The ABC Homeopathy Forum
eye pain,strabismus, left eye turned toward nose,convergent
Please help me doctors, iam a 24years a college student,i used to study a lot,now i gets eye pain in both eyes when i study for more time,I met last week opthamalogist and checked eye vision he said vision is normal,
Only left eye is moving little towards nose when seeing near objects,so he prescribed eye glasses to use when i study,but i dont want to use it as iam feared ,it may worse,
iam a fat obese person,i like cold weather, less self confidence,little hair falling is there
Madan on 2009-09-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please try the below medicine and report after 2 or 3 weeks:
Spigelia 30 - 1 dose in the morning, only if you have pain on that day.
Calc Phos 6x (called Cell Salts in US or called Bio Chemic in India) and Mag Phos 6x together taken, once or twice a day (4 tablets each) - take this for 2 months
Another very important addition to the above medicine is:
Pancreatin Tablets, immediately after meals. This is sold in regular pharmacy (like Walgreens in US) or Allopathic Medicine shop in India
This improves liver health, which is key to eye pain, per Chinese Medical system. This medicine alone has cured many eye pains wonderfully.
Spigelia 30 - 1 dose in the morning, only if you have pain on that day.
Calc Phos 6x (called Cell Salts in US or called Bio Chemic in India) and Mag Phos 6x together taken, once or twice a day (4 tablets each) - take this for 2 months
Another very important addition to the above medicine is:
Pancreatin Tablets, immediately after meals. This is sold in regular pharmacy (like Walgreens in US) or Allopathic Medicine shop in India
This improves liver health, which is key to eye pain, per Chinese Medical system. This medicine alone has cured many eye pains wonderfully.
♡ Reva V last decade
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