things.
Today I was asking my son to get his work from school so I could review it and have him study for a test he will be having on Thursday. She interupts and said 'why don't you just leave him alone -- he said he already studied in school'. I asked Nicole to stay out of the conversation since it had nothing to do with her. She refused and kept interfering saying mean things. I then told her that I was giving her a red flag and she needed to stop getting involved and be quiet. She refused and said that I'm a bitch (never said before to me) and that I am the reason she's seeing a psychologist. I then told her that she was not able to watch TV the rest of the day.
When it was time to eat dinner she refused to eat dinner and her father told her she had to sit at the table (she said she would vomit if she ate). She sat at the table (more like laid her head on the table which we didn't approve of. And that led us to tell her that we are very unhappy that she is now using this situation to not do anything -- no school, no dinners with family, no going out with the family etc. And that her just watching TV is unacceptable. She then got up and went to her room. Her dad told her to come down and she refused. He went up to talk with her and to have her come back down and then it got bad. She called my husband an asshole (which she never ever has done) and told him that she hates him and that he can't tell her what to do.
I was suppose to go to my son's game but decided not to and my daughter can't repeating -- why aren't you going, why not , why not. I kept telling her that I was not in a good mood and didn't want to go out. She kept saying why not, why not, like she was intentionally trying to push my buttons. She then went downstairs and turned on the TV and when I said she was told not to watch TV she said -- I don't care, you can't tell me what to do, what are you going to do about it. I then proceeded to try to take the remote and she pyhsically fought with me to get it back...I walked away and she came after me. She then cried...I want to watch TV, and ran upstairs to my bedroom and turned on TV. She wouldn't give me the remore so I unplugged it. She ran out of the room and tried to turn on the TV downstairs without the remote and then when I tried to stop her she ran up to my room, locked the door and plugged the TV back in. I tried to talk to her through the door asking her why was she behaving like this. She said -- you guys just try to control me and you have no right. I just want to watch TV...why won't you just let me watch TV. I said why can't we sit and talk about your feelings...she kept crying, I just want to watch TV, just please let me watch TV.
I couldn't take anymore and said 'Something is wrong Nicole and we are going to have to work through this...just turn on TV for a little bit and relax.
Again, my daughter has not acting like this since she was young. This use to be the way Nicole was (although it wasn't with TV, and no swearing) when she was young. She use to lock herself in her room and say just leave me alone...I just want to be free. She hasn't done that in a number of years though.
Please help us figure this out...I am finding it very difficult dealing with this with a teenager who is stronger and could possibly hurt someone.
l471530 last decade
Hi Doreen,
Please give her 3 doses of ARSENICUM ALBUM 6c in the exact same manner as the earlier prescription.
Report in 3 days.
Please give her 3 doses of ARSENICUM ALBUM 6c in the exact same manner as the earlier prescription.
Report in 3 days.
sameervermani last decade
I did not end up giving my daughter the arsenicum. The reason is that I found out she had taken a medication that was prescribed to her by her doctor a day earlier than I had expected. This medication had adverse effects (mostly aggression) on my daughter.
She has not taken it since and her aggression is back to normal. So I decided that I would go back to your earlier recommendation of waiting the 10 days.
Its been 10 days since her Calc Carb (and don't forget that she had previously had the 200 sulphur, 200 gelesium, 30 sepia).
She broke out in a rash over her bottom which is beginning to heal.
She began to have hayfever (don't remember her having that before). She sneezes a lot.
Her anxiety has not changed at all. She continues not to be able to go to her classes and is now being tutored at home.
She still carries her blanket with her but she at least doesn't seem to wrap herself up into as much.
She still has not gone out and still watches a lot of TV. She is doing a little more around the house and is at least going on the computer to look at things that interest her.
All in all, not sure what to make of this remedy.
He pyschologist has her seeing a pyschiatrist to find a medication that will relieve her panic attacks. She had to take lorazepam last night and she couldn't even wake up on her own this morning. I am concerned about her being on medication while I try to find a more naturopathic solution.
Please advise.
I did not end up giving my daughter the arsenicum. The reason is that I found out she had taken a medication that was prescribed to her by her doctor a day earlier than I had expected. This medication had adverse effects (mostly aggression) on my daughter.
