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Anxiety and Panic Attacks
I have just started researching homeopathic medicine as a option for anxiety and panic attacks. I have tried pretty much everything to help ease the anxiety that I have been dealing with for almost 6 years. I have tried conventional medicine which only made matters worse and then onto herbal remedies. The herbal remedies helped but didn't aleviate the problems. I am now trying this.I will try to explain my symptoms as well as possible. I have anxiety about pretty much everything. Mostly in social situations. For example, going to the grocery store, mall, meeting with new people, meetings with new cilents, parties and on and on. The symptoms that I feel are my heart races, extremely shaky, I feel spacey all the time even if I"m not feeling anxiety, fear of situations, anticipation of situations which only makes them worse by the time I get there.
I really need some solid advice. My life has been changed because of this. I am normally a very outgoing person but I have become afraid of situations, people and places. I feel that my life is not what it use to be. Can someone please help me? Please!!!
newbie on 2005-02-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Take Gelsemium 200 for 7 nights before going to bed. Take 5-6 pills on clean tongue and dont eat or drink anything atleast half an hour before or after taking the medicine.
You can take Gelsemium 200 before any important meeting and you should see the improvement immediately.
Please keep posting about your condition. You also need a medicine called "constitutional remedy" to cure your anxiety completely.
I hope this helps,
Take care....
Take Gelsemium 200 for 7 nights before going to bed. Take 5-6 pills on clean tongue and dont eat or drink anything atleast half an hour before or after taking the medicine.
You can take Gelsemium 200 before any important meeting and you should see the improvement immediately.
Please keep posting about your condition. You also need a medicine called "constitutional remedy" to cure your anxiety completely.
I hope this helps,
Take care....
magicure 2 decades ago
Thank you for the info. I should also ad that I ordered some homeopathic medicine that was made specifically for anxiety/depression. I guess I should have probably said this before. Here are the following ingredients:
Agnus castus 3x, Gelsemium 6x, Ignatis 3x, kali phos 3x, lycopodium 6x, passiflora 3x, lactose.
Also got some for nervousness, ingredients: Cinchona 3x, ignatia 3x, kali phos 3X, phosphoricum acidum 3x, lactose.
Will this work for my symptoms? should I also add to this remedy Gelsemium 200?
Agnus castus 3x, Gelsemium 6x, Ignatis 3x, kali phos 3x, lycopodium 6x, passiflora 3x, lactose.
Also got some for nervousness, ingredients: Cinchona 3x, ignatia 3x, kali phos 3X, phosphoricum acidum 3x, lactose.
Will this work for my symptoms? should I also add to this remedy Gelsemium 200?
newbie 2 decades ago
The concoction of various medicines ,you are talking about is not homeopathy.It is a gross abuse of the name of homeopathy,on allopathic lines.
The concoction will do you more harm than good.Throw them away,and rely on a single medicine at a time therapy.
Start with what Magicure has suggested.
The concoction will do you more harm than good.Throw them away,and rely on a single medicine at a time therapy.
Start with what Magicure has suggested.
bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Really? Well, thats somewhat scary. Thank you for the information, I will discontinue immediately.
So the "Constitutional Remedy" where exactly can I find this? I've searched for it through this site and haven't seemed to find it. Also, is that all that I should take is the constitutional remedy daily and the Gelsemium for 7 nights?
Thank you again for all the help
So the "Constitutional Remedy" where exactly can I find this? I've searched for it through this site and haven't seemed to find it. Also, is that all that I should take is the constitutional remedy daily and the Gelsemium for 7 nights?
Thank you again for all the help
newbie 2 decades ago
a homeopathic constitutional remedy is one that matches your personality traits when you have symptoms.
A trained homeopath will talk to you and find out what your constitutional remedy is.
a homeopathic constitutional remedy is one that matches your personality traits when you have symptoms.
