The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Severe eczema, bedwetting, cold n blocked nose...
Dr Sameer,Please advise - my son is 7 years old, he suffers from severe eczema, bedwetting every night, has cold every single day with a perpetual blocked nose.
He is milk intolerant so i have started him on half a cup of low fat which seems to be ok - but he very rarely feels hungry and is underweight though his height is as his peers.
He has high myopia, is very interested in reading. he has a mind of his own rarely listens to anything unless reason and explanation is given. very perceptive and understanding once things are explained.
he is de-wormed every six months by giving Zental (allopathic med).
Please doc can u suggest medication for him. It is really sad to see him so thin and falling sick every so often with that eczema on his legs and hands.
anxiousmum on 2009-09-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
anxiousmum last decade
No doc has suggested any remedy for my son as yet. As per Dr mahfooz i have given cina for a week. He had stopped grinding his teeth for 15 days but has re-started again. Is there no remedy for my son's illness ? I have taken him to 3 local homeopaths for a year now but there is no improvemnt at all. Please can anyone help. I have read that applying steroids long term is not good.
anxiousmum last decade
Give him Calcarea Carb 30C , Once Daily in the morning whe he wakes up daily for a week and get back. This will give him a great relief and put smile back on your crying face.
sahej1 last decade
thank u sahej1, will start him on Calcarea Carb 30C first thing 2moro.
anxiousmum last decade
Along with CAlcera Carb as suggested by sahej1, try One dose of BACILLINUM 1000c. One dose is 2 pills of 30 size.
aconite last decade
will do. thank u aconite. is is only one dose once or one dose once daily for a week as well ?
can u clarify please. tnx.
can u clarify please. tnx.
anxiousmum last decade
Dubai2009 last decade
I concur with Dubai2009. Bacillinum is not called for.
Niel Madhavan last decade
As i had some problem getting Calcarea Carb, anyways i did manage to buy it. i hv given the said dose once for exaclty 8 days now. the difference is my son is more cheerful, not sulky. bedwetting, cold, blocked nose, severe eczema is still as is. Please advice.
anxiousmum last decade
looks like there is no cure for my son's problems in homeo. I had taken him to another local homeopath. She gave him allium cepa and sulphur for a week. Absolutely no change. looks like i hv to look for other alternative medicine homeo or chinese
anxiousmum last decade
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