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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


I need some help with finding a PMS remedy. Based on what I've learned, it seems that Calc carb, Lilium tig, or Lycopodium would be good choices, but I just can't seem to narrow it down to one. I have tried Nux vomica and sepia already with no change, but maybe I wasn't taking enough.

My symptoms begin 2 wks before the period starts--right after ovulation (and gradually increase in intensity), and then continue for a few days into the period (gradually decreasing in intensity). I have impatience, rage (which is usually an internal kind of thing--I may feel like throwing something but I rarely do act out my emotion; often grit my teeth and feel like screaming when I'm "set off"; esp. directed toward my young children and I'm set off by "little things"), irritability, nervous tension, hurriedness (trying to get lots of things done in the most efficient manner and I tend to over-analyze), grouchiness, fatigue (and yet I still have plenty of energy to exercise which usually makes me feel better), ravenous appetite (this cycle I almost thought I had an eating disorder it was so bad), low self-image, gas (immediately after eating, no matter what I just ate). I also have a little bit of a tendency during the PMS time to try and avoid crowds, avoid eye contact because I don't want to be bothered or engage in conversation (esp w/ strangers or rare acquaintances).

I also should mention that I have a slight uterine prolapse, and sometimes that my vagina feels like it's gaping (especially during exercise). I'm currently breastfeeding a 15 month-old as well.

I had been taking the herb Vitex and using natural progesterone cream, which seemed to keep things under control to some extent, but I really want to address the root problem and get my body back in balance. I appreciate any suggestions.
  momof3 on 2005-02-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
If the gas makes your tummy rumble then try Podophyllum ..Potency either 10M 3 tabs one each on consecutive days[ on going to sleep] , or go low and use 3x night and morning for a whole cycle. This is for prolapse
Irritability - Lycopod or Nat mur sound good. Read up on them.
passkey 2 decades ago
Thanks for the reply! Actually, my tummy doesn't rumble at all. I may feel a bit bloated, but I just start passing a lot of gas basically. Should I still try the Podophyllum?
momof3 2 decades ago
I also think lycopodium would help you more.
regards parachute
parachute 2 decades ago
Great--thanks for the input. If I do decide to try the lycopodium (or anything else for that matter), what strength should I use, when should I start taking it, and for how long?
momof3 2 decades ago
I'm still looking for more input; would like to place an order soon (don't really have a local source for homeopathics).

I have about 9 days before the craziness starts again.

momof3 2 decades ago
Hi melissa,
you can order it from this site, say a 200x to start with.
Take this three times in one day, whatever dose is written on the bottle should be fine.
This is energy medicine, not like drugs, so take it untill you feel a reaction, and then take it no more.
This stimulates the immune system back into balance.
Any questions post back here.
parachute 2 decades ago
Great--I probably will order from this site. Do you mean 200C, though? I only see up to 30x.

Oh, and should I wait 'til the PMS kicks in, or go ahead and take it when it gets here?

Thanks again. :)
momof3 2 decades ago
take it before the fireworks start, yes 200c, typeo 200x.
good luck
parachute 2 decades ago
I've been taking the Lycopodium for a day now. I think I can see a little improvment, but the effects seem not to last. For example, I took a dose this a.m. and by afternoon I was starting to get irritable and gassy/bloated (which had been somewhat relieved). Should I keep taking it, or increase the dosage at all?

I have to say that when I read through the symptom list for Lycopodium on this website the other day, I couldn't believe how my symptoms matched--even symptoms that I hadn't thought of to list in my original post.