A trained homeopath will talk to you and find out what your constitutional remedy is.
parachute 2 decades ago
Hi Newbie,
As Parachute has said, constitutional remedy is the specific remedy for you which is chosen after studying ALL the aspects ( Mental, physical and emotional) of your personality.
Right now , dont worry about it , just take Gelsemium, and post back how you feel.
We can find out your constitutional remedy after that.
Take care....
As Parachute has said, constitutional remedy is the specific remedy for you which is chosen after studying ALL the aspects ( Mental, physical and emotional) of your personality.
Right now , dont worry about it , just take Gelsemium, and post back how you feel.
We can find out your constitutional remedy after that.
Take care....
magicure 2 decades ago
Okay I will try the Gelsemium and keep you posted on how I feel. Thank you so much for the help
naydies 2 decades ago
Magicure -
I received the Gelsemium but got the granules instead of the pills. Should I still take 5-6? They are very, very small.
I received the Gelsemium but got the granules instead of the pills. Should I still take 5-6? They are very, very small.
newbie 2 decades ago
They are just another size of pellet, called granules. It is the same remedy, same treatment. Follow instructions you have been given.
Blessings, Sabra
Blessings, Sabra
♡ sabra 2 decades ago
Alright, I have been taken Gelsemium 200c for 7 nights now. Honestly, I really dont see any major difference. I guess I feel somewhat better. A strange thing is I cried twice in the past 7 days about nothing really. I'm not much of a crier so that was strange. It may have just been circumstancial but I though I should at least include it.
I did take the Homeopathic Software questionairre from this site. The first time that I took it it said to take Phosphorous but the second time it said sulfur.
So what do I do now?
I did take the Homeopathic Software questionairre from this site. The first time that I took it it said to take Phosphorous but the second time it said sulfur.
So what do I do now?
newbie 2 decades ago
Please wait for a few more days before we evaluate the effects of remedy.
Homoeopathic remedies have a long lasting effect. So the remedy continues acting for several days.
We will wait and watch till this weekend , and then evaluate your case again.
Why did you cry? under what circumstances? How did you cope up with social situations? Did you try taking the remedy just before an important meeting etc?
Please keep posting about how you feel , about your sleep, any changes in your appetite, or any other physical symptoms.
Take care...
Please wait for a few more days before we evaluate the effects of remedy.
Homoeopathic remedies have a long lasting effect. So the remedy continues acting for several days.
We will wait and watch till this weekend , and then evaluate your case again.
Why did you cry? under what circumstances? How did you cope up with social situations? Did you try taking the remedy just before an important meeting etc?
Please keep posting about how you feel , about your sleep, any changes in your appetite, or any other physical symptoms.
Take care...
magicure 2 decades ago
I just cried. The Circumstances were just not feeling well, just unhappy I guess. There really weren't any circumstances exactly I just wanted to tell you because I thought that may have an affect with something.
Social situations, I seem to be feeling the same way really. I guess maybe not as overwhelmed by them but still the same. I have not tried taking the remedy before a meeting because I didn't know if I could double the dose during a day. Can I do that? Take some at night and then during the day if I start feeling anxious?
I feel the same really, my sleep has been the same. I have always had vivid dreams. Dreams that seem so real I sometimes wake up and wonder if it really happened or not. They have no changed since starting the Gelsemium.
My appetite has not changed since starting either. In the past six months though I have started craving sweets and junk food. I eat extremely healthy, try to stick to veggies, fruits, organic foods, whole wheats, lots of water and such. But in the past six months I have been craving and eating more junk food than I ever have before. Not quit sure if the winter blues have something to do with this or not.
Physical symptoms, nothing has changed since starting the Gelsenium either.
I will continue and post again this weekend
Thanks again
Social situations, I seem to be feeling the same way really. I guess maybe not as overwhelmed by them but still the same. I have not tried taking the remedy before a meeting because I didn't know if I could double the dose during a day. Can I do that? Take some at night and then during the day if I start feeling anxious?
