The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Pus cells on Tonsils
Dear Doctors,My daughter, 3.5 yrs old has visable pus cells on her tonsils, she also has inflamed tonsils, by which she is prone to catch cold and fever every month, specially when she is exposed to a group of children in school. He eating habits are limited to liquid diet and very little solid. Can you please let me know a remedy.
indhawk on 2009-07-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
please give your child 4 doses of mercurius sol 30c daily at a gap of every 3 hours for 2 days and report back.
What is one dose?
If you have mercurius sol 30c dilution
Add 2 drops of mercurius sol 30c dilution to some 100 ml water. 1 tsf from this water is one dose.
If you have mercurius sol pills
one dose is 2 pills
Please follow homeo restrictions like don't give her anything to eat or drink 15 minutes before or after giving medicine, she should not eat raw onion or garlic, no coffee.
What is one dose?
If you have mercurius sol 30c dilution
Add 2 drops of mercurius sol 30c dilution to some 100 ml water. 1 tsf from this water is one dose.
If you have mercurius sol pills
one dose is 2 pills
Please follow homeo restrictions like don't give her anything to eat or drink 15 minutes before or after giving medicine, she should not eat raw onion or garlic, no coffee.
♡ kadwa last decade
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