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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

hair fall problem

I am 38 years old male, IT professional. I am suffering with hairfall for last 4-5 years. I believe that the problem started with excessive job related driving. However, 2 years back when driving stopped still the hair fall continued with almost more or less similar pace.

Now my hair is falling rapidly. Whenever I sway my hand in hair 4-5 hair will come in my hand. Now, the baldness is widening on both sides of head and hair have reduced significantly in the centre of the head as well.

Recently, I got my medical check up and there every thing seem normal but T4 count is marginally high i.e. 7.0.
  praveen.a on 2009-07-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hey praveen,
Your T4 count may be 'a' reason for the hair fall but need not be 'the' cause of it. your symptoms are to be qualified more, so try answering the following questions.

Do u have dandruff.

is there itching in the head.

Any lesions or discolouration in the head.

does your hair fall form the root or does it breaks.

If there is itching then when is it more, is it followed by burning, is there any difference with hot/cold water. or any difference with weather etc.

generally use only one kind of shampoo and try using oils like(arnica/jaborandi) in regular basis. answer the questions we will try to get you a medicine.
Best wishes.
Dr. Bagyavasan.k last decade
Thanks for your reply.

I have little dandruff not more. I do not have any itching, lesions at all. Hairfall is directly from root. There is no difference with hot and cold water/ weather.

In fact, I have found that the hair are becoming thinner. And, some hair have become white as well.
praveen.a last decade
hey kindly fill the form below and i will get back to you with your remedy.
1.How often do you get irritated or angry?
a) very often ( )
        b) often ( )
        c) occasionally ( )
        d) never ( )

    2. Very small incidents affect me really badly:
        a) always ( )
        b) sometimes ( )
        c) never ( )

    3. Seek consolation from others for my problems:
a) always/ feel better when consoled ( )
b) never/ problems get aggravated ( )
c) makes no difference ( )
    4. Contradiction aggravates me / I don't like to be opposed:
        a) always ( )
        b) sometimes ( )
        c) never ( )
    5. I am an extrovert/ i mingle with others very easily.
        YES/NO- explain.

    6. Even minor incidents and happenings hurts me a lot.
a) very often ( )  
b) often ( )
c) occasionally ( )
d) never ( )
    7. Such incidents or happenings stays for a very long time in my mind.
YES/NO- explain.

    8. I think of some bitter happenings in my life and brood or dwell on them.
a) always ( )
        b) sometimes ( )
        c) never ( )

    9. I get resolved of my past experiences and bad feelings.
        a) on my own. ( )
        b) with the help of others/ family/ friends. (  )

    10. I am sympathetic
        a) to my own self or problems (  )
        b) to others problems and sufferings. (  )
        c) to nothing. (  )

    11. I am anxious
        a) to meet other new people. (  )
        b) before a presentation / stage performance. (  )                        
        c) during a presentation / stage performance. (  )
        d) after a presentation / stage performance. (  )
        e) for everything that i have to do. (  )
        f) every morning when i get up and think of the days duties. (  )
        g) never.(  )

    12. My appetite is
        a) good
        b) reduced
        c) poor
        d) very bad

    13.  Thirst/ how many glasses of water you drink a day?
        a) very thirsty
        b) moderate
        c) mild or nil

    14. sweat
        a) profuse
        b) little
        c) which part of the body you sweat the most-
        d) does you sweat has any odor or does it stain you clothes-

    15. Cravings: Those food items which you long for/ which you cannot resist eating.

    16. Aversions: Those food items which drives you away form them/ those which you don like at all.

    17. Disagrees: Those food items which does not agree with your body, if yes then explain what happens when you eat them?

    18. Bowel and bladder: How many times you pass stool and urine in a day? any difficulties associated with that- explain.

    19. Menstrual history:
        a) no. of days of flow:
        b) nature of flow (eg: clots) :
        c) profuse/ scanty :
        d) other aches/ pains associated with menstruation:

    20. Did you suffer form any illness like TB, Asthma, Diabetes, Hypertension, Cardiac complaints, and Jaundice.

    21. Did you undergo any surgery in the past?
        a) if s for what and how long did you stay in the hospital?

        b) Was there any blood transfusion done before, during or after the surgery?

        c) Were there any complications associated with the surgery?

    22. Please do elaborate / detail the present complaint with which you are suffering from. Like when it started, how it has progressed and when the complaint is more and how do you feel better etc.

Note: Please be true to yourself while answering the questionnaire.
         Try to explain with 'WH' questions ( when, what , where, how and why) were ever necessary.
Dr. Bagyavasan.k last decade
Thanks for your reply. I am hereby enclosing detailed information on Qs:

1.How often do you get irritated or angry?
a) very often ( )
b) often ( )
c) occasionally ( )
d) never ( )
Answer : Often

2. Very small incidents affect me really badly:
a) always ( )
b) sometimes ( )
c) never ( )
Answer : Sometimes

3. Seek consolation from others for my problems:
a) always/ feel better when consoled ( )
b) never/ problems get aggravated ( )
c) makes no difference ( )
Answer : never/ problems get aggravated

4. Contradiction aggravates me / I don't like to be opposed:
a) always ( )
b) sometimes ( )
c) never ( )
Answer : Sometimes

5. I am an extrovert/ i mingle with others very easily.
YES/NO- explain.
Answer : Yes. I get on with others very easily. Though, normally I do not initiate the dialogue.