She has not taken it since and her aggression is back to normal. So I decided that I would go back to your earlier recommendation of waiting the 10 days.
Its been 10 days since her Calc Carb (and don't forget that she had previously had the 200 sulphur, 200 gelesium, 30 sepia).
She broke out in a rash over her bottom which is beginning to heal.
She began to have hayfever (don't remember her having that before). She sneezes a lot.
Her anxiety has not changed at all. She continues not to be able to go to her classes and is now being tutored at home.
She still carries her blanket with her but she at least doesn't seem to wrap herself up into as much.
She still has not gone out and still watches a lot of TV. She is doing a little more around the house and is at least going on the computer to look at things that interest her.
All in all, not sure what to make of this remedy.
He pyschologist has her seeing a pyschiatrist to find a medication that will relieve her panic attacks. She had to take lorazepam last night and she couldn't even wake up on her own this morning. I am concerned about her being on medication while I try to find a more naturopathic solution.
Please advise.
l471530 last decade
sameervermani last decade
Sorry it's been longer than then you specified. Unfortunately we have had some medication problems and I didn't feel comfortable with what was a result of the medications versus the homeopathy.
My daughter took the doses and I'm just not sure where we are with her. Although she is no longer cuddled in a blanket and is not as volatile as she was she still is not attending school for most classes. She is only attending the same classes she was last month...math. She says she gets very anxious and panics. She is so worried about what others will think of her. She is getting a lot of headaches and is still moody. Her pyschologist says she is one of the most rigid people she has worked with. Apparently, Nicole can justify why she can do one thing and not another thing because in her mind she is more apt to pass out in one scenario versus the other. Her logic is very had to follow. It does appear as though her grades are slipping greatly and she feels like she can't focus as much as she was able to before. Could you let me know what information may be helpful in knowing what remedy she should look for. She definitely has what is called orthostatis hypotension and it makes her very light headed. She has her regent exams coming up in two weeks (working with tutors at home)and she just doesn't have the focus to study for them the proper way. She definitely is still very strong willed and wants to be so independent.
Please let me know.
My daughter took the doses and I'm just not sure where we are with her. Although she is no longer cuddled in a blanket and is not as volatile as she was she still is not attending school for most classes. She is only attending the same classes she was last month...math. She says she gets very anxious and panics. She is so worried about what others will think of her. She is getting a lot of headaches and is still moody. Her pyschologist says she is one of the most rigid people she has worked with. Apparently, Nicole can justify why she can do one thing and not another thing because in her mind she is more apt to pass out in one scenario versus the other. Her logic is very had to follow. It does appear as though her grades are slipping greatly and she feels like she can't focus as much as she was able to before. Could you let me know what information may be helpful in knowing what remedy she should look for. She definitely has what is called orthostatis hypotension and it makes her very light headed. She has her regent exams coming up in two weeks (working with tutors at home)and she just doesn't have the focus to study for them the proper way. She definitely is still very strong willed and wants to be so independent.
Please let me know.
l471530 last decade
Hi Dee,
Let us raise the potency.
Please give her 3 doses of Arsenicum Album 30c, and report in 7 days.
Let us raise the potency.
Please give her 3 doses of Arsenicum Album 30c, and report in 7 days.
sameervermani last decade
She has taken the 3 doses of Arsenicum Album 3c as you prescribed. It has been 7 days and I'm not sure if we have noticed too much at this time. She has been getting frequent headaches and feels sick to her stomach. She can't wake up in the morning even though she is going to bed at the same time. She is now done with school so that anxiety of school is over and she now is taking her regent exams at the home (w/someone coming to the house to give it to her). She still has not been out with friends and still watches a lot of TV. She meets with a pyschologist weekly and because of Nicole's personality she has made very little progress. The doctor says that she is extremely rigid and bottles up all her feelings and has very little emotions or connections. She went to see a pediatric cardiologist and they recommended medication for her low blood pressure. She definitely has orthostatic hypotension and her blood is not able to get pushed up to her heart as quickly as needed. Her fainting issue is only one piece of the puzzle. What would you recommend we do next?