I feel the same really, my sleep has been the same. I have always had vivid dreams. Dreams that seem so real I sometimes wake up and wonder if it really happened or not. They have no changed since starting the Gelsemium.
My appetite has not changed since starting either. In the past six months though I have started craving sweets and junk food. I eat extremely healthy, try to stick to veggies, fruits, organic foods, whole wheats, lots of water and such. But in the past six months I have been craving and eating more junk food than I ever have before. Not quit sure if the winter blues have something to do with this or not.
Physical symptoms, nothing has changed since starting the Gelsenium either.
I will continue and post again this weekend
Thanks again
newbie 2 decades ago
Yes , you can take it also during the day , and before any important meeting.
I would rather suggest you to try it before you have to face any important social/ professional situation.
You should be able to see immediate results.
I would post a questionnaire here. Please answer all the questions in detail.
And yes , good that you told us about your mood ( crying etc...) It really is important in homoeopathic practice to know all the mental symptoms and dreams etc.
So please describe your dreams in details while you answer the questionnaire.
Take care...
Yes , you can take it also during the day , and before any important meeting.
I would rather suggest you to try it before you have to face any important social/ professional situation.
You should be able to see immediate results.
I would post a questionnaire here. Please answer all the questions in detail.
And yes , good that you told us about your mood ( crying etc...) It really is important in homoeopathic practice to know all the mental symptoms and dreams etc.
So please describe your dreams in details while you answer the questionnaire.
Take care...
magicure 2 decades ago
I found this questionnaire in another post so I figured I would use this. Hope it works
1.What is the main reason you need treatment?
Mainly, because I have tried everything from modern medicine, herbal supplements, vitamins, healthy lifestyle, hypnosis and so to try and help with anxiety, panic attacks and depression with only a small amount of improvement. It has changed my life in so many different ways. I no longer feel like myself. I feel like Im not living my life completely because anxiety stops me.
2. Describe your complaints giving the following details:
a. What does it feel like?
Heart racing, sweating, extreme shaking all over, the feeling that I just want to leave the situation as soon as possible, foggy headed like Im in a dream, lack of concentration, low self esteem, continually worried, somewhat paranoid, scared, sadness
b. When does it happen?
When I am put into social situations, standing in lines, in rooms full of people, meeting new people, in stores that are busy, when Im under stress, before my period it seems to be worse, strangely every six months it also gets worse but lessens somewhat inbetween
c. What sort of things make it worse?
Social situations, drinking alcohol the night before makes it terrible, lack of sleep, lack of healthy eating, if things around me arent going as I would want them to, caffeine, not feeling good about myself
d. What sort of things make it better?
Exercise, healthy eating, sleep, sad to say this but alcohol helps in certain situations, when I drink less caffeine, fresh air, nature, driving in my car seems to really relax me
e. What else was happening when it first appeared?
f. Describe the quality of the pain, being as creative as you can. How would someone else imagine the pain happening to them?
Just the feeling of terror, being scared and wanting to run, humiliation, embarrassment, shaking, sweating, from these comes sadness
h. Do any other symptoms occur immediately before, during or after?
3. What illnesses have you had in the past?
Really non except for the common cold, flu, I recently had a cyst removed from one of my ovaries
4. What illnessess run in the family?
My grandmother was recently diagnosed with dimentia, my mother and grandmother have epithelial tremors (dont know if that is spelled correctly),
5. What do people die from in the family?
Old age, none of my grandparents died from anything specific, just old age
6. What medication are you on?
I am on no medications, only herbal supplements and I take a daily multi-vitamin
7. What foods do you crave, whether you allow yourself to eat them or not? List from the strongest craving to the weakest.
Just recently these cravings started: greasy food such as cheeseburgers, French fries, pizza, chocolate and sweets.
