The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Excessive sweat on forehead
Ever since I had a brain operation 10 years back my forehead sweats a lot. It also leads to an oily face. I also sweat in my underarms.I am not sick though I have few nuisance ailments like diabetes, high blood pressure and Raynaud's syndrome. The latter has troubled me a lot. My feet get quite sore and am unable to walk for more than 10 mins and my soles get white if am on my feet.. even standing for a period.
I am taking Lycopus Q, Cratageus Q and syzygium Q alternated with Uranium Nitrate 3x weekly.
Astra can you help me with my excessive sweat?
maya_hari on 2005-02-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
One point i forgot to write .... even in the winter if all the windows are closed i sweat a lot. and am also susceptible to stomach problems and get colitis attacks again n again.
maya_hari 2 decades ago
Maybe sulphur? they don't like to stand and diabetes is there also high blood pressure and sweating.
saltOftheEarth 2 decades ago
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