The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Scalp Acne Hair Pulling
Hello,My name is Moe and i have had this problem for about 5 years.
I get scalp acne and when i feel the pain of the pimples, i pull the hair from the pimples. The hair pulled has a white white/clear shaft at then end. I feel a pleasure when i pull the hair from a pimple. I do not feel pleasure when i pull hair without pimple.
I have oily skin on my face body and scalp. I have aniexty and i think too much of things i shouldnt such as fantasies. I smoke cigarettes and marijuana. When i pull my hair through acne on my scalp, i hate doing it and i wish i never did it. its a bad habit. i know if i dont have any acne on my scalp i will not pull my hair. I feel so upset when i get a balp spot from pulling the hairs. i dont know if the bald spots stay forever or temporary. i try not to pop pimples. whats my condition and how can i fix it? i have a strong mind, i just need motivation.
I the pimples are not cystic but they can get large. How do i fix this problem?
ScalpAcneSuX on 2009-09-04
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