8. What foods do you have an aversion to? (hatred or repulsion for)
Not really anything
9. What is your level of thirst, and what do you prefer to drink?
I am always thirsty, I prefer water but I also drink diet sodas quit a bit, that is really all that I drink
10. What foods aggravate you? (including allergies)
coffee, actually nothing really
11. Do you suffer from any digestive complaints? What is your bowel habit like?
I get constipated quit a bit. I usually do a colon cleanse once a month for a couple of days because I am not regular.
12. What is your level of energy like? Rate it from 1-10 (10 being excellent). How does your energy fluctuate throughout the day (and night)?
Morning is about a 7, afternoon around 4 or 5 is about a 4 and evening I wake right back up to about a 9
13. What is your level of sexual energy like?
It is fine, goes from high to low. Seems pretty normal
14. How is your sleep? What position do you prefer to sleep in? Is there any position you cannot sleep in? Any unusual behaviour during sleep?
My sleep is good. I sleep a full 8-9 hours a night. I prefer sleeping on my side or on my stomach. If I cant fall asleep I will sleep on my back for some reason that helps me to fall asleep
15. Have you had any reoccurring dreams or images/ pictures/ themes that repeat themselves in your dreams? Please describe.
I dont have any reoccurring dreams but I do have extremely vivid dreams. My dreams actually affect my days sometimes. My dreams are so real to me sometimes that If its a bad dream I will wake up and feel sad or scared all day. I also will be dreaming and physically trying to get myself out of the dream. I will wake up shaking from side to side as if Im trying to wiggle out. The strange thing is that in my dream Im well aware that Im trying to get myself out of the dream. Also, sometimes I can control my dreams and make them go the way that I want.
16. Describe your menses (periods). Describe any PMS. Have you been through menopause? Any gynecological problems?
My period usually last 5-7 days. Six months ago I went off birth control which I was on for a year and since then I have my period once every three months. I have premenstrual symptoms for about a month prior. My period have never been on time but they have never been this late. I have no been through menopause and I have no gynecological problems
17. How does the weather affect you? Are you sensitive to the temperature in any way?
I get cold very easily. During the winter I get depressed due to lack of sunshine and warmth. Although I love the winter.
18. Is there anything else in the environment you are sensitive to, perhaps more so than the people around you?
19. What is the worst thing that has ever happened to you? Describe in detail.
I got pregnant a few years ago. I did not have a child. I really don't want to describe it in detail in this forum. Sorry
20. What part of your life do you have the most difficulty coping with? Why is that?
I have problems dealing with past relationship, including friends and boyfriends, I always seem to think that when a relationship ends its my fault although its not always my fault. I tend to put the blaim on myself.
21. What was your childhood like? Describe your parents and your relationship with them. Describe your relationship with your siblings and other extended family members. Did anything in your childhood have a profound effect on you?
My childhood was wonderful. My parents are great and I consider them as best friends and great parents. My brother and I use to not be close. Within the past 4 years we have become good friends and understand each other better. Extended family is quite a far distance away so we are lucky to see them once a year. Honestly, Im never really excited to see them. I use to not be that way but I feel somewhat insuperior to them and feel uncomfortable seeing them.
22. Describe the romantic relationship you are currently in. What causes the most problems between you?
23. What is your occupation? What differentiates you from the other people in your place of employment? What difficulties do you have at work?
I work in computer design. I own my own business and work from home so I have no colleagues. Difficulties with work, dealing with customers sometimes. I get frustrated very easily.
24. What is your self-confidence like? When is your confidence at its worst?
I feel like my confidence is low. My confidence is at its worst when Im not taking care of myself or I feel that something in my life isnt going as planned. I feel like a failure when I am in the company of people that I feel have everything or have accomplished careers
25. What fears do you have? Do you have any phobias? What things in life do you have trouble facing?
Im scared of Freaking out infront of others when I panic, Im scared of places filled with people, one strange phobia that I have is Im scared to write infront of people because I get scared and start to shake which in turn makes me panic more, Im scared of speaking infront of people, I feel uncomfortable when people stare at me, I dont like standing in line, Im scared of people seeing me shake and sweat when I panic
