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Nux Vomica:



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Nux Vomica After effects.


I have been using Nux Vomica since last two months taking 6 drops of 200c potency every day. I've got control over my involuntary frequent night emissions. If I stop taking it, the night emission start again.

Are there any after effects of using Nux V 200c contineously??

I am having cold (Flu) since last one month. I've tried many allopathic medicines but this flu is still not cured. Is it because of taking Nux V. Every day?

  Shlha on 2005-02-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
If the symptom returns after stopping the remedy, then your selection is wrong. Find out another remedy that suits better.

Pls mention your symptoms giving more details so that proper remedy can be suggested.

There are no after effects of Nux.V
svchitre 2 decades ago

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