This has been a weird month (hormonally speaking) because I felt like I never completely came out of the PMS even once my period was over. I am now just past mid-way through the cycle and would expect things to start getting worse...so I'm really hoping that I'm on the right track.
momof3 2 decades ago
Hi Melissa,
when you take a remedy the symptoms aggrovate, so if things get worse , it means you are on the right track. Strange, eh!
this dosn't suppress like drugs do, it brings things to the surface.
Although it may be tough, hang in there and hopefully all the stuff will reach a peak and then die down, untill you need another dose. Don't take anymore for the time being. Keep us posted.
parachute 2 decades ago
Okay, will do. :) Yes, it is kind or confusing; I've been trying to familiarize myself w/ homeopathy for probably 2 years now and it sometimes seems that the more I learn the more confused I get. Thanks so much for your help--I really appreciate it!
momof3 2 decades ago
Just thought I would post an update...

I've had some improvement with gas/bloating. I'm still dealing w/ all of the other symptoms, though. Today I was hurrying around and it got to the point that I felt like I was in a state of panic or something.

How do I know if the remedy is working (even though I still have symptoms) versus the idea that I need to take another dose or a higher dose because I initially saw a little improvment and then reverted back? I'm not sure how to differentiate between those two ideas. Thanks again for the help!

momof3 2 decades ago
Yes, its a curly one, thats why its best to have someone else monitor what your going through.
All I can say is at the moment leave things be for at least two weeks because this takes time to reverse.
I can understand your impatience, but it doesn't just switch off.
If you really don't see much improvement in a couple of weeks then go to a higher potency, same remedy.
parachute 2 decades ago
Okay--that's what I needed to hear. Thanks Parachute. I'll wait it out and will keep you posted.
momof3 2 decades ago
Just thought I would post an update...
I haven't seen any real improvements; in fact I'm pretty much back to the same as I was before. I read through my previous posts, and I remember thinking that I felt better the morning after my first "round" of lyc., but that seems so far away that I wonder if it was real.

The PMS escalated as usual and I started taking Vitex again to keep it under control as the symptoms were effecting not just me but my entire family so negatively. I hope that wasn't a mistake (in that it could have interfered w/ the Lyc.).

I'm just coming out of my period and tried another round of the Lyc. yesterday but no noticeable difference. Except I had developed a small patch of eczema or something on my chin and that seems to have dried up somewhat (that is the least of my concern, though!) I'm much more interested in getting relief from the turmoil all of my emotional symptoms cause (the Vitex does help but I just don't want to be taking something constantly and that's what I have to do w/ the Vitex)

So....do I assume that Lyc. is the correct remedy for me and take a higher dose? (I'm inclined to say it is as my symptoms so closely match the detailed list given on this website). If so, how high--and would I just order a unit dose?

momof3 last decade
Wanted to add that I'm still wondering if I should try the Lilium Tig, or if that would be a mistake. I seem to have some significant symptom matches there too, and read on some other websites that it is good for hormonal-type problems. Any thoughts?
momof3 last decade
I know I haven't given anyone time to respond, but I just wanted to say that I am so confused.

I was just reading more on Nux Vomica. I used this remedy during one of my pregnancies and felt so much better, but whenever I tried it again--like for the PMS--would get no relief.

I know it closely matches my symptoms, too; but I just don't know what to try at this point. Give the Lyc another shot at a higher potency? Try Nux V. at a higher potency? Lilium? I think I'm going to drive myself crazy trying to figure this out.

I really do appreciate that you are willing to share your knowledge here.

momof3 last decade
Hi Melissa, I think if your poor insides straighten up, the rest of you will feel fine.

Please try XANTHIUM SPINOSUM 1M. This remedy heals much of the woman's complaints of the uterus and cystitis. These things cause many difficult conditions in the emotions.

One dose every other day for 3 doses only. Wait and see. Do not take until not taking any other remedy. Wait 3 or 4 day after last remedy.

Please let us know.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra last decade
wow--I've never heard of Xanthium Spinosum before. Do you know where I can order it from? I can't find it on this website. Thanks!

momof3 last decade
I do not have it unfortunately. Go googling and

There are many sites and places to buy.

If I find it, I will let you know.

Anyone else have it??

Blessings, Sabra
sabra last decade
I checked several places yesterday but can't find this remedy anywhere. I also did a Google search for and it turned up very few results :(

momof3 last decade

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