26. What parts of yourself or your life would you change if it were at all possible?
Anxiety, Panic attacks, low self esteem, I would live life to the fullest, give to others more, help others more, see more of the world, fulfill all my dreams, believe in myself more,
27. What do you do to relax?
Driving helps me relax, go for a walk, read, take a bath or a shower, drink tea,
28. What is something that you have told nobody else, or at least very few people? Why is that?
That I have anxiety and a panic disorder. I try not to tell anyone unless they find out by seeing me panic. I am very ashamed that I'm dealing with this. Its embarassing for me and I don't want people looking at me thinking, "oh is she having a panic attack?"
1.What is the main reason you need treatment?
Mainly, because I have tried everything from modern medicine, herbal supplements, vitamins, healthy lifestyle, hypnosis and so to try and help with anxiety, panic attacks and depression with only a small amount of improvement. It has changed my life in so many different ways. I no longer feel like myself. I feel like Im not living my life completely because anxiety stops me.
2. Describe your complaints giving the following details:
a. What does it feel like?
Heart racing, sweating, extreme shaking all over, the feeling that I just want to leave the situation as soon as possible, foggy headed like Im in a dream, lack of concentration, low self esteem, continually worried, somewhat paranoid, scared, sadness
b. When does it happen?
When I am put into social situations, standing in lines, in rooms full of people, meeting new people, in stores that are busy, when Im under stress, before my period it seems to be worse, strangely every six months it also gets worse but lessens somewhat inbetween
c. What sort of things make it worse?
Social situations, drinking alcohol the night before makes it terrible, lack of sleep, lack of healthy eating, if things around me arent going as I would want them to, caffeine, not feeling good about myself
d. What sort of things make it better?
Exercise, healthy eating, sleep, sad to say this but alcohol helps in certain situations, when I drink less caffeine, fresh air, nature, driving in my car seems to really relax me
e. What else was happening when it first appeared?
f. Describe the quality of the pain, being as creative as you can. How would someone else imagine the pain happening to them?
Just the feeling of terror, being scared and wanting to run, humiliation, embarrassment, shaking, sweating, from these comes sadness
h. Do any other symptoms occur immediately before, during or after?
3. What illnesses have you had in the past?
Really non except for the common cold, flu, I recently had a cyst removed from one of my ovaries
4. What illnessess run in the family?
My grandmother was recently diagnosed with dimentia, my mother and grandmother have epithelial tremors (dont know if that is spelled correctly),
5. What do people die from in the family?
Old age, none of my grandparents died from anything specific, just old age
6. What medication are you on?
I am on no medications, only herbal supplements and I take a daily multi-vitamin
7. What foods do you crave, whether you allow yourself to eat them or not? List from the strongest craving to the weakest.
Just recently these cravings started: greasy food such as cheeseburgers, French fries, pizza, chocolate and sweets.
8. What foods do you have an aversion to? (hatred or repulsion for)
Not really anything
9. What is your level of thirst, and what do you prefer to drink?
I am always thirsty, I prefer water but I also drink diet sodas quit a bit, that is really all that I drink
10. What foods aggravate you? (including allergies)
coffee, actually nothing really
11. Do you suffer from any digestive complaints? What is your bowel habit like?
I get constipated quit a bit. I usually do a colon cleanse once a month for a couple of days because I am not regular.
12. What is your level of energy like? Rate it from 1-10 (10 being excellent). How does your energy fluctuate throughout the day (and night)?
Morning is about a 7, afternoon around 4 or 5 is about a 4 and evening I wake right back up to about a 9
13. What is your level of sexual energy like?
It is fine, goes from high to low. Seems pretty normal
14. How is your sleep? What position do you prefer to sleep in? Is there any position you cannot sleep in? Any unusual behaviour during sleep?
