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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

seeking constitutional remedy

Hi. I am seeking advice of a veteran homeopath as to my constitutional remedy.

I am a female in my later twenties. I have little history of homeopathic treatment. I recently tried to self-diagnose for problems with inflammation of skin, 'excema' and chose arsenicum album. However, now that I have read a bit more about ars and homeopathy, I think that I chose incorrectly. In the past, the only other time I have tried homeopathic medicine is for my acne as teenager (sulph) and for plantar worts (thuja). Again I didn't have a clue about homeopathy and just chose based on condition mentioned on bottle. I can see now this is why I also received no relief using these medicines.

Current physical issues -- mostly skin related.

Some acne, although has mostly cleared through emotional healing and mediation over the years. I don't freak out about the acne like I did in the past, nor do I feel the need to cover my face in make-up. I have a few red bumps on cheeks. Tends to form under jawline now, with larger red filled bumps here.

For about six months now, I have experienced excema on neck, inflammed very itchy skin causes irritated mind. Moved upwards into head, dry red, itchy eyelids and dry flaky itchy scalp and along hairline.

In the past have had extremely itchy skin on arms, some dry raw feeling on inside of fingers that can burn and sting esp on right hand, also between smallest and next to smallest toe on right foot.
I chose Ars from online homeopathic Remedy Finder for excema, based on inflammation/itching and that I feel better in heat, hot bath, hot shower. I took a few doses of ars 6c. After taking, I noticed I felt slightly queasy in stomach and heat there. It also helped to highlight a lot of internal anxiety that I deal with daily. It did not allieviate the itching inflammation dryness of skin. Also there are many mind issues with ars that I do not have. Although there is one of feeling guilty all the time even when I couldn't possibly have committed the crime.

Other physical ailments/issues history:

Mostly ear, nose, throat problems as child. Enough so that I eventually had my tonsils removed maybe around age 7. Also seasonal allergies that would make me sick, took prescription drugs daily for a time, including inhaler and eye drops. Don't remember when I started taking these drugs, but was last taking them in my late teens before I decided to try a natural approach. No longer suffer from seasonal allergies. Other things that come to mind:

- constipation (remember this most problematically as a child)
- chronic fatigue (as teenager)
- hyper-thyroidism (teenager/ early twenties) -
- depression
- feelings of hopelessness
- internal hatred
- anxiety
- fear of being around groups of people or people I do not know
- embarrass easily, feel shame

Seems that one of the biggest issues I am trying to work through at this time is my desire not to reveal much of private and personal emotion. I have been this way for most of my life as long as I can remember. And while I have had many and also close friends, perhaps they would describe that I share little or know little about me or that I am mysterious. However, often people tend to confide in me and feel close to me. I am very sensitive and aware of others. Often I can see what troubles others. I have taken to try to help or counsel others in the past but no longer do this due to overwhelm. I also have very few friends anymore out of overwhelm. I don't want to be completely alone, but because I am overly sensitive and seem to have little boundary, I often seclude myself or limit my interaction. Except at work where I have to be social and outgoing in the service industry.

I am concerned about emotions that I am stuffing and cannot release. I actively work in meditation to heal emotional trauma, however, some things seem so stuck inside myself that trying to pry loose only causes an even greater wall to go up. There is a sort of fear about revealing my sincere nature as if allowing it to be so something life threatening would occur to myself -- the vulnerability so great.

I am afraid of rejection and failure. and that others will lash out of me. I secretly rebel against authority. While I may have openly rebeled against my father as authority figure in teenage years, I find fear and apprehension about speaking my truth with my employer or those around me seemingly of higher nature and also threatens my security.

I don't like to seek the help of others. I prefer to figure things out myself. Although I have been helped by the insights and suggestion from others. It is hard even for me to ask for advice on this forum. However, homeopathy is much more complicated than I originally understood. I also think that it can help to trigger me to work through deep seated issues that I would welcome the release from.

Thank you for your help. Please let me know what other questions would be helpful to answer.
  naturalrelease on 2009-05-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

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