She has taken the 3 doses of Arsenicum Album 3c as you prescribed. It has been 7 days and I'm not sure if we have noticed too much at this time. She has been getting frequent headaches and feels sick to her stomach. She can't wake up in the morning even though she is going to bed at the same time. She is now done with school so that anxiety of school is over and she now is taking her regent exams at the home (w/someone coming to the house to give it to her). She still has not been out with friends and still watches a lot of TV. She meets with a pyschologist weekly and because of Nicole's personality she has made very little progress. The doctor says that she is extremely rigid and bottles up all her feelings and has very little emotions or connections. She went to see a pediatric cardiologist and they recommended medication for her low blood pressure. She definitely has orthostatic hypotension and her blood is not able to get pushed up to her heart as quickly as needed. Her fainting issue is only one piece of the puzzle. What would you recommend we do next?
l471530 last decade
sameervermani last decade
My daughter has taken Lachesis and I think she is in better spirits -- nicer to be around but I'm not sure if it has done anything for her anxiety and fears.
My daughter still has been a recluse and stays home all the time and watches TV. She was asked the other night to go to a friends house with some other girls and she came up with every excuse possible. We are leaving on vacation and she will be spending time with her cousins which is her favorite thing to do -- it is an annual trip and she is the oldest of the cousins. Not sure if her good spirits are because she is done with school or the Lachesis.
We will be leaving for 1 week tomorrow -- so if you don't get a reply it is because we are away. If there is a remedy you want me to take, let me know before 7:00 am tomorrow.
Thanks so much,
My daughter still has been a recluse and stays home all the time and watches TV. She was asked the other night to go to a friends house with some other girls and she came up with every excuse possible. We are leaving on vacation and she will be spending time with her cousins which is her favorite thing to do -- it is an annual trip and she is the oldest of the cousins. Not sure if her good spirits are because she is done with school or the Lachesis.
We will be leaving for 1 week tomorrow -- so if you don't get a reply it is because we are away. If there is a remedy you want me to take, let me know before 7:00 am tomorrow.
Thanks so much,
l471530 last decade
Hi Dee,
Please continue to wait, and update me after you return.
Order Lachesis 200c to be used when you come back.
Please continue to wait, and update me after you return.
Order Lachesis 200c to be used when you come back.
sameervermani last decade
Since I do not have Lachesis 200c -- I will order and report when I return from my trip.
l471530 last decade
My daughter spent time traveling with her Aunt this summer and so she just took the Lachesis 200C two weeks before school started. She did wonderfully. She seems more pleasant, more relaxed and is more social. She has gone shopping with her friends and she has even gone out with us. She has organized and cleaned her room (a big feat). She even has gone to school and has not had any anxiety or phobias issues.
Do you advise a wait and see approach? Will she still need to consider other remedies or is this possibly the 'fix'?
Thank you so much for all you have done -- I can't thank you enough.
Do you advise a wait and see approach? Will she still need to consider other remedies or is this possibly the 'fix'?
Thank you so much for all you have done -- I can't thank you enough.
l471530 last decade
Good to know :)
Wait and watch is always the best policy. Do not give any further doses.
Keep updating, every couple of weeks.
Also, it would be good to have Lachesis 1M at hand, but do not give it without talking to me.
Wait and watch is always the best policy. Do not give any further doses.
Keep updating, every couple of weeks.
Also, it would be good to have Lachesis 1M at hand, but do not give it without talking to me.
sameervermani last decade
Well it's been months now and my daughter is doing quite well in terms of her agrophobia. She has only had one or two times where she felt a little dizzy over the last 4 months and she not only goes to school but she goes out to stores. She seems to not be a scared child anymore. She has really grown up in many ways but I am also wondering if this rememdy could be the cause of her recent weight gain. She has gained 10 lbs and its all in her belly with a lot of cellulite. She has always been proned to some excess in the belly but this is extreme. If you look at her legs and upper body she looks like an avg girl but her stomach...she looks like she is obese. She seems to only eat the same things over and over and won't even try anything else...anything with cheese and pasta. She use to not eat a lot of sweets and now she is them a lot.
Just curious if this is a result of the rememdy.
Just curious if this is a result of the rememdy.
l471530 last decade
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