My sleep is good. I sleep a full 8-9 hours a night. I prefer sleeping on my side or on my stomach. If I cant fall asleep I will sleep on my back for some reason that helps me to fall asleep
15. Have you had any reoccurring dreams or images/ pictures/ themes that repeat themselves in your dreams? Please describe.
I dont have any reoccurring dreams but I do have extremely vivid dreams. My dreams actually affect my days sometimes. My dreams are so real to me sometimes that If its a bad dream I will wake up and feel sad or scared all day. I also will be dreaming and physically trying to get myself out of the dream. I will wake up shaking from side to side as if Im trying to wiggle out. The strange thing is that in my dream Im well aware that Im trying to get myself out of the dream. Also, sometimes I can control my dreams and make them go the way that I want.
16. Describe your menses (periods). Describe any PMS. Have you been through menopause? Any gynecological problems?
My period usually last 5-7 days. Six months ago I went off birth control which I was on for a year and since then I have my period once every three months. I have premenstrual symptoms for about a month prior. My period have never been on time but they have never been this late. I have no been through menopause and I have no gynecological problems
17. How does the weather affect you? Are you sensitive to the temperature in any way?
I get cold very easily. During the winter I get depressed due to lack of sunshine and warmth. Although I love the winter.
18. Is there anything else in the environment you are sensitive to, perhaps more so than the people around you?
19. What is the worst thing that has ever happened to you? Describe in detail.
I got pregnant a few years ago. I did not have a child. I really don't want to describe it in detail in this forum. Sorry
20. What part of your life do you have the most difficulty coping with? Why is that?
I have problems dealing with past relationship, including friends and boyfriends, I always seem to think that when a relationship ends its my fault although its not always my fault. I tend to put the blaim on myself.
21. What was your childhood like? Describe your parents and your relationship with them. Describe your relationship with your siblings and other extended family members. Did anything in your childhood have a profound effect on you?
My childhood was wonderful. My parents are great and I consider them as best friends and great parents. My brother and I use to not be close. Within the past 4 years we have become good friends and understand each other better. Extended family is quite a far distance away so we are lucky to see them once a year. Honestly, Im never really excited to see them. I use to not be that way but I feel somewhat insuperior to them and feel uncomfortable seeing them.
22. Describe the romantic relationship you are currently in. What causes the most problems between you?
23. What is your occupation? What differentiates you from the other people in your place of employment? What difficulties do you have at work?
I work in computer design. I own my own business and work from home so I have no colleagues. Difficulties with work, dealing with customers sometimes. I get frustrated very easily.
24. What is your self-confidence like? When is your confidence at its worst?
I feel like my confidence is low. My confidence is at its worst when Im not taking care of myself or I feel that something in my life isnt going as planned. I feel like a failure when I am in the company of people that I feel have everything or have accomplished careers
25. What fears do you have? Do you have any phobias? What things in life do you have trouble facing?
Im scared of Freaking out infront of others when I panic, Im scared of places filled with people, one strange phobia that I have is Im scared to write infront of people because I get scared and start to shake which in turn makes me panic more, Im scared of speaking infront of people, I feel uncomfortable when people stare at me, I dont like standing in line, Im scared of people seeing me shake and sweat when I panic
26. What parts of yourself or your life would you change if it were at all possible?
Anxiety, Panic attacks, low self esteem, I would live life to the fullest, give to others more, help others more, see more of the world, fulfill all my dreams, believe in myself more,
27. What do you do to relax?
Driving helps me relax, go for a walk, read, take a bath or a shower, drink tea,
28. What is something that you have told nobody else, or at least very few people? Why is that?
That I have anxiety and a panic disorder. I try not to tell anyone unless they find out by seeing me panic. I am very ashamed that I'm dealing with this. Its embarassing for me and I don't want people looking at me thinking, "oh is she having a panic attack?"
newbie 2 decades ago
Hi Newbie,
1. When did you start suffering from these complaints? Any specific experience/ disease/ situation after which you started getting thses symptoms?