6. Even minor incidents and happenings hurts me a lot.
a) very often ( )
b) often ( )
c) occasionally ( )
d) never ( )
Answer : Occasionally

7. Such incidents or happenings stays for a very long time in my mind.
YES/NO- explain.
Answer : No. I do not keep minor things for long.

8. I think of some bitter happenings in my life and brood or dwell on them.
a) always ( )
b) sometimes ( )
c) never ( )
Answer : Sometimes.

9. I get resolved of my past experiences and bad feelings.
a) on my own. ( )
b) with the help of others/ family/ friends. ( )
Answer : on my own.

10. I am sympathetic
a) to my own self or problems ( )
b) to others problems and sufferings. ( )
c) to nothing. ( )
Answer : To others problems and sufferings.

11. I am anxious
a) to meet other new people. ( )
b) before a presentation / stage performance. ( )
c) during a presentation / stage performance. ( )
d) after a presentation / stage performance. ( )
e) for everything that i have to do. ( )
f) every morning when i get up and think of the days duties. ( )
g) never.( )
Answer : Never

12. My appetite is
a) good
b) reduced
c) poor
d) very bad
Answer : good

13. Thirst/ how many glasses of water you drink a day?
a) very thirsty
b) moderate
c) mild or nil
Answer : moderate

14. sweat
a) profuse
b) little
c) which part of the body you sweat the most-
d) does you sweat has any odor or does it stain you clothes-
Answer : little, I sweat most in armpits and it has little odor but no stain in clothes.

15. Cravings: Those food items which you long for/ which you cannot resist eating.
Answer : Pizza, some sweet dishes, dosa. I am pure vegetarian.

16. Aversions: Those food items which drives you away form them/ those which you don like at all.
Answer : Non-veg, Tea, coffee.

17. Disagrees: Those food items which does not agree with your body, if yes then explain what happens when you eat them?
Answer : None as such.

18. Bowel and bladder: How many times you pass stool and urine in a day? any difficulties associated with that- explain.
Answer : Normal. Urine - 6-7 times/ day, Stool - Once a day in morning. No difficulties.

19. Menstrual history:
a) no. of days of flow:
b) nature of flow (eg: clots) :
c) profuse/ scanty :
d) other aches/ pains associated with menstruation:
Answer : Not applicable.

20. Did you suffer form any illness like TB, Asthma, Diabetes, Hypertension, Cardiac complaints, and Jaundice.

Answer : None as such.

21. Did you undergo any surgery in the past?
a) if s for what and how long did you stay in the hospital?

b) Was there any blood transfusion done before, during or after the surgery?

c) Were there any complications associated with the surgery?

Answer : None as such.
22. Please do elaborate / detail the present complaint with which you are suffering from. Like when it started, how it has progressed and when the complaint is more and how do you feel better etc.

Answer : Not applicable.

Thanks again.
praveen.a last decade
Thanks for your time in filling the form, you have to follow some general management to maintain your hair, like applying hair oil(arnica hair oil and jaborandi hair oil) are useful, but need not be the same, both are good, try jaborandi first. apply it regularly and wash your hair with cold water, do not change shampoos often, use one kind and not so often as well.

along with this try eating healthy protein rich food, like soya, green peas and green vegetables and fruits more in your food.
The medicine for you is

Phosphorus 200 (liquid/pellets) 4-6 drops/pellets respectively, only in the morning once in every 3 days for 15 days.
Report after 15 days, the things you might note are slight reduction in the hair fall, may be a few new spruts but you may have to wait patiently till you get some results, it is not an over night thing to regain hair grwoth, so please hang on patinetly.
All the best.
Dr. Bagyavasan.k last decade
Thanks for your reply. I will take the suggested medicines and report the progress after 15 days.

Thanks once again.
ankita01 last decade
Dr. Bagyavasan,

Thanks for your reply. I will take the suggested medicines and report the progress after 15 days.

Thanks once again.
praveen.a last decade
It looks like you (praveen.a) and ankita01 are using the same ip address, and also present with hair fall, but i presume that you both share the same computer. anyways keep in mind both conditions are with different presentations and homeopathy treats each individual seperately.
Best wishes.
Dr. Bagyavasan.k last decade
Dr. Bagyavasan,

I have taken 5 doses of Phosphorus 200 so far. I find that there is some change in hairfall. Shall I continue with the same?

Thanks once again.
praveen.a last decade
explain about the changes.
Dr. Bagyavasan.k last decade
Dr. Bagyavasan,

So far, I have taken regular doses of Phosphorus 200 every 3 days. In general, I find that there is some improvement in the hairfall. Meaning that, the hair fall is some what slow now. However, I have noticed that if I pull my hair than 4-5 hair will come in my hand esp. in the centre of the head. These hair are thinner than my average. But, in other areas of the head it is not so. Based on this, I said that there is some change in the rate of hairfall.

Also to add, I have not noticed any new hair growth. And, majority of hair are greying quite fast as well.

Kindly advise.

Thanks once again.
praveen.a last decade
Ok thanks for the details, right take one dose of lycopodium 10M only one dose and then just leave it like that for another 3 weeks. do not take any medicines in this gap. hope things are clear.
Dr. Bagyavasan.k last decade

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