2. Constiapation: hard/ soft stools? straining? acidity/ gases/ belching... ?
any other digestive problem ?
Describe your tongue ( dry/ moist/ cracked/ pink/ red/ black/ takes marks of teeth etc...)
3.Dreams : desribe your dreams in detail. What do you see in dreams?
4.Menses : Colour ( red/ dark/ black/ pale...) Consistancy ( watery/ thick/ clots/ stringy...) Offensive? Stains are easy to wash ?
5. Do you wear more/ less woolen clothes than others? Do you prefer hot/cold water bath?
6.Pregnancy complication?
this information is for finding out your constitutional remedy which will help you not only with the panic attacks , but also with indigestion, irregular menses etc...
If you dont feel comfortable to write on this forum, you can write to me at
magicureforyou at yahoo dot com
take care...
1. When did you start suffering from these complaints? Any specific experience/ disease/ situation after which you started getting thses symptoms?
2. Constiapation: hard/ soft stools? straining? acidity/ gases/ belching... ?
any other digestive problem ?
Describe your tongue ( dry/ moist/ cracked/ pink/ red/ black/ takes marks of teeth etc...)
3.Dreams : desribe your dreams in detail. What do you see in dreams?
4.Menses : Colour ( red/ dark/ black/ pale...) Consistancy ( watery/ thick/ clots/ stringy...) Offensive? Stains are easy to wash ?
5. Do you wear more/ less woolen clothes than others? Do you prefer hot/cold water bath?
6.Pregnancy complication?
this information is for finding out your constitutional remedy which will help you not only with the panic attacks , but also with indigestion, irregular menses etc...
If you dont feel comfortable to write on this forum, you can write to me at
magicureforyou at yahoo dot com
take care...
magicure 2 decades ago
1. They started about six years ago. I had just recently had a serious relationship end in a very painful way. I don't know if it had to do with that or not but shortly after that I started becoming anxious and having panic attacks. It wasn't all that bad but has progressively gotten worse. It has now gotten to the point that I anticipate panicing which makes me panic once I get there. Also, once I panic during a certain situation I avoid that situation at all costs because I am scared that it will happen again.
2. hard stools, yes I have to strain, I do have gas and i do belch alot. My tongue usually feels dry in the morning but is moist throughout the day. My tongue is pink with white ontop. I brush the top of it everyday when I brush my teeth but it doesn't get rid of the whiteness.
3. I mainly see people and situations. I guess I can't really think of a dream off hand. They are always bizzare, leading from one story to another and people change into other people, sometimes they are scary, sometimes they are funny, sometimes they are sad, I don't really have nightmares all that often. If I do have a nightmare though I will have upsetting dreams for the following few nights. They usually come in groups.
4. My periods are dark red, I rarely have clots but do occassionaly, my period is usually thick to watery. The stains are easy to wash
5. I do wear woolen clothes, I don't know if I wear it more often than others, possibly yes. I prefer burning hot showers. My skin is usally bright red when I get out of the shower because I prefer them extremely hot.
6. I will email you about
2. hard stools, yes I have to strain, I do have gas and i do belch alot. My tongue usually feels dry in the morning but is moist throughout the day. My tongue is pink with white ontop. I brush the top of it everyday when I brush my teeth but it doesn't get rid of the whiteness.
3. I mainly see people and situations. I guess I can't really think of a dream off hand. They are always bizzare, leading from one story to another and people change into other people, sometimes they are scary, sometimes they are funny, sometimes they are sad, I don't really have nightmares all that often. If I do have a nightmare though I will have upsetting dreams for the following few nights. They usually come in groups.
4. My periods are dark red, I rarely have clots but do occassionaly, my period is usually thick to watery. The stains are easy to wash
5. I do wear woolen clothes, I don't know if I wear it more often than others, possibly yes. I prefer burning hot showers. My skin is usally bright red when I get out of the shower because I prefer them extremely hot.
6. I will email you about
newbie 2 decades ago
Hi, I'm new to this forum as well and suffer from many of the symptoms you've described including digestion problems. I'm looking for a homeopathic cure after trying traditional medicine that gave me unwanted side effects. After reading your post I was wondering how the Gelsemiun ended up working for you? Would you recommend it to others. Thanks & hope your feeling better.
robin2az last decade
It actually didn't really work for me. It made me feel worse I thought. I'm now trying natrum mur and it seems to be helping a bit but not sure about that either. Possibly, its too soon to tell. Have you asked others in here about your symptoms?
newbie last decade
I use gelsemium quite a bit. I'm also a computer programmer who works from home. Now I'm NOT a homeopath, but my mums training and I can relate to your situation quite well.
May I suggest you go and see a homeopath to talk it through as I would say from what I've read that Gelsemium may have been working on you but there's a deeper problem that it's not getting too. Higher doses such as 1m/10m are often used for deeper emotional problems but these should never be taken like an asprin.
I think you need to investigate Sepia , very good for women who get weepy and crave junk food... trust me I know ;) especially useful when PMT rears it's ugly head.
And staphisagria is often used to help with will power. but again I suggest you talk to a homeopath, they're well worth the money. Obviously I've got my Mum and the fact that she's learning homeopathy and she knows me so well means I get very apprporiate remedys quickly.
May I suggest you go and see a homeopath to talk it through as I would say from what I've read that Gelsemium may have been working on you but there's a deeper problem that it's not getting too. Higher doses such as 1m/10m are often used for deeper emotional problems but these should never be taken like an asprin.
I think you need to investigate Sepia , very good for women who get weepy and crave junk food... trust me I know ;) especially useful when PMT rears it's ugly head.
And staphisagria is often used to help with will power. but again I suggest you talk to a homeopath, they're well worth the money. Obviously I've got my Mum and the fact that she's learning homeopathy and she knows me so well means I get very apprporiate remedys quickly.
vertangie last decade
Hello there,
I am having similar symptoms and I am on a sick-leave for almost two weeks because of a panic-attack. I also went off of the pill about four months ago, I'm sure that has something to do with the increase in my problems. Also, I'm 33 and unmarried, and I'm feeling stressed about the expectations regarding marriage and children. I moved in with a man four months ago and it's very hard to adjust. I keep getting sick and can't shake it, can't get well, and I lay in bed awake quite often.
Did you say that you used to be sociable, and now you're not?
from Katy
I am having similar symptoms and I am on a sick-leave for almost two weeks because of a panic-attack. I also went off of the pill about four months ago, I'm sure that has something to do with the increase in my problems. Also, I'm 33 and unmarried, and I'm feeling stressed about the expectations regarding marriage and children. I moved in with a man four months ago and it's very hard to adjust. I keep getting sick and can't shake it, can't get well, and I lay in bed awake quite often.
Did you say that you used to be sociable, and now you're not?
from Katy
canadiankaty last decade
As there are a number of remedies for anxiety, start with Arsenicum album and see if it fits your personality. Then see a qualified Hpath to get rid of your problem, because there is more to this than just taking something.
Regards all.
Regards all.
parachute last decade
I have had panic disorder since 1974. I have monitered myself and have come to the definite conclusion as I did in 1976 that allergies, seasonal allergies, tree pollen, grasses set of my panic. It is simple and clear. I am sure I am not alone but I see not much mention of this on the lists or the web.
tauber last decade
hi all i use my allopathic madicins for my nervouessness and panic attack which i feel my job place i m cashier there when i see the people arround me i feel dizzy nervousness pancy i use allpathic madicin(apo alpraz)called xanics)i feel very better when itake my allopathic madicins . do we have good homeopathic madicin in our homeopathic materia madica) like (ignatia)for womens i study ignatia for my self..wht your suggestion??? thanks ..i think my nervous system going weak beacuse for my blood p too..
uzma khanum last decade
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